Business Developer and Go-to-Market Consultant (for ULEAP)

Key Responsibilities:

1. Competitive Analysis, work together with the team to:

  • Identify direct and indirect competitors in the market
  • Analyze competitors' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)
  • Evaluate competitors' product offerings, market positioning, and customer base

2. Competitive Advantage and Disadvantages, work with the team to:

  • Identify ULEAP's unique value proposition and competitive advantages
  • Assess potential disadvantages or weaknesses in ULEAP's products or services
  • Formulate strategies to address disadvantages and enhance competitive advantages

3. Pricing Mix Strategy, work with the team to:

  •    Conduct a pricing analysis considering market trends, customer perceptions, and costs
  •    Define a pricing strategy that aligns with ULEAP's value proposition
  •    Determine pricing tiers, and discount options as part of the pricing mix

4. Quick & Visible Wins, work with the team to:

  • Identify opportunities for immediate improvements or expansions that can yield quick results
  • Prioritize initiatives that can create a visible impact on ULEAP's growth and reputation
  • Recommend strategies to capitalize on these opportunities effectively


5. Partnership Strategy, work with the team to:

  • Identify potential partners that align with ULEAP's goals and target market
  • Define the type of partnerships (e.g., strategic alliances, distribution partnerships) that could benefit ULEAP
  • Develop strategies to establish and nurture these partnerships for mutual growth


6. Measuring Profitability, work with the team to:

  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring profitability, such as customer return on investment (ROI)
  • Implement a tracking and reporting system to monitor the financial performance of products and services
  • Establish criteria for determining the profitability of various product lines and services


Qualifications and Skills:

  • Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in business development, market analysis, dealing with suppliers and go-to-market strategy.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to interpret market data and trends.
  • Excellent communication and presentation abilities for effective collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.
  • A strategic mindset with the ability to think creatively and identify innovative growth opportunities.
  • Knowledge of electrical technique industries, markets, and technologies



  • September 15th, 2023: Deadline for Applications
  • September 25th, 2023: Finalize Interview process & Award Consultancy
  • October 2nd, 2023: Project Kick-Off
  • November 30th, 2023: Submit final project report



The Business Developer and Go-to-Market Consultant will send an end of consultancy report to the Executive Director of IECD and Alfanar Portfolio Manager including:

1. Competitor analysis report detailing identified competitors, their SWOT analysis, and competitive positioning

2. Competitive advantage and disadvantage assessment highlighting ULEAP's unique selling points and potential weaknesses

3. Pricing mix strategy document outlining the recommended pricing structure and rationale

4. Quick wins action plan specifying prioritized initiatives for rapid impact

5. Partnership strategy proposal describing potential partners, collaboration models, and expected benefits

6. Profitability measurement framework detailing KPIs, tracking mechanisms, and reporting methods



Performance will be evaluated based on the achievement of key performance indicators, successful execution of go-to-market strategies, and overall contribution to business growth.


ULEAP | Providing income opportunities for youth from low income communities in the Electrical Sector

ULEAP, previously Semeurs d’Avenir (SDA) Social Business, is a social enterprise specialized in Automated & Electrical Turnkey Solution Services, whose mission is to provide practical work experience for graduates of technical vocational schools, with the direct involvement of the private sector, to ensure that they have the right confidence, technical and soft skills to help them find steady employment. In collaboration with IECD (Institut Européen de Cooperation et de Développement) and vocational training schools across Lebanon, they support graduates from vulnerable communities in getting much needed experience and income in the electrical sector while providing partner companies with the electric and automation services that they need. To date, SDA has provided income opportunities and internships for more than 140 graduates and partnered with more than 30 clients

How to apply

Applicants are requested to send their application including the detailed timeline of delivering the above tasks and the methodology of work to achieve the intended outcomes along with their updated resume and financial proposal.

Please send the above to: [email protected]

Friday, 15. Sep 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months