Open Local Tender - CESVI-LEB-2021-OLT01

Cesvi is an International NGO with its Head office in Italy, via Broseta 68/a, 24128 Bergamo and is registered in Lebanon and located at Furn el Chebbak, Chiyah area, facing Notre Dame de Lourdes churche, Pritzke building 2nd floor above Amel association CDC, Beirut.

Cesvi has received grants from AICS for the implementation of the three projects “R.vive: revitalizing economic activities and rehabilitating of damaged public infrastructure in the municipality of Bourj Hammoud”, “Biaadiyna: fostering social stability and environmental safeguarding by promoting temporary employment opportunities for vulnerable communities in Saida and West Beqaa” and “La Bukra Ahla: resilience and social cohesion through temporary employment opportunities for Lebanese and Syrian refugees in Central Bekaa and Mount Lebanon”, which focus on the rehabilitation of public infrastructures, and general urban or peri urban areas through Cash for Work activities.

With the present call, Cesvi is inviting interested companies to present quotations to the following Open Local Tender composed by 5 Lots: 

  • Lot 1: Tools
  • Lot 2: Construction Material
  • Lot 3: Trees
  • Lot 4: Agricultural Inputs 
  • Lot 5: Workers Safety Kits

Detailed specifications are mentioned in the tender dossier: soft copy of the Dossier can be requested by contacting the following e-mail address: [email protected]; Hard copy of the tender documents can be collected at Cesvi Lebanon office; The documents must be requested/collected by January 7th 2022, 5 pm at the latest. 

The Tender Notice is enclosed to this page

How to apply

  • Sealed tenders/bids must be submitted with 02 envelopes marked A (technical information) & B (financial offer). Bids submitted without all the asked documents and signing of Annexes 01, 02, 03, may not be considered for further evaluation. Please also note that sub-standard uncertified equipment or equipment with incomplete specifications will be rejected.
  • Sealed tenders must be submitted by January 12th 2022, at 5 p.m. at Cesvi Lebanon Office [Furn el Chebbak, Chiyah area, facing Notre Dame de Lourdes churche, Pritzke building 2nd floor above Amel association CDC], Beirut and should be marked as “Not to be opened before January 13th 2022”. Please note that the deadline might be extended in case of security circumstances or any force majeure.
  • Electronic bidding is NOT ALLOWED, failure to take heed will automatically get a disqualification.
  • Tenderers may submit questions in writing to [email protected] up to the 7th of January 2022. Replies will be provided no later than the 10th of January 2022. No individual replies will be given to questions. All questions and answers as well as other important notices to applicants will be published on the online platform Daleel Madani, It is therefore advisable to consult the abovementioned website regularly in order to be informed of questions and answers published.


Q&A List:

1. QUESTION: We kindly ask you to confirm whether it would be possible to submit an offer in USD and get paid in USD only.

ANSWER: As per the Tender Dossier, offered prices must be quoted both in USD (fresh money) and in LBP (non-fresh money). As per the Tender Dossier, some items included in the five lots will be purchased in USD (fresh money), while others will be purchased in LBP (non-fresh money). 
However, considering the fluctuations of LBP currency, while quotation in USD are asked to be valid until May 31st 2022, updated prices in LBP will be requested to pre-qualified suppliers, before issuing any purchase.  order.


2. QUESTION: Kindly please advise the origin requested for the items. Please advise if we can submit 2 prices for each item (difference in quality and origin).

ANSWER: Unless the origin is specifically mentioned in the technical specifications (e.g. european brand), no specific origin is requested for the items to be quoted. However, quality of the goods is an important evaluation criteria of the offer (35%). 
As mentioned in the tender dossier, bidders are requested to submit one option for each item. 


3. QUESTION: It is a must to price all the Lots specified in the tender? To clarify, can i only submit prices for the trees and plants, excluding the tools, steel etc....? 

ANSWER: The tenderers may apply for A SINGLE LOT or for more lots. However, they must offer all the items and the whole quantity indicated in every lot they applied for.


4. QUESTION: Can you please provide the specs for the following items:

Lot 1 - Item 40 - Screws: is it the standard 4mm ? and length to select?

Lot 2 - Item 11 & 15: Reinforced steel bars and Reinforced steel stirrups: any difference in specs or any specific dimensions you can provide?

Lot 2 - Item 14: Timber/wood: any specific dimensions/sizes?

ANSWER: For all the items, the measures of reference are the standard ones. Also reported below: 

Lot 1 - Item 40 - Screws: Standard d=4mm and Length L=1.25 cm. 

Lot 2 - Item 11&15 - Reinforced steel bars and Reinforced steel stirrups: No difference in specs and standard length of 6mm bars (L= 5m)

Lot 2 - Item 14 - Timber/wood: Length: L= 3m; thickness t= 2.5cm; width w=10cm (standard measures for formwork concrete pouring)


Wednesday, 12. Jan 2022
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation