Request For Proposals For Environmental Assessment And Compliance Reporting

Request forProposals

Education Development Center, Inc.

(Hereafter referred to as “EDC”)

Request for Proposals for

Environmental Assessment and Compliance Reporting

for the

Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement Program (D-RASATI)

DATE: April 30, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Eligibility. 3

2. General Information. 3

3. Proposal Submission and Selection. 4

4. Technical Specifications & Requirements. 6


5. Proposal Requirements. 7


Annex I – Schedule of Deliverables. 11

Annex II – Price Schedule. 12

Annex III - Offeror Certification. 13

Annex IV – Environmental Compliance Conditions from D-RASATI Award. 15

Annex V – List of Schools to be Assessed, by Location. 16

Annex VI – USAID Standard Conditions for Small-Scale Construction. 26


EDC is an international nonprofit organization that develops, delivers, and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the world’s most urgent challenges. Our work includes research, training, educational materials and strategy, with activities ranging from seed projects to large-scale initiatives. EDC enjoys a worldwide reputation for its excellence in program and fiscal management and for the impact of its work.

Developing Assistance to Schools and Teachers Improvement (D-RASATI) will enhance educational outcomes in Lebanon by improving teacher performance and ameliorating the school learning environment.

EDC’s work on the Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teachers Improvement (D-RASATI) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); organizations submitting proposals in response to this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) have no relationship with USAID under the terms of this RFP or any resultant contract. All communications regarding this RFP must be directed to EDC.

1. Purpose and Eligibility

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this RFP is to invite prospective offerors to submit a proposal to provide environmental impact assessment and compliance tracking and reporting services in Lebanon.

1.2 Coverage & Participation

The services included in this RFP shall be for the use of the D-RASATI project in Lebanon.

1.3 Eligibility

This procurement is open to offers from Lebanon.

2. General Information

2.1 Original RFP Document

D-RASATI/EDC shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits and other attachments, in original form in an archival copy. Any modification of these, in the offeror’s submission, is grounds for immediate disqualification.

2.2 RFP Provisions

All information provided by D-RASATI/EDC in this RFP is offered in good faith. D-RASATI/EDC makes no certification that any item is without error. D-RASATI/EDC is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from.
This RFP does not under any circumstances commit EDC to pay any costs incurred by the offeror in the submission of a proposal. This is the offeror’s responsibility. All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of EDC upon delivery to EDC. Additional documentation may be required prior to selection.

2.3 Schedule of Events

The following schedule applies to this RFP but may change in accordance with EDC’s needs or unforeseen circumstances. Changes in this timeline will be announced as formal modifications to the RFP.

TIME DATE Time Table 12 pm (noon) Beirut time May 8, 2013 Deadline for request for any clarifications from EDC 3 pm Beirut time May 13, 2013 Deadline for submission of proposals

3. Proposal Submission and Selection

3.1 Offeror’s Understanding of the RFP

In responding to this RFP, the Offeror fully understands the RFP in its entirety and in details, including making any inquiries to EDC as necessary to gain such understanding. Clarification questions must be submitted by potential offerors—in writing—by 12 pm (noon) on May 8, 2013. Responses will be published in writing. EDC reserves the right to disqualify at its sole discretion any offeror who submits a proposal that is not responsive or that demonstrates less than such understanding. That right extends to cancellation of the contract if a contract has been made. Such disqualification and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to EDC.

3.2 Communication

Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by the EDC Contact Person in charge of managing this RFP process. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communications.

Offerors’ inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFP are to be directed in writing in English before May 13, 2013, at 3 pm Beirut timeto:

Education Development Center, Inc.

Attention: Elie Assaf

E-mail: [email protected]

3.3 Proposal Submission

All responses to this RFP must include the documents listed in Section 5.1

Original proposals in writing in English must be hand-delivered to the below address or submitted via mail or courier in a closed and sealed envelope. Technical proposals and price proposals must be submitted in separate, sealed envelopes, clearly marked “technical proposal” and “price proposal.”

D-RASATI office, 8thFloor, Echmoun Building, Damascus Road, Sodeco, Beirut

Attention: Elie Assaf

All proposals must be received by EDC, before the deadline date and time, May 13, 2013, at 3 pm Beirut local time.

3.4 Evaluation Criteria and Method of Award

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on its demonstrated competence, compliance, format, organization, and cost. The purpose of this RFP is to identify those organizations that have the interest, capability, and financial strength to supply the services identified in Section 4.

Evaluation Criteria:

Adherence to the organization, submission, and content guidelines reflected in this RPP; 10 points Demonstrated experience in completing similar work; 20 points Quality of proposed product; 25 points Ability to deliver products, training, and technical support by the dates stated in Section 4.2; 50 points

Price shall be considered in determining the best value to the D-RASATI program. Price proposals will be evaluated, but will not be assigned a rating. The evaluation of price will include a determination of cost realism, completeness, and reasonableness. Cost realism is defined as the offerors’ ability to project costs which are realistic for the work to be performed; reflect a clear understanding of the requirements; and are consistent with the offeror’s technical capacity. Evaluation of the price proposal will consider, but will not be limited to, the following: consistency with the technical proposal; overall cost control/cost savings evidenced in the proposal (for example, the avoidance of excessive salaries and other unreasonable costs); and the amount of the proposed fee/profit, if any.

3.4.1 Selection

D-RASATI/EDC may award one or more contracts resulting from this RFP to the Offeror(s) whose proposal(s) conforming to this RFP offer(s) the greatest value. D-RASATI/EDC may also (a) reject any or all proposals, (b) accept other than the lowest price proposal, or (c) accept more than one proposal.

3.4.2 Method of Award

A firm, fixed-price contract will be issued to the winning vendor.

All payments will be made in local currency (Lebanese pounds) and within 4 working days from the receipt of an official invoice by EDC. The illustrative payment schedule is as follows; the final payment schedule will be included in the contract issued to the selected Offeror.

Illustrative Payment Schedule:

30% after approval by EDC of deliverables D1 and D2 70% after approval by EDC of deliverable D4 listed in Annex I.
4. Technical Specifications & Requirements

All of the specifications listed below must be met.

4.1 Statement of Work

The Selected Contractor will be required to complete the following:

i. Develop an environmental assessment form in compliance with D-RASATI’s award from USAID, to be used to assess environmental compliance in those schools rehabilitated using D-RASATI funding. ii. Visit 154 schools currently in process to assess (using the assessment tool) whether environmental compliance has been achieved. iii. Generate compliance reports on all 154 schools visited. iv. Generate Environmental Management plans (EMPs) for all 154 schools, once assessment has been completed. v. Provide technical guidance on the management of hazardous materials within D-RASATI rehabilitation in ways that are compliant with the project’s award document and applicable under current Lebanese law and in the existing Lebanese technical context.

The Selected Contractor must coordinate activities with the EDC’s D-RASATI Rehabilitation Manager and EDC’s D-RASATI Senior Monitoring Engineer.


The Selected Contractor will be required to complete all work listed below.

A. Description of Work

1.A.1. General Scope

D-RASATI is currently rehabilitating 154 Lebanese public schools. USAID guidelines for the rehabilitation work include the application of environmental standards and specific conditions for the rehabilitation work. The selected contractor will provide the technical input for assessing and reporting on the extent to which current rehabilitation activities are aligned with USAID instructions and for problem solving where misalignment is identified. The selected contractor will develop a tool for determining the extent to which the work meets expectations and requirements; will visit and assess all schools using that tool; will report on the status of all schools relative to requirements; and will develop an Environmental Management plan for each school, based on the findings of the assessment. The selected contractor will also provide specific technical input for the development of a hazardous materials management approach that complies with USAID requirements while also being applicable in the Lebanese context.


Work will take place in two locations:

1) At the schools in which rehabilitation work is being conducted;

2) At the bidder’s office, for report and EMP generation.

The bidder is required to visit all schools where rehabilitation work is being conducted, prior to the school’s final acceptance and within a timeline set by D-RASATI.

4.2 Deliverables

The required deliverables are specified in Annex II. EDC’s D-RASATI Chief of Party or the Chief of Party’s designee will approve all deliverables.

4.3 Reference Documents

Additional documents which may help the offerors prepare their proposals are attached, as follows:

In Annex IV, the environmental compliance guidelines from the D-RASATI award. In Annex V, the list of schools being rehabilitated and their locations. In Annex VI, the USAID Standard Conditions for Small-Scale Construction activities.

4.4 Terms of delivery: Contractor shall provide labor sufficient to provide the deliverables of this call for quotations, along with final, approved copies of all technical documents, which will remain the property of D-RASATI.

Validity of the offer: 30 days from closing

5. Proposal Requirements

The proposal must consist of the documents listed in Section 5.1. Failure to submit the required documents will result in the disqualification of the proposal.

5.1Required Documents

Offerors must complete and submit the following documents:

Application Cover Sheet: The cover sheet must include the name of the project, the legal name of the offeror, the offeror’s registration number with the Lebanese Ministry of Finance, the name of the offeror’s Authorized Representative (the person who is legally responsible for receiving funds should a contract be awarded); and the offeror’s address, phone number, fax number and e-mail addresses. Confirmation of the Schedule of Deliverables(Annex I); Technical Proposal: A detailed technical proposal of what exactly will be provided to EDC, including 1) all relevant technical information, 2) a narrative to justify how the choices proposed will meet EDC’s needs as outlined in Sections 2 and 4 of the RFP. Price proposal in accordance with Section 5.2; Certifications (Annex III); Evidence of Bidder Eligibility including:
○ A list of similar work conducted by the bidder within the last three years.The offeror must include the names of the companies that issued the contracts to the offeror; the start and end dates of contracts; and names, titles, and telephone numbers of individuals that D-RASATI can contact as references for the offeror.

○ CVs of each of the key personnel that would be assigned to the project with a brief description of his/her qualifications and his/her job description.

Organizational Overview as described in Section 6.

5.2 Price Proposal Requirements

All organizations must submit a cost breakdown for completing the work described in this RFP. In response to this RFP, EDC anticipates issuing a firm-fixed price contract with payments made upon submission of agreed-upon deliverables. The selected organization must agree to abide by the price submitted for the duration of the contract.

It will be the organization’s responsibility to register the contract at the ministry of finance and pay the due fees and then provide EDC with its original copy within 3 working days after the signature and prior to the commencement of work.

The price proposal must be in Lebanese pounds.

EDC will not pay for any costs incurred by the offeror in preparation of a proposal in response to this RFP.

All offerors must provide a price guarantee that the proposal price remains valid for 30 days.

5.2.1 Total Price Summary

Please provide a price summary as displayed below, as well as a narrative describing how the price was calculated. The price summary must be submitted in Microsoft Excel format and show all formulas.

The price summary, detailed budget, and all discussion of costs, including the budget notes, shall be organized consistent with the cost categories specified in Annex III. If there is no proposed cost in a particular category, include 0 for that category.

5.2.2 Detailed Budget & Budget Narrative

The detailed budget must be submitted in Microsoft Excel format and show:

All costs for each deliverable including any and all costs from the categories listed in Annex III which are necessary to complete the deliverable; and all formulas.

The budget narrative must include information about how the amounts for each estimated cost were determined.

The following definitions of types of costs should be utilized in preparing the cost proposal.

Salary and Wages: Direct salary and wages should be proposed in accordance with the offeror’s personnel policies. For example, costs of long-term and short-term personnel should be broken down by person years, months, days or hours.

Fringe Benefits: If fringe benefits are provided for as part of an organization’s indirect cost rate structure, a copy of the organization’s Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement must be included in the cost proposal. If fringe benefits rates are not included in the organization’s Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, a detailed cost breakdown by benefits types must be provided.

Consultants: This category is for services rendered by persons who are members of a particular profession or possess a special skill and who are not officers or employees of the offeror. Costs of consultants should be broken down by person years, months, days or hours.

Travel, Transportation, and Per Diem: This category is for costs for transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses. Costs must be broken down by the number of trips, cost per trip, per diem and other related travel costs.

Equipment and Supplies: This category is for supplies and equipment. Costs must be broken down by types and units.

Subcontracts: Subcontracts may not be proposed: offeror is expected to have the capacity to execute the work independently.

Allowances: Allowances may not be proposed.

Other Direct Costs: Costs must be broken down by types and units.

Indirect Costs: If the offeror has a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, indirect costs must be proposed in accordance with the offeror’s Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement and a copy of the Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement must be included in the cost proposal. If indirect costs rates have not been previously established with the US Government, a breakdown of bases, pools, method of determining the rates and description of costs, and two years of financial statement, preferably audited by an independent auditor must be submitted.

Fee/Profit: The proposed fee/profit must be supported with rationale based on associated risk factorsbased on associated risk factors based on associated risk factors based on associated risk factors based on associated risk factors based on associated risk factors.

6. Organization Overview

In order for their proposal to be considered, the offeror must submit an overview of the organization which must include the following:

Full legal name of the company. Year the organization was established. A list of the offerors’s key individuals including:
(a) the principal officers of the organization’s governing body (e.g., chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and secretary of the board of directors or board of trustees);

(b) the principal officer and deputy principal officer of the organization (e.g., executive director, deputy director, president, vice president);

(c) the program manager(s) for the proposed contract;

(d) any other person who will have significant responsibilities for administration of the US Government-financed activities or resources under the proposed delivery of the commodities.

Information regarding any current litigation in which the offeror, or any of the entities in the collaboration, are involved, regardless of jurisdiction where the litigation resides.

Offerors that currently have a Dun & Bradstreet Number are requested to provide this information. Offerors who are not registered with Dun & Bradstreet may do so at There is no charge for this registration. A Dun & Bradstreet Number is not required for submission of a proposal, but may be required before a contract is issued. Whether or not an offeror currently has a Dun & Bradstreet number will not affect the evaluation of the offeror’s proposal.


Annex I – Schedule of Deliverables

The schedule below is illustrative. Estimated dates may be updated at the time of issuance of a Contract.

Deliverable Estimated Date of Delivery D1 Tool for assessing environmental compliance in schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation May 31, 2013 D2 Technical report outlining strategy for managing hazardous materials under D-RASATI’s school rehabilitation activity May 31, 2013 D3 154 reports on the environmental compliance status of the schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation. June 30, 2013 D4 154 EMPs for the schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation. June 30, 2013

By signing below, the Offeror confirms its ability to meet the requirements, including due dates, listed above. The Offeror further confirms its understanding that exact due dates will be determined at the time of issuance of a contract with the Selected Contractor.

Offeror’s Organization Name: _________________________________

Name of the Offeror’s Authorized Signatory:_________________________________

Signature of Offeror’s Authorized Signatory:_________________________________

Annex II – Price Schedule

Item Price Excluding VAT Tool for assessing environmental compliance in schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation Technical report outlining strategy for managing hazardous materials under D-RASATI’s school rehabilitation activity 154 reports on the environmental compliance status of the schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation. 154 EMPs for the schools undergoing D-RASATI rehabilitation. Total Proposed Price

Offeror’s Organization Name: _________________________________

Name of the Offeror’s Authorized Signatory:_________________________________

Signature of Offeror’s Authorized Signatory:_________________________________

Annex III - Offeror Certification

This certification attests to the Offeror’s awareness and agreement to the content of this RFP and all accompanying calendar schedules and terms and provisions contained herein.

The Offeror must ensure that the following certificate is duly completed and correctly executed by an authorized officer of the Offeror’s company.

This proposal is submitted in response to an RFP issued by EDC. The undersigned is a duly authorized officer, and hereby certifies that:

(Offeror Name)

Agrees to be bound by the content of this Proposal and agrees to comply with the terms, conditions and provisions of the referenced RFP. The proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 30 calendar days as of the Due Date of the RFP.

The undersigned further certify that their firm (check one):


Currently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any United States federal entity and/or the Government of Lebanon. The undersigned agree to notify EDC of any change in this status, should one occur, until such time as an award has been made under this procurement action.

