Open Local Tender for Renting 2/3 Vehicles over 36 months

Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II – (FGPII) intends to launch a local tender procedure in the framework of the project LBN1005 - “Strengthening the resilience and coping capacities of vulnerable rural population of North and East Lebanon". 

The subject of the Open Local Tender is:

Renting 2/3 cars for 36 months.

All the vehicles above should be provided complete with:

-Global Positioning System (GPS) installed;

-All risks  insurance, including coverage for third parties;

-A complete plan of maintenance included in the price;

-Replacement vehicle in case the car should undergo for maintenance or for repairs for more than  aday.

How to apply

Bids must be submitted within 04/04/2023 (end of day), as also specified in the timetable above (in case of posting, the post office stamp will attest the date) and must include the documents listed below. They must be sent or hand-delivered to the following address:

Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II

Project : BMZ LBN1005

Rue Gouraud, 191

Gemmayzeh, Beirut

All bids must be submitted in one original copy. The bidders must sign and stamp all ITB document pages including the required annexes. Failure to submit all required documentation may result in the exclusion from the procedure.

All Bids, including annexes and supporting documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope, signed and stamped on the sealing flaps, and bearing only:

  • the above address;
  • the Reference of this Open Local tender Procedure
  • the name of the Bidder
  • The words “Not to be opened before the tender opening session" in the language of the procedure

Two separate envelopes must be present inside the main one.

  • One containing the administrative and technical documentations as specified at the paragraphs 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 below;
  • The second should contain ONLY the financial offer as specified at the paragraph 3.4.3 below.
  • All Tenders submitted must comply with the requirements in the ITB and must comprise the following documentation duly signed and stamped.

Please download the 2 tender documents attached which include all the information needed to submit your offer.

For Additional information, please contact Mr. Hassan El Sayed:

Phone: 03090465

Email: [email protected]

Tuesday, 04. Apr 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):