Distance Learning – Access and Improvement of Educational and Child Protection Activities in Baalbek-Hermel and Mount Lebanon Governorates

Negotiated Procedure / LB-DEL-0017 / External Evaluation – AICS

Contracting Authority: in the framework of its work on the Lebanese Territory, Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon (TDH IT) has received grants from its different donors UNICEF, OCHA, Italian Cooperation and other private/Institutional donors, for the implementation of several humanitarian actions and intends to apply a portion of these grants to payments under a contract/agreement for the external evaluation service.

Object of the Agreement: Terre des Hommes Italy is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to provide an external evaluation to understand and document the main results and changes brought on by the project in the lives of children and their families, and assess the extent to which the project objectives have been met. The period of the contract/agreement is around 3.5 months.


The project final evaluation is being commissioned in order to understand and document the main results and changes brought on by the project in the lives of children and their families.

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which the project objectives have been met. It will assess the project against the OECD-DAC criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability) and the project logical framework, with a special focus on the transition from regular education activities to distance learning approach and on the related adaptation of curriculum for children, caregivers and facilitators/teachers/partners.

This will inform Terre des Hommes Italia key impact areas and support in understanding improvement needs for future similar programming.

Candidates requirements:

The main requirement is the experience in the region, and usage of innovative and mixed methods approaches, including the considerations for remote modality due to COVID-19.

  • At least a University Degree in Political Science, Social Science, Education or other relevant fields;
  • At least 5 years of experience working in Education sector;
  • Proven technical experience related to distance learning and innovative education approaches, especially focusing on marginalized children;
  • Experience in remote modality data collection methodologies and tools due to COVID-19 adaptations;
  • Proven experience (at least 5 years) in survey design, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis;
  • Excellent knowledge of the Lebanese context and Syrian refugee crisis;
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English, Arabic is an asset;
  • Proven experience in evaluating education projects in humanitarian context.

The Evaluation of all received proposals by TDH IT shall be based on the following criteria:

Technical Proposal


Qualifications and Proven Experience of the firm/person


Language and writing style, Cleanness of the Proposal


Financial offer


Interested proposers are to provide TDH IT with a thorough proposal using the following guidelines:

  1. Proposal should describe the qualifications of the proposer and experience in the past five (5) years to demonstrate competence to perform the service.
  2. The proposal should be valid for a period of at least ninety (90) days.
  3. Three (3) references
  4. Provide a detailed description of the approach and methodology to be used to accomplish the required tasks. (Proposal methodology and Work plan as chronogram and narrative)
  5. Proposal should provide their company registration documents with MoF and their VAT registration certificate.
  6. Proposal should provide their bank account details and describe the required payment terms.

The Timeline of the process:




Evaluation TOR publication

06 November 2020

Submission deadline

23 November 2020

Selection of evaluation team

27 November 2020

Inception report

11 December 2020

First draft of Evaluation Report

01 February 2021

Validation Workshop

08 February 2021

Final Evaluation Report

28 February 2021


How to apply

How to Apply/obtain the Quotation – Negotiated Procedure:

Interested firms/persons meeting the eligibility requirements can contact TDH IT by mail to collect the documents from: Léane Gaumond (Education Program Manager)  [email protected]; ansd Wissam Nasr (Supply Chain Manager) [email protected];

Proposal may be submitted via e-mail to Léane Gaumond (Education Program Manager)  [email protected];  and Wissam Nasr (Supply Chain Manager) [email protected]; quoting in the subject line “RFP LBDEL0017, AICS External Evaluation, <Name of Proposer>”or by sealed envelopes marked, with the same subject line, to TDH IT offices in Baabda, Ain Street, Najem Residence, 4th Floor.


Monday, 23. Nov 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):