Home for Every Juvenile (Methle Methlak) recognizes the importance of addressing the unique psychological and emotional needs of incarcerated girls. Drama therapy has been proven as an effective tool for facilitating personal growth, emotional healing, and positive behavioral change. The selected Drama Therapist will play a pivotal role in guiding girls towards rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society.

Currently, Methle Methlak is implementing a “Drama for Reintegration”  Project for girls in conflict with the law at “Dahr El-Bashek Prison”, funded by the U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) under the supervision of World Learning.


The engagement is expected to span for five months starting September 2023 till January 2024, with one session per week. The schedule should be flexible to accommodate the needs of the prison and the participants.



The primary objectives of this engagement are as follows:

- To provide a safe and conducive environment for girls to express themselves, process emotions, and build self-awareness.

- To facilitate emotional healing, personal development, and improved coping mechanisms.

- To foster empathy, communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, and teamwork.

- To contribute to reducing recidivism rates by preparing girls for a successful reintegration into society.



The Drama Therapist will be responsible for:

- Designing and conducting drama therapy sessions tailored to the needs of incarcerated girls.

- Creating a supportive and nonjudgmental atmosphere that encourages participation and self-expression.

- Utilizing drama therapy techniques, role-play, improvisation, and creative activities to address emotional and psychological challenges.

- Assisting participants in exploring their emotions, building a positive self-identity, and enhancing interpersonal skills.

- Collaborating with prison staff and relevant stakeholders to ensure the therapy aligns with the overall rehabilitation goals.

- Providing regular reports and updates on session outcomes, participant progress, and any relevant insights.

- Adhering to strict confidentiality and ethical guidelines when working with incarcerated girls and handling sensitive information.



The selected Drama Therapist should possess:

- A recognized qualification in drama therapy, psychology, counseling, or a related field.

- Demonstrated experience in conducting drama therapy sessions, preferably within correctional or similar settings.

- Strong understanding of trauma-informed care, cultural sensitivity, and the specific needs of incarcerated individuals.

- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and conflict resolution skills.


How to apply

If you are interested in this position, please submit your application via the following email address [email protected] consisting of (1) a compelling motivation letter and (2) your Curriculum Vitae.

Closing date for applications is 30 March 2023, 11:59 pm local time (Lebanon).




Wednesday, 30. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Crime, Rehabilitation
Remuneration range:
< 1000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
5 months