Call for Applications for CSOs under 3RF


The objective of this call for proposals is to empower CSOs operating under the 3RF (including Working Groups, IOB, CG, LFF, etc.) and strengthen their role as advocates for issue-based policy-reforms by focusing on one of the priority areas of the 3RF’s revised framework.  

For this specific call the portfolio consists of USD 300,000 covering up to 6 proposed actions with a budget of up to USD 50,000 each. It targets CSOs operating under the 3RF (including Working Groups, IOB, CG, LFF, etc.). Call targeting CSOs working outside of the 3RF framework will be launched later during the year. 

The following types of activities are eligible:
•    Sector-specific advocacy actions in relevant priority areas of the 3RF’s revised framework;
•    Concrete advocacy actions that focus on policy change at parliament, government, or ministerial/administrative levels;
•    Advocacy actions that adopt participatory and inclusive approaches, creating dialogue and targeting government counterparts, donors, and international and local civil society organizations involved in the 3RF reforms process. 

Attention: Additional research and/or capacity-building activities are encouraged only to the extent that they directly contribute to the action, and each should not constitute more than 15% of the entire action. 

The following types of action are ineligible:
•    stand-alone research or awareness-raising efforts;
•    actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, and congresses;
•    actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses.

CSOs can submit stand-alone applications or applications that are part of a consortia. Specific eligibility criteria for co-applicants and affiliated entities are detailed in the application form. 

In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant or the lead applicant must:
•    be a registered non-profit-making organization that has been involved in the 3RF;
•    have 2 years of experience in project implementation;
•    be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
To successfully submit the application, the applicants must:
(1)    fill in the application form and duly sign it.
(2)    provide a detailed budget using the budget template.
(3)    provide the following set of documents: 
Registration documents 
•    Certificate of registration at the Ministry of the Finance
•    Certificate from the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities 
Financial capacity of the organization
•    Audited financial statement 
•    Management letters
•    Staffing of programs and finance team 
•    Accounting and procurement policy (if available)
•    Bank account details


Applications will be examined and evaluated based on the evaluation grid. External assessors might be involved in the assessment. All applications must adhere to the eligibility and awarding requirements of this call for applications and accompanying documents. 
If the examination of the application reveals that the applicant does not meet the eligibility criteria stated in Section 3 and the applicant didn’t provide corresponding documents, the application will be rejected on this sole basis. 

Awarded actions must subsequently adhere to TI-Lebanon’s Transparent Hearts’ methodology ( ensuring the highest standards of transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability. It is a requirement that all information related to the implementation of awarded grants should be published on the platform. 

Grantees will be also required to participate in the capacity development program which will contribute to their growth at organizational and advocacy levels.

Applicants will also be required to engage and participate in cross-cutting activities under BINA’ project where and when relevant, such as:
o    Coalitions and joint advocacy campaigns
o    Capacity building programs, EU-structured dialogue events, and related activities
o    Use of TI-LB’s digital tools and platforms:
(a)    Multifunctional Portal: an online platform dedicated for CSOs to exchange knowledge, exchange updates on their activities and their operations, to engage with the general public on the reforms they are pushing for, the achievements they are accomplishing, and the challenges they are facing in the context of the 3RF
(b)    School of Governance: an online school with a rich and diverse digital library including self-paced courses that aim to develop knowledge on several topics and laws
(c)    Transparent Hearts: an online platform that CSOs are required to use in order to auto-assess/auto-evaluate the transparency of their work based on TI-LB’s methodology and guidelines, and disclose information related to this action for greater transparency.
Implementing partners should ensure that the basic values and principles commonly shared by the EU (notably concerning racism, incitement to violence, and discrimination based on religion, gender, or sexual orientation) are duly respected and promoted by their proposed actions.

How to apply

Interested organizations are encouraged to submit their documents no later than 1 May 2023 by email to [email protected], specifying “BINA-Call for Applications” in the subject line. 

TI-Lebanon will organize an online information session to provide clarifications before the closing date of the call. Interested applicants are encouraged to send an expression of interest email to [email protected] specifying “BINA-Information session” and details of the information session will follow subsequently. 

The selection committee will select up to 6 project proposals based on the above-mentioned criteria to proceed to the next step. Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to re-apply to the second call for applications that are planned to take place in the second half of 2023. 

Monday, 01. May 2023
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness