On a daily basis, important information pertaining to Human rights and judicial matters that are ongoing in Lebanon are currently disseminated to the Lebanese and international press.
Unfortunately, much of this information goes unnoticed because it is published in one media or press channel, or because of the abundance of current news emanating from Lebanese, regional or international sources. This loss of information diminishes the ability of a follow-up of these issues by Lebanese and international Human rights organizations.
Therefore, this project consists in monitoring the local press with the purpose of documenting violations and issuing alerts. The press review helps to follow cases of detainees that may be mentioned only once in the Lebanese press and that are generally forgotten afterwards. When the CLDH team suspects a case of arbitrary detention, it will attempt to go further to confirm the case and help the victims and their families.
The press review is also sent on a daily basis to national and international NGOs

Overall Objectives: 
Reinforce the capabilities of the Lebanese NGOs, and raise public awareness on Human rights violations
The press review identifies Human rights violations in any of the following areas:
Start Date
Sun, 01/10/2006 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations