Call for the Development of an online platform (database)

Post title: call for offers for the development of an online database tool (website)

Location: Beirut- Lebanon

Reference to the project: prevention of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment

Duration: Tasks must be completed a month of signing the contract.


The Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) is a local non-profit, non-partisan Lebanese human rights organization based in Beirut. CLDH was created in 2006 by the Franco-Lebanese Movement SOLIDA (Support for Lebanese Detained Arbitrarily), which has been active since 1996 in the struggle against arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and the impunity of those perpetrating gross human rights violations.

CLDH monitors the human rights situation in Lebanon, fights enforced disappearance, impunity, arbitrary detention and racism and rehabilitates the victims of torture. CLDH regularly organizes press conferences, workshops, and advocacy meetings on human rights issues in Lebanon and collects, records and documents human rights abuses in reports and press releases.

CLDH team on the ground supports initiatives aimed at determining the fate of all missing persons in Lebanon.

CLDH regularly follows up on numerous cases of arbitrary detention and torture in Lebanon in coordination with Lebanese and international organizations, and with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention WGAD and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

CLDH opened in 2007 a Rehabilitation Center for the victims of torture in Beirut, Centre NASSIM, member of IRCT (International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims), which provides multi-disciplinary professional support and case management for victims of torture and their families.

CLDH compiles a daily press review on human rights violations and on-going judiciary cases in Lebanon and updates several human rights blogs.

CLDH is a founding member of the Euro-Mediterranean Federation against Enforced Disappearance (FEMED), a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Network of Human Rights (REMDH) and a member of the SOS Torture Network of the World Organization against Torture (OMCT).


The project's objective is to encourage officials to meet their obligations with regards to torture prevention as per outlined in the UNCAT and Committed to in the 2015 UPR Recommendations.



Development of an online tool (database), which can be used to record and track violations of human rights or commitments by the Lebanese state as stated in the UPR.

The tool (platform hereafter) will display issues that Lebanon committed to address regarding torcher prevention and human rights violations, as well as it shall facilitate a portal for reporting violations to human rights in Lebanon, and rate their current status in the practices of Lebanese authorities and public.



Under the supervision of CLDH’s Program coordinator, and the collaboration with CLDH’s management, the consultant must:

  • Meet with CLDH’s team on the day of signing the contract to discuss the requirements for the online platform and its parameters and collect the required data to feed the database of the website.
  • Share the primary (version-1) structure and UI for the platform 5 working days after signing the contract for reviews, comments, and suggestions.
  • Deliver the finalized platform (launch online + source code) 20 days after signing the contract.
  • Set two feedback sessions with CLDH to make any changes on the platform, within 10 days after the delivery of the platform.
  • Train selected staff on database management.
  • Train selected staff on platform maintenance and content update.
  • Provide 1 year of technical support/ maintenance for the platform.
  • Provide a backup/restore plan for a year.



The platform should be capable of:

  • Generation of statistical reports.
  • Export of reported data in various formats.
  • Dynamic user privileges control.
  • User account management.
  • System database to be stored securely.
  • Encrypt connection through TLS/SSL



  • Website design and setup:
    • Two main UIs languages (AR/EN).
    • A responsive website (desktop/mobile/tablet mode).
    • An easy UI that is touch friendly.
    • Develop the platform with a user-friendly back-end for data extraction and update.
    • One year of hosting and domain registration.
    • User input (Reporting) UI.
    • Real-time collected data analysis viewing section.
  • Support:
    • One year of technical support, maintenance and warranty.



  • The contractor must be with prior rich experience in the field
  • Proven and solid knowledge and experience in providing similar service to international organizations.
  • Able to provide user training and all documents in English/Arabic.
  • Solid knowledge of online security and website hosting services.



Payment will be done in three installments: 25% upon contract signature and 50% upon sharing version-1 of the platform, and 25% upon final delivery.


How to apply


All interested candidates must send an outline of the proposed process, budget and key considerations attached with the CV of the contractor outlining all the experience obtained and relevant for the project to the email [email protected] by Wednesday the 18th of March 2018 quoting “Development of an online platform” in the subject line.

Wednesday, 18. Apr 2018
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Human Rights & Protection