The offeror, by checking the applicable box, certifies that –
The offeror is a non-U.S. entity, and that it operates as [ ] a corporation organized under the laws of _____________________________ (country), [ ] an individual, [ ] a partnership, [ ] a nongovernmental nonprofit organization, [ ] a nongovernmental educational institution, [ ] a governmental organization, [ ] an international organization, or [ ] a joint venture.

Person[s] authorized to negotiate on behalf of this firm for purposes of this RFP are:

Name: Title: Signature: Date: Name: Title: Signature: Date:

Signature of Authorized Officer:

Name: Title: Signature: Date:

Notification: Under 15 U.S.C. 645(d), any person who misrepresents its firm’s size status shall (1) be punished by a fine, imprisonment, or both; (2) be subject to administrative remedies; and (3) be ineligible for participation in programs conducted under the authority of the Small Business Act.

*If you are certified or a member of one of the qualifying groups, please register with Dun & Bradstreet at There is no charge for this registration.

Annex IV – Environmental Compliance Conditions from D-RASATI Award


… The program’s rehabilitation and repair activities qualify for Negative Determination with Conditions per 22 CFR 216.3 (a)(2)(iii), the Conditions being that debris/rubble management activities be implemented to encourage appropriate disposal and/or reuse of waste, and to reduce dust production and soil corrosion. Hazardous materials will not be used under the program. If any hazardous materials are encountered during the rehabilitation process, then they will be removed in accordance with US Government procedures.

