LRFP-2023-9187381 Audit of the compliance and operation of the Omni processor
LRFP-2023-9187381 Audit of the compliance and operation of the Omni processor
This tender has been extended till 10 January 2024.
How to apply
Proposals should be sent by email ONLY to ([email protected]) not later than 12:00h, 27 December 2023
The Request for Proposal for Services form must be used when replying to this invitation. You are
welcome to enclose your own specifications, if necessary.
Proposals must be sent ONLY to [email protected].
The reference LRFP 2023 9187381 must be shown in the subject email.
Proposals must be sent in two separate emails: one email for the technical proposal and one email for
the financial proposal.
- Email for technical proposal:
Subject line of the email must indicate: RFPS number- name of your company- technical proposal. The
email must include: The technical proposal. The technical proposal does not contain prices.
-Email for price proposal:
Subject line of the email must indicate: RFPS number- name of your company- price proposal. The
email must include: The price proposal.
Proposals sent in another manner will be invalid.
It is important that you read all the provisions of the Request for Proposal for Services to ensure that you
understand and comply with the UNICEF's requirements. Note that failure to submit compliant
proposals may result in invalidation of your proposal.
Please note that any inquiries related to this request will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY
([email protected] & [email protected]) and will not be considered through phone calls.
Kindly make sure that the e-mail mentions the LRPS reference number: LRFP 2023-9187381.