Request for Quotation - Survey and design for the rehabilitation of Custom Secretariat Building, Beirut Police Office building, 1.5 – 2 km of Sidewalk & Street Median and an old building at the old training station in Beirut Municipality.

1. Introduction
The ILO-EIIP project with funding from Germany through KfW Development Bank, and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Affairs is implementing the Lebanon Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme (EIIP) as part of its response to the Syrian refugee crisis to create decent jobs for vulnerable Lebanese host community members and Syrian refugees and ease the strain on local infrastructure.
EIIP Lebanon has an equal-opportunity approach for women and men to be engaged in labour-intensive works, with a target of including more than 15% women in the work force. EIIP further aims to include people with disability (PWD), reaching at least 2% of the work force. Additionally, the objective of the improved infrastructure is to generate economic and social benefits for the local communities, and to facilitate access for people with disability.
The EIIP project in Lebanon phase IV will provide a special intervention in respond to the Beirut port explosion on 4th August 2020 to include the following works:
– Rehabilitation of Beirut Custom Secretariat Building, The Project is located in Saifi, Beirut municipality [33.59592, 35.51138]. The proposed project consists of rehabilitation of the existing Custom Secretariat Building, which was heavily damaged by the Beirut port explosion. Details of the major works include but are not limited to removal of the rubble inside and outside of the building, replace the damaged concrete block walls and partition walls, repair /replace concrete structures, replace the damaged ceiling, the damaged floor tiles, provision of plastering and painting works of the interior and the exterior walls and partition walls, provision of doors, windows, electrical works, mechanical, plumbing work and sanitary works etc. Other details shall be identified after a consultant is assigned for the purpose.

– Rehabilitation of Beirut Police Office Building, The Project is located in Karanteena, Beirut municipality [33.90076, 35.52781]. The proposed project consists of rehabilitation of the existing Beirut Police Office building and a reception building, which were heavily damaged by the Beirut port explosion. Details of the major work include but are not limited to removal of the rubble inside and outside the building, replace the damaged concrete block walls and partition walls, repair /replace concrete structures, replace the damaged ceiling and roofing, replace the damaged floor tiles, provision of plastering and painting works, replace the damaged doors and windows, provision of electrical, mechanical, plumbing and sanitary works. Other details shall be identified after a consultant is assigned for the purpose.

– Rehabilitation/construction of 1-1.5 km of sidewalk. The Project is located in Karanteena, Beirut municipality [33.899658, 35.59330069]. The proposed project consists of the construction and rehabilitation of sidewalk and street median in Karanteena, Beirut Municipality. The proposed work includes but not limited to, remove the existing old sidewalks and street medians, construct new sidewalks, concrete curb, drainage where needed, and street medians to an appropriate standard. Other works and details to be identified under this consultancy assignment,

- Rehabilitation of a building in the Public Transport Station (former train station). The Project is located in Geitawi, Beirut municipality [33.89808, 35.52755]. The steel structure building of the Public Transport station (former train station) was heavily damaged by the Beirut port explosion, but the building is too big to be considered for the reconstruction under the EIIP project. The EIIP project will therefore rehabilitate a building of this station, which was built during the last century “old French style building”. The proposed work consists of rehabilitation of the existing old building, which was partially damaged by the Beirut port explosion and partially damaged by its ages. Details of the major work include but are not limited to removal of the rubble inside and outside the building, replacing the damaged concrete block partition walls, restore the concrete block walls, repair /replacing concrete structures, replace and restore the damaged ceiling and roofing, replace the damaged floor tiles, provision of plastering and painting works, replace the damaged doors and windows, provision electrical, mechanical, plumbing and sanitary works. Other details shall be identified after a consultant is assigned for this purpose.
Reconstruction of the concrete block fencing surrounding the compound.

2. Scope of the consultancy
The ILO will hire a design consultancy firm for surveying/condition assessment, design and preparation of technical drawings, preparation of BoQ and technical specifications for the above-mentioned works in Beirut municipality.
The consultant shall throughout the assignment coordinate closely with the Municipality of Beirut, the Ministry of Public Works and other concerned authorities while keeping the ILO in the loop of all interactions. The consultant is to include the ILO in all correspondences and meetings concerning the assignment.
The specific scope of the consultancy consists of the following but are not limited to:

The Consultant shall carry out all necessary preliminary studies and condition assessment/surveys, and collect as required information related to the projects for carrying out the design.
2.1.1 Data collection, Physical condition assessment / Surveys
– Data collection,
The consultant at the start of the assignment shall contact the Municipality of Beirut and Ministry of Public Work to assess what relevant information is already available and what information and document related to the design work, including any utilities within proposed locations.
– Physical condition assessment and writing the assessment report
The consultant shall undertake a full physical condition assessment of the proposed buildings and the sidewalk/ street median and written report. The report shall include finding, conclusion and recommendation. Consultant shall also collect all supporting document include legal documents of the allocated buildings and sidewalks/street median to check feasibly of implementation.
2.1.2 Conceptual Design
The Consultant shall prepare conceptual designs (for presentation during the course of Phase-I to the EIIP team) for discussion. The conceptual drawing shall include but not limited to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical etc. The drawing shall also include plans, sections and elevations where required.
The concept should be based on the municipality of Beirut requirements, and common practices in Lebanon. The EIIP-team might request several options from the consultant in order to decide which concept to adopt.
2.1.3 Preliminary Cost Estimate
The Consultant shall prepare, compile, and present to the EIIP the preliminary cost estimate for the project. The Consultant shall make sure that the total price estimate does not exceed the proposed budget.
2.1.4 Final Preliminary Report
At the end of this phase I, the Consultant shall prepare and submit a final Preliminary Report describing the findings, conclusions and recommendations. All condition assessments /surveys, studies shall be attached to the data collection report.
According to the physical condition assessment/survey and the recommendations, the Consultant shall develop the Detailed Design for the above-mentioned buildings and the sidewalks/ street medians. This includes architectural drawing, structural drawing, MEP drawing), Technical reports, Drawings, BoQ and confidential cost estimate. This phase II shall include the following components.
2.2.1 Detailed Design Drawings for Execution
Based on the Conceptual Design approved in Phase-I by the EIIP, the Consultant is required to prepare appropriate Detailed Design to be implemented. The design should be composed of drawings including but not limited to:
– General layout plan and floor plans, cross sections and elevations
– Architectural drawings, Structural drawings, MEP drawings(for the buildings),
– Layout plans and details for electrical, lighting, fire alarm, plumbing, water storage, heating, air conditioning and ventilation, fire protection, (for the building).
– Cross sections and details as may be necessary for the understanding of the design and its prospects.
– Details such as doors, accessories, windows, stairs, handrails, and other items for the building.
– Detail layout of Landscaping for the sidewalk/street median.
The design must be appropriate for implementation using a Local Resource Based approach, i.e. design and specifications should be appropriate for the use of manual labour and local resources. The selected consultancy firm must therefore participate in an orientation session provided by the ILO at the start of the assignment.
The consultant shall obtain approval for the final designs from the Municipality of Beirut and the Ministry of Public Works. The consultant shall, with the support of the Municipality of Beirut and the Ministry of Public Works, obtain approval for the final designs from the relevant Ministries if required.
2.2.2 Detailed BOQ, confidential cost estimate
– The BoQ and cost estimate shall be prepared based on the Labour based approach.
– All quantities & Calculations shall be submitted along with the BoQ.
– The Consultant shall make sure that, the total price estimate does not exceed the proposed budget. Cost Estimate shall remain CONFIDENTIAL and shall be only presented to the ILO predesignated personnel.
– Consultant shall submit all calculation notes as requested by the ILO. Calculation notes shall cover but not limited to Structural, electrical and mechanical designs.
2.2.3 Technical specifications: the consultant shall prepare and submit the technical specifications for all work items listed in the BoQ. The specifications should describe the work method applying to the Local resource based approach.
The consultant is required to provide the following inputs to bidders and to the selected contractor.
– The consultant shall participate in a pre-bid meeting as resource persons during the bidding process. The consultant together with the EIIP engineer(s) to explain the scope of the proposed works, BoQ items, specifications and answering any queries on the design raised during the pre-bid meeting by bidders.
– After the execution contracts are awarded to contractor(s), the consultant in coordination with the EIIP engineers and the contractors shall schedule site visit(s) and handover the site to the contractors. The consultant shall explain in full details all the project details and aspects to the contractors and answer any queries raised.

