Bread for the World is looking for consultants to provide consultancy and support services to our partner organizations

We are looking for consultants offering consultancy and support services based in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. The purpose of this contract is to support (through consultancy, training, coaching, and other forms of capacity building) approximately 20 non-governmental and church-based partner organisations in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. The consultancy and support services to be provided shall be designed to strengthen the capacities of partner organisations in the areas of (Lot 1) financial management and governance and, (Lot 2) outcome and impact orientation according to our standards and regulations and shall capacitate the partner organisations to comply with those standards.

We are an organisation for development cooperation of the Protestant regional Churches, their diaconal charities and free Churches in Germany. The organisation provides help for self-help for the work of church, church-related and secular partner organisations. Altogether, more than 1300 projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe are supported on all aspects of sustainable development.

How to apply

The procurement documents, including the letter of tender, are available for download under

The tender must be submitted in writing by 18 October 2019, 12:00 UTC +2 (Europe/ Berlin) to the following email address: [email protected]


Friday, 18. Oct 2019
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building