Digging of two salty water wells and purchasing of 150 KVA generator (Bourj El Barajneh Palestinians refugees camp)

Islamic Relief Lebanon


Islamic Relief is an independent worldwide humanitarian and development organization based in

Birmingham, UK, with a presence in over 40 countries around the globe. We have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years after receiving our first donation in 1984. Islamic Relief

Lebanon has been active in Lebanon since 2006 as a response for the Israeli attack on Lebanon to support the Lebanese people who were affected by war. At the end of 2011, Islamic Relief

Responded to the Syrian crisis after the flow of Syrian refugees to Lebanon. Since 2011 up to date, IRL has been supporting people affected by the conflict in Syria including Syrian refugees,

Lebanese returnees and Palestinian refugees.

Project’s context:

This project aims to support Palestinian refugees families living in Saeka and Al Seyana area at Borj Al Barajne camp to obtain their basic water demands through improving the water network which will offer them a healthier living environment. Throughout this project, the water network, which already exists in this area, will be fed up by two additional wells thereby increasing the water amount that reaches this area to meet the basic needs of the people living there. Ultimately, the supply of this network is of vital importance to enhance the people’s lives through a sustainable project that will allow the water network to meet the increasing needs of the developing generations/populations. IRL Lebanon will also provide an electric generator (150 KVA) to supply pumps with energy in the two new wells, in addition to two other old wells.


Islamic relief Lebanon is seeking good offers for:

  1. Two new salty water well digging
  2. Purchasing of 150 KVA electric generator

offer are welcomed for one or both sectors. 

(BOQ to be sent by email)

Please ask for the BOQ by sending an email to :

[email protected]

The final deadline to take the document and place your offer is Tuesday 27-04-2021. The bid should be placed in a closed enveloped sealed with the company’s logo on the opener of the envelope.

Please note:

  1. Good  profile companies are required to submit to this bid.
  2. Companies that interested in this bid should be subjected to VAT
  3. Due to the economical circumstances it’s more preferred to submit the offer in USD.

Deadline of submission of Tender: 27.04.2021 at 15:00 Hrs.


Suppliers meeting the eligibility requirements below can contact the Procurement Department on 76111438, 81314627 or 01748654 between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM except weekend.


Or, by sending an email on:  [email protected]


Eligibility Requirements


To be eligible for consideration of this tender, a tenderer should meet the following requirements:


  1. Company Registered and has a financial number and VAT number.
  2. Flexible in payments.
  3. Clear proposal stamped and signed by the company name.

How to apply

Note: No proposal will be accepted through email, please submit them to the office
(address above, sealed and stamped).


The sealed offer
should be placed by hand in the tender box in the below address:


Beirut – Al Zarif
– Tawfeek Tabbara street – Tawfeek Tabbara center- 8th flr.

Tuesday, 27. Apr 2021
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Water sanitation and hygiene