Handbook for Good Governance Guidelines - posted on behalf of The Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI)

1.About LOGI

LOGI is an independent non-governmental organization based in Beirut that promotes the transparent and sound management of Lebanon’s oil and gas resources. It aims to develop a network of Lebanese experts in the global energy industry and provide them with a platform to educate Lebanese policy makers as well as Lebanese citizens on the key decisions facing the oil and gas industry. It focuses on public awareness, policy development, advocacy and capacity building to help Lebanon maximize the economic and social benefits of its oil and gas wealth – and avoid the resource curse. LOGI is the first and only Lebanese NGO member of Publish What You Pay (PWYP).


2.Introduction about the Gas and Oil sector in Lebanon 

Petroleum exploration has a long history in Lebanon; however, the topic was kept aside until Noble Energy, a leading U.S. energy company, started searching the reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin where it succeeded in December 2009 in discovering new oil and gas reserves. The Levant Basin is an 83,000 km2 region which engulfs Syrian, Lebanese, and Cypriot, as well as Israeli/occupied Palestine waters. It has been declared by Noble Energy that the Levant Basin’s hydrocarbon reserves are the largest resources screened by them up to this date.

The above new facts gave the Lebanese authorities the motivation to start implementing serious measures since the year 2010 to tap any potential oil and gas reserves. On February 15, 2013 the Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water (MoEW) held a press conference launching the pre-qualification process for oil companies to bid on offshore oil and gas exploration. In January 2017, and after a three-year delay, Lebanon re-launched its first oil and gas licensing round. Lebanon has opened five offshore blocks (1, 4, 8, 9 and 10) for bidding in a first licensing round of offshore oil and gas exploration in Lebanon’s Exclusive Economic Zone. In February 2017, Lebanon has also decided to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to guarantee the transparency of the process.

The petroleum sector in Lebanon is at an early stage, and there are currently no exploration or production activities. The existence and size of recoverable reserves remain unclear, nevertheless, the seismic surveys proved that the reserves are feasible to be excavated.

Great expectations have come with the prospect of becoming a petroleum producing country, with ideas of wiping Lebanon’s monumental public debt clean, embarking on grand infrastructure projects and ushering in a new era of stability and prosperity. Unfortunately, Lebanon’s lack of experience in the area of energy reserves presents several challenges for effective and equitable management of its resources. 


3.Problem addressed

Lebanon is the 136 least corrupt nation out of 175 countries, according to the 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Corruption effects all sectors of society and different governmental bodies and has a huge negative effect on the investment, economic growth and on judiciary system. 

This persisting problem has had tremendous political, financial and economic costs on the Lebanese economy and rendered delicate the relationship between citizens and the state which resulted in a lack of trust and continuous accusations of corruptive acts regardless if the activity is based on corruption or not.

Lebanon is currently embarking in the emerging sector where this industry has special features, including the potential for substantial economic rents, high-levels of government involvement, technically and structurally complicated operations, as well as complex and lengthy fiscal, legal, and commercial agreements which makes it more important to incorporate good governance principles in the management of the sector in order to avoid the resource curse.

Huge efforts from the international community has been put in guiding the different Lebanese stakeholders along the principles of good governance. Yet it is important not to treat such guidance as one size fits all.


4. Project and Services to be Provided 

The Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative (LOGI) is commissioning the development of a handbook for Good Governance Guidelines that will ensure that best practices along the value chain in accordance to good governance principles as highlighted and framed within the Lebanese context. The project is in partnership with Norwegian People Aid (NPA) Lebanon. The goal of this handbook is to tackle each part of the value chain and:

List best practices that emphasize good governance along part of the decision chain.

Recommend best approach tailored for Lebanon, while taking into consideration the unique features of the Lebanese Oil and Gas Sector

Highlight the role of each stakeholder in implementing the principles of good governance along the value chain related to the oil and gas sector in Lebanon


A. Approach

The consultant must further optimize the overall consultancy proposal highlighted in the ToR. The consultant will also develop a work plan with clear milestone deliverables and timelines in consistency with the set timeframe of this assignment.

The proposed approach and work plan should be included in the consultancy proposal to be submitted to LOGI.


B. Methodology

The consultant must further operationalize the overall topics in the ToR. The consultant should propose a methodology which will answer the questions outlined. The consultant must state in what way the methodology is operationalized and the delimitation of the concepts (e.g. “subsector”, “needs”, etc.) in order to ensure valid conclusions that are traceable.  The methodology may use quantitative and qualitative data collection and analytical tools.


C. Deliverables

The consultant is expected to submit final guidelines. The guidelines should be written in English. It should be submitted electronically in a MS-Word document. The guidelines should include:

Evaluation findings, analysis and conclusions with associated evidence and data clearly illustrated.

 Use of tables, graphs, and/or quotes to illustrate findings and conclusions is encouraged;

A brief report about the process and a guidelines document

Appendices, including methodology and study tools, list of interviewees, and questionnaires.

LOGI in partnership with NPA shall decide which sections of the report to be considered as public and which are only accessible by LOGI and NPA.



5. Contract Period

Deadline for Submission of proposals deadline: December 18, 2017

Scanning of proposals and meeting with candidates shortlisted:  December 19–20, 2017

Agreement signature: December 21, 2017

Outline: January 10, 2018

First draft: March 15, 2018

Final Draft:  March 30, 2018


Periodical meetings will take place between LOGI focal point and the consultant during the period of the project. Adjustment of dates might be negotiated between LOGI and the consultants.



Max US 35,000. Please note that this amount must cover any taxes that may apply. Please also note that price is a selection criteria.

The tender will be evaluated and selected based on the following criteria:


The Qualifications of the  Consultancy Team/ Consultant:   20 %

The Quality of the Proposal:  60 %

-          Understanding of the Requirements (10 %)

-         Analytical Approach (20 %)

-         Research Methodology (20 %)

-           Implementation Plan (10 %)

The Price:   20 %

Total:  100 %


Experience required:

7 to 10 years

Proven experience in the mentioned topic. As part of the quotation, we require a brief summary of the team that will conduct this research project. This summary will highlight any relevant experience or expertise in these fields including publication list, CV, division of tasks among the team members and the percentage of work contribution for each member.

PHD or master degree in a relevant field of study (social sciences, education, Petroleum Studies, etc.) with proven track of reports/consultancies and/or publishing.

Knowledge on the new emerging Oil and gas sector in Lebanon and preferably from other petroleum producing countries.

Knowledge on politics in Lebanon and other resource rich countries in the region.

Well aware of the Lebanese context and previous experience in the good governance sector in Lebanon is desired

Knowledge on Governance in Lebanon

Knowledge on sustainable resource management of the petroleum sector.

Knowledge on good governance and social protection.

Excellent written and spoken English and Arabic language skills.


LANGUAGES:   English: Excellent


Period: December 21, 2017 – March 30, 2018



Cover letter required? Yes


How to apply

This tender is published publicly and open to all interested candidates, including research institutions and independent researchers.

A proposal, a corresponding budget, and the data requested should be sent to the following emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

no later than 18 December 2017.

Monday, 18. Dec 2017
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Good governance and transparency