Syrian Refugees In Lebanon: Drc's Emergency Response (Feb. 2013)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit organization working in Lebanon since 2004. In May 2011, DRC responded to a call from UNHCR, when the Syrian crisis started and the first Syrian refugees came into Lebanon. DRC believes that no refugee must be in want of help to find protection and durable solutions and hence the emergency response aims to provide immediate relief and protection to displaced refugees, including their vulnerable hosts, in an impartial, inclusive and neutral manner, adhering to the Code of Conduct of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. DRC’s emergency strategy focuses on three main geographical areas and four core sectors of intervention: provision of Food and Non-food Items (NFI), Shelter, Protection and Livelihoods and all programs are aimed to achieve this goal.
February 2013 saw the highest number of Syrian refugees entering Lebanon yet. According to UNHCR, 325,873 Syrian refugees are receiving protection and assistance from the Government of Lebanon, UN and NGO partners (Northern Lebanon: 117,732, Bekaa: 105,241 refugees, Beirut and Mount Lebanon: 51950 and the South: 47950). In addition, as yet unregistered newcomers arrive daily in dire need of emergency assistance. Lebanon continues to host the largest population affected by the Syrian crisis and DRC and its partners are delivering essential services to meet their needs.

Danish Refugee Council
Publishing Date: 
Friday, 1 March 2013
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Livelihoods & Labour Rights