Rethinking the Past from a Gender Lens: Working Towards Gender-Sensitive Historical Narratives in Lebanon

The Lebanese Association for History (LAH) is launching a research project focusing on gender-sensitive historical narratives on the history of Lebanon.

LAH is calling for proposals that contribute to rethinking the past from a gender lens and contribute to a gender balanced education in Lebanon. Introducing a gender balanced lens is bound to influence how the youth perceive the role of women in society; it will also encourage teachers to bring in genderised narratives to the classrooms as well as gender issues; and will eventually transform the perception of women in the general public.

This   call   involves   the   production   of   2   research    papers,    that   bring   forward

counternarratives that are inclusive and that:

  • Contribute to reposition women as part of the wider narrative on the history of Lebanon pre, during and post-civil war periods.
  • Bring forward the role of women in peace building during the war.
  • Bring forward women’s contributions to State building since independence, at many levels including legislation, culture, politics, economic …) through emphasis on a selected and well researched group of women from different backgrounds.

Research may focus on:

  • A gender balanced narrative on the history of Lebanon since independence, with particular focus on State building


  • The role of women in building Lebanon as a State through case studies from a variety of fields: political, legal, economic, cultural, and peacebuilding.
  • This fellowship extends during the period between February 2024 and June 2024.

  • Researchers will be expected to participate in a seminar to share the findings with the


    Language: Papers may be written in Arabic or English.

  • Doctoral or post-doctoral fellows and academicians can apply.

    Fields of Knowledge: History and other social sciences related fields with focus on women history and peacebuilding.


How to apply

Applicants are asked to submit their proposals, using the application form attached to this call.

Only complete proposals will be considered.

Responses will be shared within 2 weeks of the proposal’s deadline.

“Email the application form back to [email protected] with the subject line: RESEARCH APPLICATION”

If you have any questions, please contact the LAH Team at [email protected]

Friday, 09. Feb 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Education, Gender issues