Women Advocates For Women's Votes - "waw Votes"

The SMART Center project entitled “Women Advocates for Women’s Votes”, “WAW Votes”, aims to raise public awareness on the important role of women in regards to their right of representation and to expand women’s political participation to build a better democracy in Lebanon. To reach this aim, the center will implement through the project, the following: a) training prospective campaign managers from three governorates in Lebanon (North, Mount Lebanon, South), to act as consultants and agents of change in the empowerment of women’s political participation, b) A field study about the role of campaign managers in Lebanon, c) seminar including participants from three geographical groups and prospective women candidates, to introduce them to the importance of campaign managers and to announce public debate events in each region, c) Public debates about the “Role of Women in Politics”, to encourage more women to be involved in the political life as voters, political activists and as candidates.

Overall Objectives: 
Objective 1:Empower campaign managers with necessary skills and capacities to support women candidates before the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2013. Objective 2:Introduce women socio-political activists to the important role of qualified campaign managers for the success of their campaign. Objective 3:Improve the participation of women in the political process as voters, political activists and as candidates.
The major activities the project will carry out to reach these objectives are listed below: First : Empower campaign managers with necessary skills and capacities to support women candidates before the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2013. You can fill the application summaries below the criteria of applicant : Educational Background: Law - Political Science - Sociology - Business Marketing - Media Age Category: 25 – 40 Familiar with the following: Gender equality - Women Rights - Political Process Resident of the following: North - Mount Lebanon - South Second :Introduce women socio-political activists to the important role of qualified campaign managers, as a major contributor to the success of any social or political campaign. Seminar: We will launch the field study and prospective campaign managers will present the role of campaign managers in the success of women candidates in Lebanon and any campaign for civil society organizations. Participants will include prospective campaign managers and women potential candidates, women politicians, or/and previous candidates, presidents of NGOs, representatives of civil society organizations, women leaders. Third : Improve the participation of women in the political process as voters, political activists and as candidates. Public debates will be organized by the trainees about women in politics and decision making positions. The debates must encourage women to be more involved in the political life as voters, political activists or candidates. Each debate will take place in one governorate (North, Mount Lebanon and South) During the 3 public debates we will be conducting a survey for women attending the public debate before the event and after it to show the impact of the debates in increasing the number of future voters. A small report will show the primary results before conducting a comparison with the elections’ results.
Start Date
Thu, 01/11/2012 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building
Project Location:
Beirut LB
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Tripoli Foundation - Tripoli, North Women In Front - Mount Lebanon, Zalka Blue Mission - Saida, South