For the further development of the child friendly environment project and to work more efficiently Naba

Overall Objectives: 
overall objective: To provide children with child friendly enviroment in 6 public schools and one community center in the villages of lebanon by offering non formal activities partly in after school-clubs, capacity building activities in rights issues for the community, and psychological activities and support for children, so children in Lebanon can practice their rights and cope better with their stessful conditions. Specific objective1: To provide 2561 children aged from 4-18 years old inside and outside school by safe friendly environment in which can cope their stress and anxiety. Specific objective2: To develop the skills of 35 teachers from 7governmental schools, so they will have better skills in dealing with children inside and outside schools. Specific Objective3: To conduct raising awareness sessions for parents on pscyhological problems for the children and child development.
1.Mobile cinema / projection in each location will be performed twice during the duration of the project in each location. 2.One leisure trip for each location will organized to a location to expose the children to a new environment. 3.The continuation of the awareness and capacity building activities (one (3 day workshops for 35 teacher) and (for 350 parents one day /month/ each location) for parents and teachers on subjects: psychological issues, communicating with children and helping children who experienced war or crisis situations because there is still a great need for this. The workshop are facilitated by xx a) Drama and Self Expression (4/month/location, 200 / location beneficiaries) b) Drama Therapy with 427 children (2 times/location/month, 427 beneficiaries) c) Podium (4/month/Location, 200 / location beneficiaries) Role Play (4/month/location, 200 / location beneficiaries) 4.427 children will receive psycho-social support and follow up from the psychologist who has a daily visit for project locations 5.One centralized (2 days) workshops for 35 teachers from 7 governmental schools on how dealing with children who have psychological problems facilitated by psychologist and Naba
Start Date
Fri, 19/10/2007 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Save the children - Sweden