LRPS-2019-9151834 to Deliver a Master Trainers Programme for Positive Leadership, Positive Team-Building and Employability modules with UNICEF Lebanon

Rationale and overall context of the assignment

UNICEF Life Skills and Citizenship Education (LSCE) Initiative was launched by UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Office in 2016, followed by a public roll-out of the LSCE Framework in October 2017. The LSCE builds the following four learning dimensions of the 21st century:

1) Cognitive Dimension towards ‘Skills for Learning,

2) Instrumental Dimension towards ‘Skills for Employability

3) Individual Dimension towards ‘Skills for Personal Empowerment

4) Social Dimension towards ‘Skills for Active Citizenship’.

Through promoting integration of life skills in learning agendas and systems building, the initiative aims at contributing to better education outcomes, fostering economic development through improved employment and entrepreneurship, and ensuring social cohesion through increased civic engagement.

Over the past two years, UNICEF Country Office Lebanon, deployed three integrated standardised modules in Positive Leadership, Social Cohesion (Positive Team Building) and Positive Employability, to achieve consistent positive engagement and build 1st century skills in beneficiaries



How to apply

Please find attached our reply to received queries for your kind perusal.


UNICEF Lebanon would like to tender to provide services to  Deliver a Master Trainers Programme for Positive Leadership, Positive Team-Building and Employability modules with UNICEF Lebanon as stipulated in the attached LRPS. Hence, I am writing to invite you for submitting your proposal to LRPS-2019-9151834.

You are kindly requested to quote your best price and submit your proposal by e-mail ONLY to: [email protected] not later than 12:00h, 14 October 2019, otherwise it will be considered invalid.


Proposals should be sent by email ONLY to [email protected] in two separate emails not later than 12:00h, 14 October 2019: one email for the technical proposal and one email for the financial proposal.

- Email for technical proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- technical proposal. The email must include: The technical proposal only without prices.

- Email for price proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- price proposal. The email must include: The price proposal.

Proposals sent in another manner will be invalid.


The reference LRPS- 9151834 must be shown in the e-mail's subject.



Please note that any inquiries related to this request will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY ([email protected] & [email protected]) and will not be considered through phone calls.


Please confirm receiving this email and your intention to bid.



Terms of Reference

LRPS 9151834

Monday, 14. Oct 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Education, Research & Studies, Social & Cultural Development, Training & Capacity Building