Annex V – List of Schools to be Assessed, by Location

LIST OF SCHOOLS BEING REHABILITATED BY D-RASATI Governorate District Village Name of School Name of School in Arabic Address Nabatiyeh Bint Jbeil Tebnine Tebnine Secondary Public School (Kafra) ثانوية تبنين الرسمية - فرع كفرا Kafra Shaqra Shaqra Second Elementary Public School شقرا الابتدائية الرسمية الثانية Shaqra- Faqoun- Main road Hasbaya Shebaa Shebaa Elementary Public School شبعا الابتدائية الرسمية Shebaa- Main road Halta Halta Mixed Intermediate Public School حلتا المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Halta- Main road Al Mari Al Mari Mixed Public School الماري الرسمية المختلطة Al Mari- Main road Marjeyoun Al Taybeh Al Taybeh Intermediate Public School الطيبه المتوسطه الرسمية Al Taybeh- Deir Seryan Road Al Aadaisseh Al Aadaisseh Mixed Intermediate Public School العديسه المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Al Aadaisseh- Al Wastani- Main road Ibl El Saki Ibl El Saki Intermediate Public School ابل السقي المتوسطة الرسمية Ibl El Saki- Al Dhour- Main road Nabatiyeh Kfaraman Rawdat Kfar Ramman Public School مدرسة روضة كفررمان الرسمية Kfar Ramman- Behind the public high school for girls- Main road Aaba Aaba Intermediate Public School عبا المتوسطة الرسمية Aaba- Main road/ Al Doueir Kfarsir Kfarsir Intermediate Public School كفرصير المتوسطة الرسمية Kfarsir- Main road Braikee Braikee Intermediate Public School بريقع المتوسطة الرسمية Braikee- Main road Mayfadoun Mayfadoun Secondary Public School ثانوية ميفدون الرسمية Mayfadoun- Al Baydar- Al Baydar Street Shoukine Shoukine Intermediate Public School شوكين المتوسطة الرسمية Shoukine- Public Square Kfaraman Kfar Ramman Intermediate Public School كفررمان المتوسطة الرسمية Kfar Ramman- Al Baydar- main road Houmine Houmine Al Tahta Intermediate Public School حومين التحتا الرسمية المتوسطة Houmine Al Tahta- Al Dabash Street Beqaa Rashaya Kfarkouk Kfarkouk Intermediate Public School متوسطة كفرقوق الرسمية Kfarkouk- Beit Al Zaarour Kawkaba Kawkaba Intermediate Public School كوكبا المتوسطة الرسمية Kawkaba West Beqaa Joub Jannine Joub Jannine Secondary Public School ثانوية جب جنين الرسمية Joub Jannine- Al Sader Sohmor Sohmor Mixed Intermediate Public School- English section مدرسة سحمر الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة - الفرع الانكليزي Sohmor- Al Bayader- Main road Sohmor Sohmor Secondary Public School ثانوية سحمر الرسمية Sohmor El Sawiri El Swairi Intermediate Public School متوسطة الصويري الرسمية El Swairi Al Qaraoun Al Qaraoun Intermediate Public School متوسطة القرعون الرسمية Al Qaraoun Mashghara Mashghara Secondary Public School ثانوية مشغرة الرسمية Mashghara Zahleh Saadnayel Saadnayel Mixed Intermediate Public School متوسطة سعدنايل الرسمية المختلطة Saadnayel Massa Massa Mixed Intermediate Public School متوسطة ماسا الرسمية المختلطة Massa Bar Elias Bar Elias Elementary Public School بر الياس الرسمية الابتدائية Bar Elias- Main road Kaa Al Rim Kaa Al Rim Mixed Intermediate Public School متوسطة قاع الريم المختلطة Kaa Al Rim Hermel El Kassr El Kassr public school القصر الرسمية El Kassr Sahlat Al May Sahlat Al Maa Intermediate Public School متوسطة سهلات الماء الرسمية Sahlat Al Maa- Al Zabkeh Street Hermel El Hermel Secondary public school ثانوية الهرمل الرسمية El Dawra Hermel El Hermel Third Intermediate Public School متوسطة الهرمل الرسمية الثالثة Al Dora- Al Dora Al Chmaliya- High school building- Main street- high school road Hermel El Hermel An Namouzajiya Elementary Public School الهرمل النموذجية الابتدائية الرسمية Hermel- Tel Massoud- Main road Baalbak Ras Baalbek Ras Baalbek Secondary Public School ثانوية راس بعلبك الرسمية Ras Baalbek Makneh Makneh public school مقنه الرسمية Makneh Shaat Shaat Intermediate Public School شعت المتوسطة الرسمية Shaat Nabi Sheet El Nabi Sheet secondary ثانوية النبي شيت El Nabi Sheet- Public Square Nabi Sheet Al Nabi Sheet Intermediate Public School متوسطة النبي شيت الرسمية El Nabi Sheet- Al Gharbi- Main road Bednayel Salim Haidar intermediate public school متوسطة سليم حيدر الرسمية Bednayel Aarsal Aarsal Third Intermediate Public School متوسطة عرسال الرسمية الثالثة Aarsal- AL Chafaq Mount Lebanon Jbeil Amshit Amshit Secondary Public School ثانوية عمشيت الرسمية Amchit- Jamih Al Keddisine Street Meshan Group of Meshan Public Kindergartens (Antoine Saaid) تجمع روضات مشان الرسمية (انطوان سعيد) Meshan Halat Halat Mixed Intermediate Public School حالات الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Halat- Saint George- Saint George Street Hsarat Estephan Juan Assi Public School مدرسة اسطفان جوان عاصي الرسمية Hsarat- Harf Al Deir- Main road Jbeil Jbeil first Mixed Intermediate مدرسة جبيل الاولى المتوسطة Jbeil- Mar Yaacoub Metn Bteghreen Bteghreen Mixed Intermediate بتغرين الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Bteghreen- Al Wata Street- Al Ain Al Mhaidthet Al Mhaidtheh Mixed Intermediate Public School متوسطة المحيدثة الرسمية المختلطة Al Mhaidtheh Bteghreen Bteghreen Mixed Secondary ثانوية بتغرين الرسمية المختلطة Bteghreen- Al Ain Baabdat Liwa Jamil Lahoud Secondary ثانوية اللواء جميل لحود الرسمية Baabdat- Al Chmeis- Al Chmeis Street Dhour El Shweir Dhour El shweir Secondary Public School ثانوية ضهور الشوير الرسمية Dhour El Shweir -Ain Al Hanout- Main road Aqbet Byakout Aqbet Byaqout Mixed عقبة بياقوت الرسمية المختلطة Byaqout- Aqabeh Street - Kesserwan Ashkout Iskandar Rizk Public School - Ashkout اسكندر رزق الرسمية - عشقوت Ashkout- Ashkout roundabout- Main road Daraoun Daraoun Mixed Intermediate Public School درعون الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Daraoun- Church Square- Public Square Street Shahtoul May