Production of Videographics & Infographics

Diakonia IHL Resource Desk is seeking a consultant to produce 1-3 Videographics and 1-3 Infographics. The consultant will produce the required visual products based on provided materials and guidance from Diakonia legal team.


The program is seeking for the services of a consultant with expertise in producing Videographics and Infographics. In coordination with the IHL Resource Desk Manager the consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Produce 1-3 Videographics & 1-3 Infographics
  • Develop a comprehensive plan of action for producing the Videographics & Infographics content
  • Conduct the necessary background research and follow-ups for the Video/Infographics
  • Edit the Video/Infographics as required
  • Tailor and package key messages to be communicated in the Video/Infographics
  • Provide a final report detailing the process and compilation of research notes with regards to the Video/Infographics.

The consultant will receive the content from Diakonia.


The consultant will develop a workable timeline and work schedule in consultation with the IHL Resource Desk Manager.


  1. Expertise in Videographics & Infographics 
  2. A professional portfolio.
  3. Excellent coordination and team work skills.
  4. Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility WILL BE OF ATMOST IMPORTANCE
  5. Past experience working with non-governmental organization (NGO) and developmental agencies will be an added advantage




How to apply


The consultant (s) shall submit their proposals clearly stating their interpretation of the Terms of Reference, clear work plan and a budget.

Each proposal should include the following:

  • Updated CV
  • Samples of recent work: online portfolios and links to videographic and infographic work.
  • Technical and Finacial proposal on how they intend to carry out the assignment:
    • A timetable that shows the number of days needed with activities
    • A detailed budget of the project

The proposals should be sent by email to the before or by 10 June.

National & International service providers are welcome to apply.

Successful applicant(s) will be duly notified in 2 weeks time.

Wednesday, 10. Jun 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Human Rights & Protection