MEAL Consultancy For Educational Project

The consultancy will respond to the following:

• Ensuring that high-level Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks are developed and implemented to measure the key performance indicators.
• Collect verifiable data using a structured approach to inform and generate actual achievements against targets set.

• Collect performance evaluation and contextual data to verify the intended outcomes on a community level.

• Identify and analyze challenges and draw out key lessons learned and pinpoint good and best practices.


More specific responds:

  1. Students who have entered formal education – how are they doing in their studies? What are their career plans? How has SIAB helped them?
  2. YBLN – how has SIAB helped them? What skills have they learnt? Did any of these girls shift to formal education?
  3. Teachers – how does the training support them? I noticed there were some teachers who left, is there any specific reason for that? Is there anything else they’d want to be trained on?
  4. How are we measuring success? Any behavioural change that has occurred through the project? How has the project contributed towards reduced dropouts amongst refugee children?
  5. Areas of improvement


How to apply

How to apply

Please submit a technical and financial proposal to [email protected] by Oct 11th ensuring that the email titled as follows: “Third Party Monitoring” 

Technical Proposal must be no longer than five pages in Monitoring. Proposed methodology including potential techniques and tools to be used as well as suggested timeline.

• CV of involved staff

• List of previous similar projects undertaken (Reference)


Financial Proposal must include:

• Total fees for carrying out the assignment (inclusive of taxes) and how the costs are broken down including all costs that would be invoiced to URDA.

• Proposed payment plan; and Legal papers of registration. (Commercial, registration, tax documents- if applicable).



Wednesday, 11. Oct 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 Weeks