The Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU), a Lebanese NGO since 1981, composed of and working for people with disability, publishes a quarterly newsletter called WAW, along with its diverse activities.
WAW newsletter has won the UNESCO award for first place in 2005, for being the magazine that truly advocates for human rights in the region, since it reflects the real needs of people with disability.
WAW in Arabic means the conjunction "and". This newsletter acts as a conjunction between people with disability; and on the other hand, joins people with disability with civil society.

Through WAW, LPHU connects people with disability with each other, keeps them informed of on-going activities, and encourages people with disability to advocate for inclusion. In parallel, LPHU raises awareness of civil society by promoting inclusion, and upholding the rights of people with disability.

Overall Objectives: 
Publish a quarterly newsletter
Start Date
Fri, 01/01/1999 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations