International consultancy to support the Jordanian Ministry of Labour in updating the National OSH Profile, in line with the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention
The ILO Global Strategy on OSH highlights National OSH Programmes/Strategies as the means of consolidating national tripartite efforts in the continuous improvement of national OSH systems by placing OSH high on national agenda. It also highlights the importance of engaging stakeholders, as planning and implementation can be effective only if an integrated approach is taken, with due involvement of all concerned parties. National OSH Policies and strategies are an important part of the ILO’s strategic approach to the promotion of safety and health at work as it is essential for developing a stable and productive work environment.
Over the past few years, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has made remarkable achievements in the fields of labour inspection and occupational safety and health (OSH, including partial relevant legislative reform, providing a number of inspectors with advanced certified training on OSH, equipping all inspectors with body-worn cameras and automating relevant activities, with the purpose of developing relevant practices and improving working environments in all sectors of the economy in the Kingdom, not only for reducing work-related accidents, injuries and diseases, but also for making the Jordanian labour market more attractive to local talent. These achievements form an important step for the promotion of safety and health at work and development of a stable and productive working environment as well as for implementing the relevant ILO conventions, particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981, No. 155, and the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006, No. 187, which have recently been adopted by the ILO as fundamental conventions, recognizing the right to a safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and rights at work, and for the ratification of which Jordan is considered a potential country.
Within the above context, the ILO is supporting the updating of Jordan’s National OSH Profile, in line with the above-mentioned conventions, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, and in consultation with the workers’ and employers’ representatives, and other stakeholders and development partners, which would all contribute to building a strong and sustainable preventative Occupational Safety and Health culture.
The main objective of this consultancy is to develop an up-to-date National OSH Profile of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, taking into consideration the National OSH Profile developed with technical support from the ILO in 2012, and reviewing and incorporating the relevant achievements and reforms in terms of OSH since then.
Scope of work
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Labour Inspection and OSH Specialist of the ILO Regional Office for Arab States to complete the following:
- Review the National OSH Profile of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan which was developed in 2012 by the Ministry of Labour (MOL), in consultation with the social partners and other stakeholders, with technical support from the ILO.
- Conduct a desk review of OSH components of the available annual and other periodic reports on OSH issued by the MOL, the Social Security Corporation (SSC) and other concerned institutions, in addition to their websites, for the last 3-5 years.
- Conduct interviews with the concerned officials of the MMOL, SSC, the Ministry of Health, workers and employers’ representatives and the other concerned institutions and organizations to get their views and latest information on developments and changes that took place in the Jordan since 2012, in terms of OSH and the changes and updates needed to the existing OSH Profile
- Prepare an initial draft of an up-to-date National OSH Profile, in line with the relevant ILO Guidelines, that describes the current situation, human and technical resources, regular activities and other issues related to OSH in the Jordan, in line with the relevant ILO standards and guidelines.
- Analyze the national OSH context, including the latest relevant achievements and the information collected in the National OSH Profile, compare them with the relevant ILO standards and good practices at the international level and draft conclusions and recommendations for reforming the situation accordingly.
- Conduct a two-day workshop to present the draft updated National OSH Profile and validate it with the MOL, workers’ and employers’ representatives and other stakeholders.
- Finalize the National OSH Profile, incorporating inputs and comments of the relevant ILO specialist, MOL, workers’ and employers’ representatives and other relevant institutions and organizations, and submit the final report to the ILO in electronic version, in Arabic and English
All the above-mentioned tasks and documents should be conducted and prepared in a gender-responsive manner with adequate consideration of the high-risk sectors, including construction and agriculture.
The ILO suggests the following process for updating the national OSH profile:
- Review and evaluate relevant websites, documents and reports, including the 2012 National OSH Profile.
- Set up a technical working group with relevant institutions, ILO constituents and social partners.
- Design a questionnaire that includes the information required from the concerned institutions and organization and send it to them, through the MOL, for competing and returning it.
- Conduct interviews with the officials of the concerned institutions and partners.
- Draft the updated national OSH profile and present it to, and discuss it with, the ILO constituents and other stakeholders.
- Validate the reports and develop a final updated National OSH Profile incorporating comments of the MOL, ILO specialists, social partners and other stakeholders.
Key Deliverables:
The consultancy has four deliverables as follows:
- A detailed workplan, with timelines and a proposed outline of technical report, including scope of work and overall technical questions, methodology of work, list of stakeholders and informants, consultation tools, list of data sources.
- A draft updated National OSH Profile document, to be shared and discussed by the consultant with the MOL and ILO constituents in a tripartite plus workshop to be organized in Amman. The consultant’s participation in the workshop would be needed physically or virtually, depending on the situation then.
- Final updated National OSH Profile in both languages, Arabic and English.
All reports should be provided in electronic versions, in English, to the satisfaction of the ILO.
Tasks, deliverables and work efforts
- Review the National OSH Profile of the Jordan which was developed in 2012 by the MOL, with technical support from the ILO, in consultation with the social partners and other stakeholders.
- Conduct a desk review of the components of the available periodic and progress reports related to OSH, issued by the MOL, SSC and other concerned institutions, for the last 3-5 years.
- Conduct interviews with the concerned officials of the MOL, SSC, Ministry of Health, workers and employers’ representatives and other concerned institutions and organizations to get their views and latest information on the current situation and developments and changes that took place in Jordan over the last 3-5 years in terms of OSH.
- Prepare an initial draft of an up-to-date National OSH Profile that describes the current situation, human and technical resources, regular activities and other issues related to OSH in Jordan in line with the relevant ILO standards and guidelines.