Ziadeh Intermediate Public School مي زيادة المتوسطة الرسمية Shahtoul- Mar Youssef- Main road Yahshoush Yahshouh Mixed Intermediate Public School يحشوش المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Yahsoush Aley Shoueifat Shoueifat Mixed Secondary Public School ثانوية الشويفات الرسمية المختلطة Shoueifat- Al Oumara- Al Maydan Street Amrousiyeh Al Amrousiyeh second mixed intermediate العمروسية الثانية المتوسطة المختلطة Al Amrousiyeh- School Street Al Bounay Al Bounia Mixed Intermediate Public School مدرسة البنيه الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Al Bounia- Al Bounia Street- Aabey Maaroufieh Maaroufiyeh Mixed Public School المعروفية الرسمية المختلطة Maaroufiyeh Baawarta Baawarta Mixed Intermediate Public School بعورته الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Baawarta- Baawarta- Highway Baabda Qarnayel Qarnayel Mixed Intermediate قرنايل الرسمية المتوسطة المختلطة Qarnayel Shebbaniyeh Shebbaniyeh Public School مدرسة الشبانية الرسمية Shebbaniyeh- Main road Ras El Metn Ras El Metn Mixed Intermediate راس المتن المتوسطة المختلطة Ras El Metn- Ain Hamze Qarnayel Karnayel Secondary Public School - Ras El Metn Branch ثانوية قرنايل الرسمية - فرع المتن Ras El Metn Baabda Baabda Intermediate Public School for Boys بعبدا الرسمية المتوسطة للصبيان Baabda- Near the Brazilian Embassy- Batchay junction Ghubairi Ghubairi First Mixed Elementary Public School الغبيري الاولى الابتدائية المختلطة El Ghubairi- Al Masbagha- Al Masbagha Street Baabda Baabda Intermediate Public School for Girls متوسطة بعبدا الرسمية للبنات Baabda- Sibniyeh- Near the Jordanian Embassay Al Hadath Secondary School (sharing same building as 103) ثانوية الحدث الرسمية Abbadiyeh Maroun Abboud Secondary Public School - Al Abadiya ثانوية مارون عبود الرسمية - العبادية Al Abadiya- Al Hesn region Chouf Baaklin Baaklin Secondary Public School ثانوية بعقلين الرسمية Baaklin Barja Barja Secondary Public School ثانوية برجا الرسمية Barja- Al Dimas- Al Kalaa Street Haret Naameh Haret El Naameh Mixed Intermediate Public School حارة الناعمة المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Haret El Naameh- Al Masanee- Al Shahid Street Haret Naameh Al Shahd Rafic Hariri -Haret El Naameh Secondary School ثانوية حارة الناعمة -الشهيد رفيق الحريري Haret El Naameh- Al Maamel- Al Masanee Street Warhaniyeh Al Warhaniyeh Mixed Intermediate Public School الورهانية المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Al Warhaniyeh Chhim Chehim Second Public School- French section شحيم الرسمية الثانية - الفرع الفرنسي Chehim- Al Blat Hasrout Hasrout Mixed Intermediate Public School حصروت المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Hasrout North Minieh- Donieh Bhannine Bhannine Mixed Public School بحنين الرسمية المختلطة Bhannine- Main Road Al Nabi Youchaa Al Nabi Youchaa Mixed Public School النبي يوشع الرسمية المختلطة Al Nabi Youchaa- Main road Deir Emar Deir Emar public school for Girls دير عمار الرسمية للبنات Deir Emar- Al Bayader- Main road El Minyeh Balat El Minyeh Balat public school for Boys المنية بلاط الرسمية للصبيان El Minyeh Balat- Al Balat Street Deir Ammar Deir Ammar Mixed Public Kindergarten روضة دير عمار الرسمية المختلطة Deir Emar- Om Al Darbine- Deir Ammar El Meniyeh Secondary Public School - Martyr Lieutenant Wissam Eid Branch ثانوية المنية - فرع الشهيد الرائد وسام عيد الرسمية Deir Emar- Al Bawab Street Al Baddawi Al Baddawi Second Intermediate Public School for Girls متوسطة البداوي الثانية الرسمية للبنات Al Baddawi- Main road Al Baddawi Rawdat al Badawi Second Public School روضة البداوي الثانية الرسمية Al Baddawi- Wadi Al Nahleh- Main road Bakhoun Bakhoun Intermediate public school for Boys بخعون المتوسطة الرسمية للصبيان Bakhoun- Al Dayaa- Main road Mrah Sraj Mrah Al Sraj Mixed Intermediate Public School مراح السراج المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Mrah Al Sraj Kfarhabou Kfarhabou Mixed Public School كفرحبو الرسمية المختلطة Kfarhabou- Dahr El Sammak Sir El Dinniyeh Sir El Dinniyeh Secondary Public School ثانوية سير الضنية الرسمية Sir El Dinniyeh- Al Saki- Main road Deir Nbouh Deir Nabouh Mixed Public School ديرنبوح الرسمية المختلطة Deir Nabouh Adwa Adwa Mixed Public School عدوة الرسمية المختلطة Al Rawda Akkar Jdaidet Al Qaiteh Jdaidet Al Qaiteh Mixed Public School جديدة القيطع المختلطة الرسمية Jdaidet Al Qaiteh Bebnine Bebnine Public School for Girls ببنين الرسمية للبنات Bebnine- Al Mezrab- Main road Barqayel Barqayel Mixed Public School برقايل المختلطة الرسمية Barqayel- Al Kroum Street Bebnine Bebnine Akkar public school for Boys ببنين الرسمية للصبيان Bebnine- Al Jawahra (Raya)- Internal Street Meshmesh Mishmesh Mixed Public School مشمش الرسمية المختلطة Mishmesh- Karam Al nasbat- Dahr Al Zeituneh- Main road Bkarzla Bkarzla Mixed Public School بقرزلا الرسمية المختلطة Bkarzla El Borj El Borj Mixed Public School البرج الرسمية المختلطة El Borj- Al Maydan- Main road Tekrit Rafic El Hariri Public School - Tekrit مدرسة رفيق الحريري الرسمية - تكريت Tekrit- Al Shura- Tekrit road- Near the public technical school Tal Abbas Al Gharbi Rafic Hariri Public School in Tal Abbas Al Gharbi رفيق الحريري الرسمية في تل عباس الغربي Tal Abbas Al Gharbi Talmeaan Talmeaan Mixed Public School - Akkar تلمعيان المختلطة الرسمية - عكار Talmeaan- Tal Kara- Talmeaan Khraybet El Jundi Khraybet El Jundi Mixed Public School خريبة الجندي الرسمية المختلطة Khraybet El Jundi Al Mkaybleh Al Mkaybleh Mixed Public School المقيبلة الرسمية المختلطة Al Mkaybleh Wadi Khaled Mrs. Bahiya El Hariri Public School مدرسة االسيدة بهية الحريري الرسمية Wadi Khaled- Wadi Khaled- Al Medjdel Rajm Hussein Rajm Hussein Mixed Public School رجم حسين الرسمية المختلطة