3. Expected Outputs of the Consultancy/ Main Deliverables
The Consultant shall submit to the ILO in final form (1 hard and 1 soft copy) for review and comments at the end of Phases I and II. Once the final detailed execution drawings, technical specification, BoQ and cost estimate are approved, the Consultant shall submit one hard copy together with one soft copy (on CD-ROM) of the following document.
3.1 Phase i: preliminary studies- Final Preliminary Report
3.2 Phase ii: detailed execution drawings, BoQ/cost estimate and technical specifications
3.2.1 The detailed design in Auto-Cad including but not limited to Architecture, Structural, MEP and landscape drawings. The detailed drawing shall include:
– General layout plan and floor plans, cross-sections and elevations.
– Layout plans and details for electrical; lighting, fire alarm; plumbing, water storage; heating, air conditioning and ventilation; fire protection, etc.
– Cross sections and details as may be necessary for the understanding of the design and its prospects.
– Details such as doors, accessory schedules, windows, stairs, handrails, etc…
3.2.2 Bill of Quantity (BoQ) in English, and confidential cost estimate (unit price for all work items).
3.2.3 A full set of Technical specifications in English.
3.2.4 Letter of endorsement by the mayor of Beirut and the Ministry of Public Works.
3.2.5 Any other license or approval needed for the other concerned Ministries if needed.

4. Proposed Schedule
The design consultant is expected to start the work immediately after signing the contact with the ILO (1st week of February 2021).
The consultant shall provide a time schedule based on available information. This schedule shall be as condensed as possible.
It is expected that the EIIP team will receive the following document as below schedule:
Phase I - Preliminary Studies including revisions - On or Before 24 February 2021

Phase II - Detailed Design, BoQ/cost estimate and technical specifications including revisions - On or Before 14 March 2021

5. Reporting, Coordination and payment modality
The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the EIIP Chief Technical Adviser and shall coordinate closely with the EIIP focal point that will be assigned to support the work.
The consultant shall coordinate closely with EIIP throughout the assignment to agree final scope of works in each location.

6. Payment Schedule
The work is expected to start immediately after signing the contract with the ILO (expected by the 1st week of February 2021).

Payments will be made as follows:
– 30% upon successful completion and delivery of Phase I document as detailed above.
– Final payment upon successful completion and delivery of the entire assignment.

How to apply

Eligible Bidders:

– Bidders shall be legally registered in Lebanon. Government-owned enterprises in the Country may participate only if they are independent and operate under commercial law.
– Bidders shall not be identified on the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (CUNSCSL), World Bank’s Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals, and lists of sanctioned and/or suspended vendors maintained by UN Organizations (“Sanctions Lists”) or on the “KfW List”.

Quotation Submission:

The quotation for the survey and design work including cost and period shall be submitted on or before 26 January 2021 to [email protected] . The cost shall be broken down in main components and the proposal shall include daily fees. The consultant firm shall include a resume of past work of similar nature and references, and CV including contacts for key staff for this assignment, address and date of birth. Quality of proposal, cost and time will be considered in selection of consultancy firm.

The ILO reserves the right to split the works and award contracts to more than one consulting firm.

The EIIP will facilitate a site visit to the proposed project locations and to Municipality of Beirut. Interested consultants are requested to participate in the site visit as per schedule below.

N.B: Interested consultants should inform ILO Procurement of their participation in advance to the visit on [email protected] as there could be changes to the schedule due to the lockdown measures.

→ Site Visit: organized into two groups to maintain physical distancing and to give the chance to people to move based on their vehicles’ plate number on 18 & 19 January 2021 at 10:00 AM, meeting at the office of Beirut Municipality then proceed for the site visit until finish.


Tuesday, 26. Jan 2021
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation