External evaluation of “Education In need, Education Indeed- phase 2”


Connect Children Now\Defence for Children-Lebanon (CCN\DCI-Leb) is a child rights based organization that works for the fulfilment of Child Rights Convention. CCN\DCI-Leb has been operating education and protection projects in collaboration with the government and local community since its establishment in year 2015. Providing a set of multidimensional services aiming at enhancing educational and learning opportunities for out of school and vulnerable children.

The main objective of the CCN\DCI Education project is to increase access to adequate education for out of school girls and boys while strengthening their life skills to be able to protect themselves and realise their own life project.

Funded by Bread for the World (BftW) and in collaboration with Ministry of Social Affairs and local NGOs, CCN has been implementing an early childhood education project “Education In need, Education Indeed- phase 2”. The project aims at improving the accessibility and retention for children aged 4-12, by targeting interventions on key aspects: Implementation of educational services for out of school and children who are lacking behind, teacher training, psycho-social support and changing attitudes towards early childhood education support.  

The 3-year project started in January 2020, targeting 3,059 out of school children and children at risk of dropping out of school and their parents. In addition to social workers of the Social Development Centres at the Ministry of Social Affairs and instructors from local NGOs.

The project is implemented in 3 locations in Beirut Southern Suburbs (Chiah), Beirut Northern suburbs (Bourj Hammoud) and North Lebanon (Sir al Doniyeh).

Since the project is ending on the 30th of December 2022, CCN\DCI-Leb is looking for a consultant to conduct the end of project evaluation in addition to an organizational evaluation to look for areas that can be improved.


Objective(s) and Tasks

The evaluation of the project aims to document the level of achievements of the project’s specific objectives and results to determine both qualitatively and quantitatively the actions performed in the field and generate lessons learned for developing a new proposal.

In addition, the evaluation intends to assess the overall capacity of the organization in the areas of governance, organizational management, program management, human resources and financial management.

Specific Project Objectives:

 Children of Syrian refugees successfully go to primary school.                

 School retention and progression from one educational level to another of mainstreamed refugee children in Lebanon is promoted.

 The ECE sub-committee supported to take a more active role under the umbrella of the Higher Council of Childhood Education.

Project Main Activities:

 Implementation of preschool- intensive preparatory courses for 750 out of school children. 

 Implementation of remedial learning program for 400 children at high risk of dropping out of school.

 Awareness raising workshops for 600 parents on children rights.

 Capacity building trainings for 9 teachers and social workers of Ministry of Social Affairs on child protection methodologies and creative psychosocial support. 

Documentation of best practices and recommendations to Early Childhood Education in Lebanon (publication).


List of (smart) deliverables

An evaluation report based on OECD\DAC evaluation criteria on both organizational and programmatic level including:

1. Description of methodology used, including sampling decisions, qualitative and quantitative tools used. This is to be submitted in an inception report to be discussed before the evaluation commences. 

2. Evidence-based findings related to:

- Relevance:

On the project level: 

Is the project addressing the needs of the target groups? Is it aligned with the mission of CCN? 

On the organizational level:

To what extent are the organizational projects aligned with its overall strategy?

- Effectiveness;  

On the project level:

Have the planned specific objectives and results been achieved? 

Added value of creative methods (recreational, PSS and other digital tools) and child participation in the project?

On the organizational level:

Is the current organizational structure effective?

How is the decision making distributed across the organization? To what extent is the currently adopted process effective?

- Impact: 

On the project level:

What are the levels of direct vs indirect and short term vs. long-term effects of the project?

On the organizational level:

How does the community perceive CCN?

- Efficiency: 

On the project level: 

Were the target groups supported in an efficient way?  Were resources properly utilized?

On the organizational level:

Is the distribution of roles and tasks across the organization efficient?

Was staff capacity building adequate?

- Sustainability: 

On the project level:

To what extent has the project been designed in a way that results are sustainable after the end of the project?

On the organizational level:

Do the current strategy and approach foster organization longevity?

- Coherence: 

On the project level: Inter-linkages between this project and other interventions carried out by the organization. As well as, the compatibility of the project with other educational interventions in Lebanon. Is it aligned with government\UN plans\strategies to support these target groups including VASYR and LCRP? To what extent the intervention is adding value while avoiding duplication of effort?

On the organizational level:

Does the team have a shared vision?

- Analysis of success factors and risks (internal and external)

The proposed inquiries above serves as a sample and the evaluator is expected to obtain more questions related to project and organization under DAC criteria.


Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibility of CCN staff:

1- Program Manager-CCN: Authorized to sign agreement and select the consultant; provide project documents, select sampling and revise the draft report. 

2- Project Coordinator-CCN: take part of in the selection process of the consultant and coordinating the consultant’s agenda with the concerned field persons and government officials of MOSA.

3- Field officer-CCN: Arrange the transportation and safety of the consultant to the field while coordinating with local centers on security measures.

4- Finance Officer-CCN: Arrange the payments for the consultant.

Roles and responsibility of SDC\MOSA center staff:

Focal Points: In charge of arranging the meetings/ focus groups with the field staff and beneficiaries. Meetings will be organized online, if physical presence is not possible.

Evaluator Required Competencies:

1- Qualifications & Experience:

The consultant must be bilingual (English & Arabic) and must have at least a degree in social studies, Psychology, public administration, economics or equivalent with at least 5 years experience in project evaluation, research, project planning, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation coupled with vast knowledge and experience in Child Rights and child protection projects including child labour. 

2- Technical competencies and Expertise:

- Knowledge of result based Management Evaluation methodologies

- Knowledge of participatory monitoring approaches

- Experience in qualitative data analysis

- Excellent Facilitation skills

3- Desired Skills and Experience:

- Knowledge of Arabic language 

- Familiarity with the local context

- Experience working in conflict areas

Experience in education programs



A consultant will be recruited. He/She will undertake evaluation through six main steps:

1- Submission of the inception report on how to conduct the evaluation, including the methodology to be used. 

2- Preparation and review of documentations.

3- Interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders and beneficiaries (including children, parents, management, Social workers and government officials from MOSA.

4- Draft report

5- Presentation of main findings and discussion.

6- Submission of the final report.

In parallel with steps 1 and 2, the consultant will closely coordinate with the Project Manger and project coordinator to receive all documentations needed and finalize the agenda, sampling selection and methodology.



The consultancy will take place from 19th of March till the 19th of April 2022.

How to apply

A timetable is to be suggested by the evaluator to meet the indicated deadline for submitting the final version of the evaluation.

The applicant should submit a detailed technical and financial proposal in English with the subject (Tittle: External evaluation of “Education In need, Education Indeed- phase 2” project.) to the following email address:
[email protected]
The deadline to apply is March 10, 2022

Thursday, 10. Mar 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
One month