Rajm Hussein Al Kawashra Al Kawashra Mixed Public School الكواشرة الرسمية المختلطة Al Kawashra- Al Charki Mazraat Baldeh Mazraat Baldeh Mixed Public School مزرعة بلدة الرسمية المختلطة Mazraat Baldeh Batroun Boksmaya Boksmaya Mixed Public School بقسميا المختلطة الرسمية Boksmaya Kfar Aabida Kfar Aabida Intermediate Public School كفرعبيدا الرسمية المتوسطة Kfar Aabida- The Church- Main road Jran Jran Mixed Public School جران الرسمية المختلطة Jran- Al Hamra- Main road Douma Douma Mixed Public School دوما المختلطة الرسمية Douma- main road Koura Bterram Khalil Salem Bterram Secondary Public School ثانوية خليل سالم بطرام الرسمية Bterram- Al Ain- Main road Bterram Bterram / Khalil Salem Public School بطرام/ خليل سالم الرسمية Bterram- Al Ain- Highway Kfarhata Kfarhata Public School كفرحاتا الرسمية Kfarhata- Saint John Street Bsharri Barhalioun Barhalioun Mixed Public School برحليون الرسمية المختلطة Barhalioun- Public Square Street Zgharta Mezyara Mezyara Mixed Public School مزيارة الرسمية المختلطة Mezyara- Al Dahr Iaal Iaal Mixed Public School ايعال الرسمية المختلطة Iaal- Main road Zgharta Zgharta Mixed Kindergarten روضة زغرتا المختلطة Zgharta- Al Abey- President Frangieh Street Tripoli Tripoli May Public School For Girls مدرسة مي الرسمية للبنات Al Tal and central city- Al Madares Street Tripoli Abi Samra First For Girls مدرسة أبي سمرا الأولى للبنات Abi Samra- Al Manar Street or new Abi Samra Qalamoun Al Qalamoun public school for Girls مدرسة القلمون الرسمية للبنات Al Qalamoun Tripoli George Sarraf Secondary public school ثانوية جورج صراف الرسمية Abi Samra- Al Manar University Near Al Zahraa- Zeitoun Abi Samra Street or new Abi Samra Tripoli Al Kobba Al Jadida Public Kindergarten مدرسة روضة القبة الجديدة الرسمية Al Kobba- Mohajjarine Street- Facing the officers' club South Lebanon Tyre Maarakah As Shahid Khalil Jaradi Secondary Public School/ Maaraka ثانوية الشهيد خليل جرادي الرسمية /معركة Maaraka- North Shhour Doctor Afif Baidoun Intermediate Public School متوسطة الدكتور عفيف بيضون الرسميه Shhour Maarakah Shuhada Maaraka Elementary Public School مدرسة شهداء معركه الابتدائية الرسمية Maaraka- North- Al Baydar Street Al Bazourieh Al Bazouriyeh Secondary Public School ثانوية البازورية الرسمية Al Bazouriyeh Bourj Rahhal Bourj Rahal Mixed Intermediate Public School برج رحال المتوسطة الرسمية المختلطة Bourj Rahal- Public Square Al Shaaitiya Al Shaaitiya Al Kanissa Intermediate Public School الشعيتية الكنيسة المتوسطة الرسمية Al Shaaitiya- Main road Ain Baal Kamal Salhab Secondary Public School- Ain Baal ثانوية كمال سلهب الرسمية - عين بعال Ain Baal- Main road Jibal Al Butom Jibal El Butom Intermediate School جبال البطم المتوسطة الرسمية Jibal El Butom Qana Qana Secondary Public School ثانوية قانا الرسمية Qana- Rass abid- Near the field Qlayla Qlayla Intermediate Public School القليلة المتوسطة الرسمية Qlayla- Omran Street Saida Saida Martyr Maarouf Saed Intermediate Public School مدرسة متوسطة معروف سعد الرسمية Al Wastani- Riyad Al Solh Street (Hammam Al Askari) Aadlon Aadloun Intermediate Public School مدرسة عدلون المتوسطة Aadloun- The Husayniyeh- Al Mashaa Street Sarafand Al Sarafand Public School مدرسة الصرفند الرسمية Al Sarafand- Near the highway- new building- Sarafand- Al Babiliya main road Abra Abra Mixed Intermediate Public School مدرسة عبرا المتوسطة الرسمية Abra- the Church- Hosh Street Saida Saida El Lebnanieh El Kuwaitieh Public School المدرسة اللبنانية الكويتية صيدا Saida -Al Wastani- Chamoun street AL Loubya Al Loubya Elementary Public School اللوبياء الابتدائية الرسمية Al Loubya- The Husayniyeh- Hussaini club Street Saida Haret Saida Public School حارة صيدا الرسمية Al Hara- Al Taamir- Jbaa Road El Bissarieh El Bissariah Intermediate Public School البيسارية المتوسطة الرسمية El Bissariah- near the cemetery Matariyat Al Shawmar Matariyat Al Shawmar Intermediate Public School متوسطة مطرية الشومر الرسمية Matariyat Al Shawmar Al Babiliyeh Al Babiliyeh Intermediate البابلية المتوسطة الرسمية Al Babiliyeh- Breem Roum Elias Merhi Intermediate Public School متوسطة الياس مرعي الرسمية Roum- Main road Jezzine Jezzine Jezzine Secondary Public School ثانوية جزين الرسمية Jezzine- Al Bayader Street Jezzine Jezzine Intermediate Public School جزين المتوسطة الرسمية Jezzine- Al Bayader- Main road Beirut Beirut Beirut For Girls Second Public School مدرسة البنات الثانية الرسمية Al Mousaitbeh- Salim Slem Avenue-Mostafa Naja Street Beirut Ras Beirut First Mixed Public School مدرسة رأس بيروت الأولى المختلطة الرسمية (جابر الأحمد الصباح) Ras Beirut- Karakass- Al Tanoukhyin Street Beirut Rene Mouawad Secondary Public School ثانوية رينيه معوض الرسمية Al Sanayeh- Al Rachidin Street Beirut Hassan Saab Mixed Secondary Public School ثانوية الدكتور حسن صعب الرسمية المختلطة Beirut El Amir Shakib Irslan Mixed Secondary Public school ثانوية شكيب إرسلان Ain Al Tineh- Sakyat Al Janzir- Rashid Karami Street- Verdun Beirut Uruguay First Achrafieh Public School for Boys مدرسة الأوروغواي الرسمية Achrafieh- Al Ghabi- Karm El Zeitoun Street- Jisr Al Wati Beirut Ain El Mraiseh Mixed Intermediate Public School مدرسة العلامة الدكتور صبحي الصالح الرسمية (عين المريسة) Bir Hassan- Jnah Beirut Al Allama Abdullah Al Alayli Secondary ثانوية العلامة عبد الله العلايلي Cornich Al Mazraa- near Mosquet Jamal Abdul Nasser Beirut Omar El Zini Mixed Intermediate Public School مدرسة عمر الزعني المتوسطة المختلطة Al Malaab- Abu Chaker- Mohamed Salam Street Beirut Amr Hamad Mixed Elementary Public School مدرسة عمر حمد الإبتدائية المختلطة الرسمية Tariq Al Jadida- Al Dana Street Beirut Mohammed Shamel Mixed Elementary Public School محمد شامل الإبتدائية المختلطة Al Malaab- Abu Chaker Street

Annex VI – USAID Standard Conditions for Small-Scale Construction

Standard Conditions for Small-Scale Construction

Small-scale construction activities occur in association with a wide variety of development projects financed by USAID. Construction activities include demolition; site clearing; soil grading, leveling and compaction; excavation; pipe and equipment installation; and the erection of physical structures. These activities have the potential to result in significant adverse environmental impacts, but most of those impacts can be mitigated down to acceptable levels through the use of good construction management practices.

These standard conditions have been developed by USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureau to ensure that small-scale construction activities do not result in significant adverse environmental impact. When adherence to these conditions is required as a condition of small-scale construction contracts, no significant adverse environmental impact is presumed to result from activity implementation. Project officers, CTOs, Mission Environmental Officers, Contract Officers and implementing organizations must nonetheless be aware that these standard conditions are generic in nature, and that additional potentially significant adverse environmental impacts may be associated with small-scale construction activities.

It is the responsibility of the individual USAID missions, and/or their implementing contractors and grantees, to monitor construction and to ensure that significant adverse environmental impacts do not result from these programs.

For the purposes of this guidance, “small-scale” construction activities are defined here as those that cost less than $100,000 per construction project. Because of the exceptionally diverse physical conditions under which Bureau construction activities take place, and the very broad kinds of construction that take place, the following standard conditions are to be followed “as practicable and appropriate.”

Standard Conditions for Small-Scale Construction Projects

Establish and adhere to construction timetables that minimize disruption to the normal activities of the construction area. Coordinate truck and other construction activity to minimize noise, traffic disruption and dust. Develop and implement appropriate human health and worker safety measures during construction. Post construction timetables and traffic diversion schedules at the project site. Where significant environmental impacts may occur, document and photograph pre-construction and post-construction conditions. Avoid subsidence and building stabilization problems through proper foundation excavation, fill placement and borrow pit management. Fill should avoid pockets of segregated materials, it should use well-graded materials, and it should be compacted to recognized standards. Backfill and/or restore borrow areas and quarries before abandonment unless alternative uses for those sites are planned. Control runoff into borrow pits. Provide temporary sanitation at the construction site. Recover and replant topsoil and plants as practicable. Set protocols for vehicle maintenance to control contamination by grease, oil and fuels. Install temporary erosion control and sediment retention measures when permanent ones either are not feasible or are delayed. Avoid pollution of waterways with stockpiled construction materials. Cover stockpiled construction materials, as practicable. Place solvents, lubricants, oils, and other semi-hazardous and hazardous liquids over a lined area with appropriate secondary containment in order to contain spillage. Test the integrity of bulk storage tanks and drums, and secure valves on oil and fuel supplies. Build appropriate containment structures around bulk storage tanks and materials stores to prevent spillage entering watercourses. Handle, store, use and process branded materials in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. Take waste materials to appropriate, designated local disposal areas. Avoid the use of cement; paper; board; sealant and glazing formulations; piping; roofing material; or other materials containing asbestos. Do not use PCBs in electric transformers. Avoid sealant and glazing formulations that use lead as a drying agent. Use lead-free paint, primers, varnishes and stains. Minimize the use of solvent-based paints, or replace with water-based materials. Minimize burning of waste materials. Employ techniques to minimize dust and vapor emissions as practicable (e.g., road speed limits, air extraction equipment, scaffolding covers, road spray). Recycle wastewater to the extent practicable. Build tanks or other separators for silt-laden material prior to allowing significant outflow into watercourses. Build collection channels leading to oil and/or silt traps, particularly around areas used for vehicle washing or fuelling. Seal or remove abandoned drains to minimize water contamination. Segregate waste which can be salvaged, re-used or recycled. Introduce measures to control and minimize the volume of waste on site. Employ sensitive strategies with regard to trees, watercourses, plant or animal species or habitats, and important historical and archaeological features. As practicable, landscape construction sites in a way that is appropriate to local conditions. Minimize the disturbance of, and reduce the spread of, ground contaminants. Do not build structures in sensitive areas such as wetlands. If waste will be buried on site, avoid siting burial pits up-gradient from drinking water sources such as wells. Pits should be lined with impermeable material (e.g., clay or polyethylene). If waste will be buried on site, avoid siting waste pits where water tables are high or underlying geology makes contamination of groundwater likely. If no alternative site is available, ensure that pits are lined with impermeable material. Provide for the safe disposal of gray water from bathing and washing.

Monday, 13. May 2013
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):