Since 1999, the Foundation has conducted a training program on the use of computers and the internet, based on a 10-week curriculum of 3 hours a week of instruction. To ensure the program reaches the widest number of beneficiaries in all regions, the Foundation has established 3 types of training centers: fixed, mobile and summer training centers. There are 12 fixed training centers which to date have enjoyed the success of over 37,000 graduates.

Overall Objectives: 
Eradication of computer illiteracy Strengthen the marketable job skills of beneficiaries Encourage the use of ICT in all types of communities
10 week training course Internet access Special courses for professionals such as lawyers, doctors etc.
Start Date
Fri, 01/01/1999 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Additional two centers managed in cooperation with YMCA (Jbeil) and the Dedeh Municipality (Koura).