Call for Trainers for the Provision of Certified Accelerated VET for Youth in the Litani River Basin (LRB)

CALL for Trainers

Provision of Certified Accelerated
VET for Youth

in the Litani River Basin (LRB)


I-              BRIEF/ GENERAL

In 2018, the
Delegation of the European Union in Lebanon and the Economic and Social Fund
for Development -ESFD, designed the “Local development programme along the
Litani River Basin” (LRB Programme) aiming to complement the efforts deployed
by the Government of Lebanon in this regard.
The LRB Programme, funded
by the EU with a value of EUR 20 million, has an integrated and multi-sectoral
approach to local development. It
consists of well-targeted and integrated interventions in the following

·        Establish Cooperation modalities at local-local
and local-national levels to ensure that government priorities are in line with
local needs,

·        Empower local communities to participate in the
process of local development.

·        Improve the capacities of Unions of
Municipalities (UOMs) to assume their roles and responsibilities entrusted to
them in the Municipal law.

·        Support the Litani River Authority to assume
its coordination role in the governance sector.

·        Support polluting entities along the River
Basin to become environmentally compliant.

·        Contribute to employment generation through
vocational training programs to youth and provision of financial and
non-financial support to Small and Medium Enterprises.

·        Reduce agricultural pollution through the
promotion of best agricultural practices and extensive guidance.


The LRB Programme is in line with the Single Support Framework 2017-2020 for Lebanon, specifically Priority 2 "Fostering local governance and socio-economic development", and the EU-Lebanon Partnership Priorities (PP), namely fostering growth and job opportunities, through support to municipalities, stimulating private investment, rehabilitation and expansion of infrastructure,
expanding trade, agriculture and industry and conservation of natural resources.



The Overall Objective
of the project is to contribute to stability in Lebanon by promoting local
development and improving the socio-economic resilience of the local population
along the Litani River Basin (LRB).

The purpose of this project
is to contribute to improving employment opportunities for the youth in the
Litani River Basin, in particular in the 9 Unions of the Municipalities of
Baalbeck, West Baalbeck, Zahle, East Zahle, Central Bekaa, Plain, Lake, Tyre
and Chqif. The project consists in providing training programmes covering soft
and occupational skills offered to groups of youth followed by individual



The trainer will provide
a training module to a group of 18 trainees. The training modules identified in
this project are the following:

a.       Soft skills:

-         English technical language

-         Microsoft office

-         Communication


b.      Occupational skills:

-         M1-Industrial Maintenance (Welding Arc &
oxy-acetylene /Basic level, Tig &MiG welding/Basic level, and Production chain
services/Basic level)

-        M2- International Gastronomy (International
cuisine and International pastry)

-         M3- Cheese production (Lebanese Cheeses, International
Cheeses, and Food safety)

-         M4- Local Food Marketing & Export (Local
food marketing (Social media, Branding), and Food export procedure)

-         M5- Software development (Web development and Application

 The language of the training courses for occupational skills will be English, however, trainers can use Arabic to help the trainees better understand concepts, systems and principles.



An integrated innovative pedagogical approach will be followed in providing the training courses for occupational skills. The objective is to make the trainer a facilitator helping the trainees develop their knowledge and improve their skills and capacities to deal with technologies. The training will be designed in a way to ensure that all trainees are actively engaged with the purpose of
achieving the training outcomes. The training approach applied will motivate each trainee to understand, acquire, process and gain occupational skills.


V-             TRAINERS’ PROFILE

Qualifications and skills

-         Proficiency in English and Arabic is required.

-         Demonstrable communication, analytical and report-writing skills.

-         At least a Bachelor degree in one of the above-mentioned fields or equivalent.

-         A training certificate in one of the above-mentioned fields or equivalent.


Professional experience

-         At least 10 years of experience in the relevant industry after achieving the university degree or equivalent.

-         At least 5 years of demonstrated experience in training programmes related to the above mentioned-fields or equivalent.


VI-           TIMELINE

The training programme should be held between June and December 2022.


How to apply


Send your CV to [email protected] before 31 May 2022.

Priority will be given to qualified local experts from the LRB region

Tuesday, 31. May 2022
Type of Call
Call for Participation
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Communications & Media