- Analyze the national OSH context, including the latest relevant achievements and the information collected for the National OSH Profile, compare them with the relevant ILO standards and good practices at the international level and draft conclusions and recommendations for reforming the situation accordingly.
- Conduct a two-day workshop to present the draft National OSH Profile and validate it with the MOL, workers’ and employers’ representatives and other stakeholders.
- Finalize the National OSH Profile, incorporating inputs and comments of the relevant ILO specialist, MOL, workers’ and employers’ representatives, and other relevant institutions/organizations, and submit the final report to the ILO in electronic version, in Arabic and English.
Estimated No of days
Preparing a workplan of this consultancy.
A detailed time-framed workplan
Desk review of the available data and documents, including the National OSH Profile and relevant annual reports.
List of literature and documents reviewed.
Conduct interviews with the concerned institution and organizations
List of stakeholders for interview
Prepare initial draft of the updated National OSH Profile
A draft report including methodology, workplan, interview questionnaire and outline of the study report
Participate a two-day validation workshop, including relevant preparations.
Summary of the participants key findings and inputs.
Prepare final reports incorporating feedback of the ILO, MOL and other partners and stakeholders.
A final report covering all aspects mentioned in the scope of work of acceptable quality to the ILO
Re-writing the final report to the other required language.
Total estimated days of efforts
Payment Schedule
A detailed workplan with a timeframe for this consultancy
Draft reports of the updated National OSH Profile
Final reports of the updated National OSH Profile in both languages
Completion criteria
- All reports submitted to the ILO must be relevant to the outputs mentioned in the TOR.
- Provide information and update progress as requested by the Project team of the ILO.
- Provide the reports in line with ILO house style and agreed upon outline with ILO
- The consultant has to follow the guideline of ILO to ensure quality of the reports/documents.
- The consultant should be proactive, timely report on the progress, and undertake visits to the project partners’ site, participate in meetings as and when necessary.
Special terms and conditions
- Intellectual property: The documents prepared by the consultant under this contract will abide by ILO terms and conditions applicable to contracts and /or any other conditions agreed upon between ILO and the government of Jordan. Therefore, the consultant cannot publish these without explicit written permission of the ILO and MOL.
- Insurances: The ILO accepts no liability in the event of death, injury or illness of the External Collaborator. The External Collaborator attests that he/she is adequately covered by insurance for these risks. In no circumstances shall the External Collaborator be covered by any ILO insurance, and it is his/her responsibility to take out, at his/her own expense, any personal insurance policies he/she may consider necessary, including a civil liability insurance policy.
Duration of the assignment and duty stations
The duration of the assignment will be for 24 working days over the period of 2 months, 28th June to 26th August 2024. ILO shall NOT provide office space in Amman and necessary logistics (like Laptop, Printer, Paper, internet, local travel, etc.) to carry out day to day jobs of the consultant. The ILO shall cover the cost of two rounds tickets to Amman and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) during the required missions as per ILO rules and regulations, The DSA will cover accommodation, local travel, and other per diem costs and will not exceed the amount listed in ILO regulations. Final decision for missions will be agreed upon with selected consultant prior initiation of contract arrangements.
Fees and payment terms
Fees are commensurate with the consultant’s qualifications and experience as well as with the previous acceptable rates for similar assignments. Terms and conditions are as per the ILO rules and procedures for the purpose. The consultant’s financial proposal should include all the costs to be incurred on travel and logistics. The consultant should also enclose any recent/latest contract to substantiate daily fee requested.
ILO’s responsibilities
The responsibility of the ILO will be to:
a) Provide all the documents and other related literature available as relevant to the task.
b) Assist in coordination with relevant stakeholders.
c) Review progress of the work and provide feedback as necessary.
d) Ensure payment of agreed amounts, based on performance.
e) Any other tasks/supports as required and agreed by the ILO.
Qualifications and experience of the Consultant
The assignment will be contracted to a company with demonstrated experience and understanding of OSH and relevant policies and best practices>
Academic Qualification:
a) An advanced University degree in OSH, Occupational Hygiene, Public/Environmental Health or any other related discipline; M. Phil or PhD in the relevant field will be an added value.
b) At least ten years of professional experience in OSH, including relevant policy research and reviews.
c) Technical expertise in developing national OSH profiles and designing OSH policies and strategies in line with the relevant International Labour Standards, as well as in analytical and writing skills.
e) Excellent knowledge of national OSH systems and ILO Conventions on OSH
f) Excellent knowledge and skills of reading, writing and speaking in English.
g) Knowledge and ability to use computer for research and report writing.
h) Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.
i) Must display a high standard of ethical conduct and exhibit honesty and integrity.
j) Gender-sensitive behaviour and attitude.
Recommended Presentation of Proposal
Interested companies must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications.
- Company’s profile, including previous experiences in OSH and implementation of similar projects.
- CVs of technical staff, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
- Technical Proposal will specify the candidate’s qualifications and relevant experiences, and portfolio packages or samples of works in similar assignments authenticated/certified by relevant authority.
- Financial Proposal shall specify the professional fees for this assignment. Financial Proposal has to be submitted using the below table.
- To substantiate daily fee, any recent contract to be enclosed.
The ILO promotes equal opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive employment in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.
Breakdown of costs supporting the all-inclusive financial proposal
Cost components
Unit cost in US$
Consultant Professional fees
24 WD
Travel to Amman (indicate location of departure from home)
How to apply
Interested companies must submit aforementioned documents (technical and financial proposals) to the ILO as per following:
within June 20th, 2024 by 17:00 pm Beirut timing.
Proposals with missing documents or submitted later than the above deadline shall not be considered for further evaluation.