Mabarra Rabita Nisaiya Islamiya
Overall Objectives:
Raising awareness among Islamic women on cultural, ethical, social and health issues, taking care of orphans and hardship cases, providing technical and professional education, opening schools, providing educational cells and opening dispensaries, and helping the families in-need. For that matter, Mabarra association cooperates as well with all social, charity and women institutions.
An institution to support orphans
A project to provide widows and widowers with loans
A Social and Professional Center
Cultural, Social, Scout and Charity activities
Different aids for people affected by wars and crisis.
Start Date
Wed, 01/01/1992 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Women Status & Issues
Project Location:
Manasaki building - 1st Floor
Jamil Aadra street
, North Lebanon
Email address:
See map: Google Maps
North Lebanon LB
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Kuwait Zakat House - Al-Rahmah Waqf (Endowment) - Islamic Relief Worldwide - International Humanitarian Institute.