The Nabaa/MPDL/AECI partnership to establish such programme in the southern gatherings began in response to the findings of a situation analysis implemented by Nabaa in August 2004 concerning the situation and the reasons of drop out children.

This analysis was undertaken to better understand the situation of the Palestinian refugee community, with a special focus on marginalized groups such as children, youth and women in order to develop a new strategy to satisfy their needs.
Specific objectives include:

- Identifying the violations of rights for children between 0 and 18 years, in order to minimize them.

- Identifying priority needs, instead of assuming, to meet them in our ongoing work.

- To develop a strategy to meet these needs through the projects of Naba

Overall Objectives: 
to promote opportunities for women s participation in economic life by fostering capacity building and awareness raising to improve the economic situation and self confidence of female adolescent dropouts in the gathering
Empowerment of 250 adolescents women by providing them with capacity building workshops in three areas: a) Economic independence (household economics, financial management, economic toolkit) b) Women
Start Date
Sun, 11/03/2007 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations