Negotiated Procedure Publication / LB-DEL-0014 / Supply and Delivery of Refreshments

Contracting Authority: in the framework of its work on the Lebanese Territory, Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon (TDH IT) has received grants from its different donors UNICEF, OCHA, Italian Cooperation and other private/Institutional donors, for the implementation of several humanitarian actions and intends to apply a portion of these grants to payments under a Framework agreement for the supply and delivery of Refreshment items.

Object of the Agreement: it is the intention of TDH IT to enter into a Framework Agreement, for a period of 12 months, for the provision of IT Equipment.

Selection and Awarding Criteria: The evaluation team shall review and evaluate the Financial and Technical Bids on the basis of their responsiveness to the requirements and technical specifications and the other documentation required/provided:

  1. Price (Criteria 1, weight 70%)
  2. Quality of Material (Criteria 2, weight 20%)
  3. Delivery cost and Lead Time (Criteria 3, weight 5%)
  4. Availability of all the items listed in the quotation form (Criteria 4, Weight 5%)

Bonus Criteria:

Proven experience and technical ability/work certificate with other INGO’s, UN agencies;

Quality and Cleanness of the offer

Additional Bonus to the Bid

TDH IT will conduct the evaluation solely on the basis of the Bids received, as follows:

  1. Preliminary examination including Eligibility:
  1. Bidder Registration in Country; Certificate of registration, Tax and VAT Compliance.
  2. Minimum Three years’ experience in supply and delivery of Refreshments or similar.
  3. Bid Validity Period; Additional experience with NGOs is a bonus.
  1. Evaluation of financial and technical bids:

Bidder’s prices should demonstrate an economically advantageous position for TDH IT;

Quality of products offered; Availability of items listed in the quotation form.

How to apply

How to obtain the Dossier – Negotiated Procedure: The dossier will be available at TDH IT logistics departments in the following offices:

  1. TDH IT Baabda Office: Baabda, Ain St., No. 63 Fouad Najem Bldg. 4th FL.
  2. TDH IT Zahle Office: Ksara, Dallah Bldg. Facing Chatean Ksara, 3rd FL.

Or requested via email: [email protected]

Deadline for Submission of the Bids: 04 November 2020 at 13h00 Local Lebanon Time.

For Enquiries: [email protected]; All communication must quote “LB-DEL-0014”

Wednesday, 04. Nov 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth