Barriers to Education for Female and Male Syrian Youth in Shatila and Bourj Al Barajneh

This report aims to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the barriers to education faced by Syrian youth, using both qualitative and quantitative data-collection methods. More specifically, the purpose of this study was twofold: to determine how barriers to education impact male and female Syrian youth differently, and to ensure that the specific situation of Syrian youth in urban camps does not continue to be excluded from recommendations advocating law and policy changes. 
For the qualitative part of the research, focus group discussions were condcuted, as well as interviews with the youth and the key informants. For the quantitative part of the research, 415 youth were surveyed in Shatila and Bourj al Barajneh.
The report is divided into two main sections. The first outlines the main obligations of the Lebanese state, the RACE plan, and the barriers known to inhibit school participation for youth. The second comprises an analysis of our findings on youth-specific barriers to education in the camps; these findings have been disaggregated by sex to analyze the different impact of those barriers on male and female youth.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh
Publishing Date: 
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Refugees, Education