Why this study?

Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts (Al-JANA), Maharat Foundation and DW Akademie want to produce a study that gives an overview of media platforms/citizen media platforms in Lebanon producing quality public interest journalism. The media platforms can be print, radio,TV or digital, but there is likely to be a strong focus on digital. The study should assist those wanting to understand the current media landscape in Lebanon, especially those looking for ways to support such platforms.

Role of the lead researcher

The role of the lead researcher will be to finalise a research methodology and to supervise and coordinate between the research teams. The lead researcher will be responsible for ensuring the research is undertaken in accordance with the research methodology and that researchers write up their results in a uniform manner. The lead researcher will oversee the writing of any discussion sections and be responsible for the overall production of the report ready for publication.


Contract Deliverables

  • An inception report outlining the methodology to be adopted
  • A first draft report 
  • A revised report

All deliverables are to be submitted in English. The final report is to be submitted in both English and Arabic and should include infographics. 


Research questions

The study will be divided into four parts:

  1. A survey of alternative media with a national target audience, including a section about how users are interacting with such platforms
  2. A survey of media/citizen media run by Palestian and Syrian refugees or reporting on Palestinian and Syrian refugees, including a section about how users are interacting with such platforms
  3. A survey of media/citizen media reporting on other marginalised groups within Lebanon, including a section about how users are interacting with such platforms
  4. An overall analysis about the state of community, citizen and alternative media in Lebanon


Each survey section will contain profiles of media platforms, answering questions such as:

  • Area coverage
  • Identity and year of establishment
  • Type of media
  • Platforms used for publishing and dissemination
  • Operating structure (with a breakdown of full-timers, part-timers, and volunteers)
  • Content and formats used
  • Number of viewers and followers
  • Affiliations
  • Needs and challenges
  • Funding

The sections on user interaction should answer questions such as:

  • Which media/citizen media are people using and why
  • How are they using the media platforms
  • What people’s information needs are, and whether these being met etc

Requirements for the lead researcher

  • Relevant degree in media and/ or social sciences 
  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in media and research
  • Familiarity with the media and refugee context in Lebanon

How to apply

Please send the following documents to: [email protected] 

  • A curriculum vitae
  • Examples of past work
  • A technical and financial proposal for the research. The technical proposal should include a proposed methodology and timeline. The financial proposal should outline the budget breakdown for completing the work.
Saturday, 23. May 2020
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media