Call for experts and trainers to work with WHRDMENA Coalition


The Regional Coalition of Women Human Rights Defenders in the Middle East and North Africa works to support women human rights defenders in the region by creating a safe environment that enables them to continue their vital work at the local, regional and international levels. In this context, the Coalition aims, through various tracks, to enhance WHRDs’ skills and provide them with support and knowledge. The Coalition believes that achieving this requires cooperation with experts and trainers in the region.

Therefore, the WHRDMENA Coalition is looking for trainers and experts in several fields: human rights and advocacy, feminism and feminist organizing, documentation, wellbeing and mental health. The experts will assume various tasks and responsibilities explained below, but the most prominent of them relate to providing support, knowledge and training for women human rights defenders, provided that these methodologies are adapted to the needs of WHRDs and their own contexts in the region.

Human Rights and Advocacy trainers:


Designing, preparing and implementing a training methodology in relation to advocacy skills at the international, regional and local levels.

 Compilation of comprehensive and accessible  resources related to advocacy in Arabic.

Consult with women human rights defenders and the Coalition’s team to ensure that the proposed methodology is appropriate and adapted to the contexts and needs of women human rights defenders.

 Envision methods and tools for digital training and other educational tools that can help in strengthening the advocacy skills of women human rights defenders.

Analyzing current developments and trends in the areas of advocacy, threats and global and regional human rights challenges.


Experience working with women human rights defenders and knowledge of the specific resolution re women human rights defenders (2013)

Experience in dealing with various human rights mechanisms, most notably the special rapporteurs of the OHCHR, as well as other regional mechanisms such as the African Union mechanisms, the League of Arab States, and others, in addition to knowing how to submit reports or communications to these mechanisms.

Knowledge and experience of women’s rights or feminist advocacy platforms and related mechanisms and resolutions, from CEDAW to Beijing and others.

Experience in designing and implementing effective training and educational methodologies.

Demonstrated facilitation and training skills with experience in training groups of people in advocacy mechanisms.

Experience working remotely and managing digital platforms.

Strong passion and commitment to the feminist principles of the WHRDMENA Coalition.

The ability to work collaboratively, flexibly and effectively in a dynamic and diverse team.

Fluency in Arabic.

Resident in the Middle East and North Africa.

Please send the CV and a letter explaining the reasons for wanting to apply, including a brief about you and your work, to: [email protected] and the email titled should be “Advocacy and Human Rights”. Deadline: 12 July 2020. 

Documentation experts/trainers:


Design, prepare and implement a training methodology in relation to documentation skills and documentation tools, preferably from a feminist approach.

Compilation of various resources,  tools and means of documentation in Arabic and in an accessible language.

Communicating with WHRDs and the Coalition team regarding the specific context needs and challenges related to documentation.

Reviewing the Coalition’s content and tools for documentation.

Envisioning and innovating documentation training methods and activities.

Enhancing the trainees’ knowledge about documenting violence against women and non-normative identities in particular.


In-depth knowledge of documentation from a feminist perspective.

Experience in documenting human rights violations in the region and using various documentation tools.

Experience working with feminist activists and women human rights defenders in the region.

Demonstrated facilitation and training skills with experience in training groups of people on documentation mechanisms.

Experience in designing and implementing effective training and educational methodologies. .

Experience working remotely and managing digital platforms.

A passion and commitment to the principles of the Coalition.

Fluency in the Arabic.

Resident in the MENA region.

Please send the CV and a letter explaining the reasons for wanting to apply, including a brief about you and your work, to: [email protected] and the email titled should be “Documentation”. Deadline: 12 July 2020. 

Wellbeing and mental health experts/trainers


Supporting the coalition in its wellbeing strategy..

Providing WHRDs with wellbeing and self-care skills, and contextualizing them according to their needs.

Conceptualize with the WHRDs and the Coalition team on how to spread and enhance knowledge about wellbeing and its importance in the work of WHRDs.

Helping WHRDs in developing wellbeing plans for themselves and their organizations.

Support in providing accessible Arabic resources and guidance materials.


University degree in psychiatry, psychology, social work or equivalent experience.

Experience in the field of wellbeing and an in-depth knowledge regarding feminist concepts and policies related to recovery, wellbeing and self-care.

Knowledge of the work contexts of women human rights defenders in the region.

Experience in handling and tackling burnouts and other challenges mainly facing WHRDs.

Fluent in Arabic

Resident in the region.

Please send the CV and a letter explaining the reasons for wanting to apply, including a brief about you and your work, to: [email protected] and the email titled should be “Wellbeing and Mental Health”. Deadline: 12 July 2020. 

How to apply

Please send the CV and a letter explaining the reasons for wanting to apply, including a brief about you and your work to [email protected]. The email title should the track in which you want to work with "human rights & advocacy" or "documentation" or "mental health and wellbeing"

Tuesday, 15. Sep 2020
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Gender issues, Women Status & Issues
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
40-60 days