“Training Expert - Efficient and Dignified Mental Healthcare Following Critical Incidents”
This call for a training expert falls under the project entitled “Development of public sensitization awareness on mental health and for migrant domestic workers and training for migrant and refugee (CSOs)” that is implemented by the Lebanese Center for Civic Education (LCCE) in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and funded by the World Bank.
Migrant domestic workers in Lebanon face abuse and discrimination besides the oppressive sponsorship kafala (or sponsorship) system that facilitates the recruitment and migration of migrant workers to Lebanon binding them to their employers in an exploitative contractual relationship. This can negatively impact their mental health.
There are several CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) working on migrant domestic workers related issues in Lebanon. However, there are still gaps in the awareness on mental health issues that domestic workers are facing, and a need for a culturally sensitive approach to address the issues.
The project seeks to adapt public mental health sensitization awareness campaign to reach migrant domestic workers, in a culturally sensitive approach using their native languages. Besides, the project seeks to address
the gap in capacity building for CSOs, and develop a training program to train CSOs working with migrant domestic workers on Efficient and Dignified Mental Healthcare Following Critical Incidents.
Objectives of the call:
LCCE seeks to recruit a training expert to develop training materials and train CSOs working with domestic workers on Efficient and Dignified Mental Healthcare Following Critical Incidents.
Methodology and scope of the training:
The training will be conducted following a needs assessment of CSOs working with domestic workers to identify the specific training needs (the needs assessment will be realized by an external consultant). Then, the training program (curriculum and materials) will be developed by the training expert in coordination with the National Mental Health Program (NMHP) and will be delivered to 30 participants from CSOs. There will be 3 training rounds with 10 to 15 participants each. Each round consists of 3 training sessions, 3 to 4 hours each. The indicative topics of the training:
- Identification of trauma and its impact on mental health
- Assessing mental health needs following critical incidents
- Referral to care and support following traumatic events and suicide referral
- Crisis intervention and management
- Building resilience and coping skills
- Self-care and avoiding burnout
The above-mentioned topics could be amended and adapted to the training needs findings following the needs assessment results conducted prior to the training material development.
The training sessions will be conducted in person in Beirut and Mountain Lebanon.
Role of the trainer:
The trainer will be responsible for the following tasks, while coordinating with the project partners
- Develop a work plan for the training, including strategy for the material development and proposed methodologies.
- Conduct mapping of available training material (local and international) related to the identified validated topics by LCCE and the National mental health programme
- Develop the training outline to be validated with relevant partners
- Prepare the training material and training material visuals to be coordinated with related partners in the project: training curriculum and training handbook
- Coordinate regarding the logistics needed from his/her side before and during the training days with the concerned partners
- Develop the training agenda
- Develop a pre-post test to be filled by the participants before and after the training
- Assist in the selection of the participants based on selection criteria to adapt the training accordingly
Rolling out of sessions:
- Roll out the training sessions to each training group. There will be 3 training groups and each group will receive 3 training sessions.
- Provide a range of interactive exercises, including “hands-on” practice of skills, as needed in the course content and objectives
- Provide the participants with a training evaluation form as well as the pre-post test
- Compilation of pre-post tests and evaluation
- Develop a training report based on the observation and the results of pre-post tests and evaluation administered in the training, while presenting the different training materials, the training methodology, results and learning achievements, and recommendations.
- Brief on training content and methodology
- Training outline
- Mapping of available local and international material in line with the training outline
- Pre & post-test questionnaires
- Training curriculum and handbook
- Delivering 3 trainings with 3 sessions each (10 to 15 participants per training)
- Final report (the report should include a section on the pre & post-test findings, and recommendations for improvement)
Required Profile of the trainer
- Master’s degree in psychiatry, psychology or a related mental health field with a relevant work experience with vulnerable groups, preferably migrant workers.
- In depth knowledge of mental health challenges, with a good understanding of mental health issues faced by migrant domestic workers in Lebanon.
- Experience in facilitating trainings/workshops for organizations on mental health subjects (more than 7 years’ experience is required).
- Previous work experience in public health projects addressing mental health issues for vulnerable groups, preferably migrant workers groups.
- Excellent interpersonal communication skills in Arabic and in English.
- Experience in developing interactive training curriculums
- Good report writing skills and analytical skills
- Resident of Lebanon, with the ability to work inside Lebanon and to provide a registration number at the ministry of finance. The registration number should be provided by one month following the agreement.
How to apply
Kindly submit the offer including CV, brief methodology, and financial offer to the following e-mail: info@lccelebanon.org
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interview.