Humedica is seeking a qualified firm to construct a parking lot for Mekseh Primary Health Care Center. The construction details are listed in the attached pdf.

Quotations Details:

  • The quotation must be signed and stamped to be considered.
  • The quotation must include company name, address, contact information and MoF number.
  • Ensure all costs are included as unit price and total price.
  • All costs must be stated in US dollars.
  • Delivery terms, payment method, and the validity period of the quotation must be included.

Required Documents:

  • A commercial registration certificate.
  • A Certificate of Registration at the Ministry of Finance.

How to apply

Interested suppliers, should send an official quotation and the requested documents to [email protected] no later than 16:00 Beirut time on Wednesday, 18, September, 2024. Late bids beyond this deadline will not be accepted.

Please reference “Parking Lot” in the subject line of the emails and include the company name in the documents.

If you have any queries rgrding your submission or any requirements of this tender, please email: [email protected]  

Wednesday, 18. Sep 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):