LITB 2024-9193929 for the issuance of LTAs for the supply of Latrine units

UNICEF Lebanon would like to tender for establishing Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for the provision of Latrine units as stipulated in the LITB. Hence, I am writing to invite you for Invitation to Bid  No. (LITB-2024-9193929)

How to apply

***Reply to received queries attached***

UNICEF Lebanon would like to tender for establishing Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for the provision of Latrine units as stipulated in the LITB. Hence, I am writing to invite you for Invitation to Bid  No. (LITB-2024-9193929)


You are kindly requested to quote your best price and submit your proposal by e-mail ONLY to: not later than 12:00h, 08 November 2024; otherwise it will be considered invalid.


The reference LITB-2024-9193929 must be shown in the e-mail's subject.

Quotations sent in another manner will be invalid.

To note that this tender is open only to local companies.


Please note that any inquiries related to this tender will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY ( & by latest Friday 01.11.2024 12:00h and will not be considered through phone calls.

 Kindly make sure that the e-mail mentions the LITB reference number: LITB 2024-9193929.


Annexes attached:

  1. LITB
  2. BoQ
  3. Annex Selection criteria

Please confirm receiving this email and your intention to bid.



Tuesday, 29. Oct 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation, Water sanitation and hygiene