Terms of Reference

Consultant to Assist Data Collection for the Baseline Assessment of the Enhancing

Quality and Inclusive Education (EQIE) Project

1. Introduction

InformEd International has been contracted by Right to Play to conduct a baseline study for its EQIE

Project. InformEd is seeking a data collection assistant to help prepare and supervise data collection

processes among 10 UNRWA primary schools throughout Lebanon.

The EQIE project is a five-year initiative implemented by Right to Play in five countries including

Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mozambique, Palestine, and Tanzania, targeting children in 176 schools (10 of

which are UNRWA schools in Lebanon). The project aims to improve learning outcomes for girls and

boys, specifically minimum proficiency level in reading and increased life skills in grades 1-4; and an

increase in enrolment and retention of out-of-school children and children with disabilities. The

baseline study seeks to:

 Assist Right To Play in strengthening and finalizing the EQIE M&E framework as a

foundation for effective implementation and measurement of program outcomes.

 Design and conduct a baseline study with a methodology and measurement tools that are

gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive in order to highlight the needs of all participants.

 Provide insights on the status of learning outcomes, classroom dynamics, and school

retention in programming areas to set achievable targets against program outcomes.

The baseline sample includes the following sample at each of the 10 UNRWA primary schools

How to apply

Interested Applicants should refer to attached TOR & send their completed file to: [email protected] 

Sunday, 25. Oct 2020
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Research & Studies
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 Month