Request for Proposals – THE EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS CREATION’S CONSULTANT (Animation & act shooting)






EQIE Program is a 5-year program (2020-2024) funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). It aims to improve the reading skills for 10000 children and youth aged 3 to 10 years old, through a school and community-based and e-learning approach through engaging teachers and coaches in RTP’s PBL Methodology. In addition, the program will increase the enrollment of children with disabilities in schools.  Complimenting school-based activities, initiatives at the community level will aim to create an enabling, safe and inclusive learning environment that is supportive of children’s wellbeing. In order to respond to the country’s context, the program will maintain a broadened target group to include Syrian refugees, in addition to Palestinian refugees, and disadvantaged Lebanese host communities. Target locations will include 10 Palestinian refugee camps in addition to settlements where many Syrian refugees reside, spread out across 3 Governorates:  Beirut, South, and North. Acknowledging that the geographical areas with the highest concentration of refugees are also the areas most affected by poverty, disadvantaged communities in surrounding areas will also be targeted. Further building on its established relationships with civil society organizations, RTP will continue collaborating with a range of community-based implementing partners throughout the program implementation.




RTP is seeking for an expert consultant to develop and produce educational videos for social media dissemination & video production. These videos could be delivered remotely to parents through WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, google, etc…

(N.B. This consultancy only alludes to the video production & not social media dissemination & video content).



         A. Profile of prospective partner

  • Able to work and collaborate with the consultant of the content as well as with UNRWA/Education Support Centers and Lebanese & Palestinian community stakeholders

       B. Tasks and deliverables  

The selected consultant will have to start with this required deliverable. This deliverable will be conducted in the Palestinian camps and/or with UNRWA/Education Support Centers.

    1. Material’s creation

Develop a digital resource (20-25 videos) for parents on the rights of education for children with disabilities and how to create a positive learning environment for their children with disabilities through a play based approach at home that consist of:

  1. Producing videos in collaboration with the consultant who prepared the content
  2. Adding a music background and putting a voice over recording
  3. Preparing and finalizing videos optimized for Google, You Tube and WhatsApp   Videos in different qualities (SD, HQ), Videos could be either animated or acted out or both depending on what suits the story
  4. Adding subtitles to videos and RTP Logo
  5. Timing of each video depend on each storyboard 
  6. Piloting the first 3 videos with a sample of parents and collect feedback
  7. The revision of the video up to 3 times

N.B. Each video developed should be approved by the consultant of the content, the video developer and Right To Play.


   IV. RTP responsibilities will include the following:

  • Provide documents on the project to be reviewed by the consultant.
  • Orient the consultant to Right To Play’s programs and its M&E strategy, procedures and systems.
  • Orient the consultant on RTP Policies and Procedures.
  • Provide feedback to preliminary results.
  • Review reports submitted by the consultant.

The consultant will directly report to the Project Officer at Lebanon office, who will serve as the focal point person.

The consultant will sign a Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) along with agreement.



How to apply

Interested applicans may reffer to attached TOR


Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documents:


  • Cover Letter, Suggested approach, and methodology (1 page max)
  • CV of key staff involved, and roles envisioned
  • CV of key staff involved, and roles envisioned financial proposal signed and stamped
  • Preferred payment method should be mentioned
  • Registration and legal permits


The proposal must be submitted no later than Friday, August 19, 2022 to:


1-Mr. Kevork Dersarkissian, Logistics Coordinator, Right To Play Lebanon

at: [email protected].

2- Mrs. Mariam Zaytoun, Logistics Officer, Right To Play Lebanon

at: [email protected]


N.B. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. 



The following should be clearly stated in the email heading: “Educational Video Production Consultancy” Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. 

Competitive budgets would be considered. 


Right To Play is a child-centered organization. Our recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to the safety and protection of children in our programs. 


To learn more about how we are and what we do, please visit our website at



Friday, 19. Aug 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media, Development, Education
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 Months