Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations (affiliates) networked together in 94 countries, as part of a global movement for change. Oxfam’s vision is a just world without poverty: a world where people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world where all human beings are valued and treated equally. Oxfam has been working in Lebanon since 1993. Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people affected by crises and promotes economic justice, good governance, and women’s rights.

Oxfam in Lebanon envisions that marginalized women, men, and gender non-conforming individuals (of all nationalities and statuses) are protected and empowered to enjoy their basic rights and access services enabling them to live in dignity within a more equitable society. To realize this vision, Oxfam in Lebanon will:

  • Place gender justice and respect for diversity central to its programs;
  • Strengthen the overall response to humanitarian needs; harness and foster the capacity and preparedness of others;
  • Support empowerment, strengthen the voice, and promote collective action of individuals and communities living in poverty;
  • Convene and facilitate engagement of civil society actors and decision-makers at all levels, from local to global; promoting dialogue, access to information, and transparency;
  • Expand its analysis and response to continue supporting a far more comprehensive analysis of Lebanon as a country in crisis, using a wider governance, civic, inequality, and poverty lens.

The ‘one programme’ approach and triple mandate of humanitarian, development and
advocacy work of Oxfam is the greatest added value in the Lebanon context. Oxfam demonstrates an ability to straddle both humanitarian and developmental needs to provide comprehensive analysis around key themes keeping Gender and Women’s rights at the core of its focus as an integral part of its identity.

Most importantly, its partnership approach and commitments at the World Humanitarian Summit and through the Charter for Change to support and promote the localization of response and aid places Oxfam as one of the lead voices in ensuring local partners are part of decision-making processes relevant to the national and international response. By recognizing its primary role in Lebanon as a ‘convenor’, Oxfam makes strategic choices around how to engage to shape change from the local to global.


In its 2023- 2027 Country Strategy, Oxfam will focus on partnering with a wide spectrum of allies. Those partnerships will target local structures, specialized service providers, think tanks and Local and National NGOs.

In consultation with a range of partners and stakeholders, Oxfam in Lebanon has just developed its new country partnership roadmap to streamline, guide and facilitate uniformity in the
application of the different partnership cycle stages and suggest contextualized
approaches to partnerships outside traditional sub-granting schemes.

As a first step in operationalizing the roadmap, Oxfam in Lebanon is opening this call for Expression of Interest (EOI) to build a roster of partners willing to work together with Oxfam whenever needed. This process will allow adequate time and efforts to be invested in deepening the understanding of the strategic fit and the added value of potential partnerships outside of project-specific goals. Thus, adopting a transparent and merit-based selection process of partnerships - not just at a current fit but with an aim that the relationship would go the distance.

Accordingly, Oxfam is looking for local Non-Governmental Organizations/ entities (registered or non-registered) that would be willing to walk the journey and work together with its teams to achieve a common vision in Lebanon. Oxfam will consider the different types of entities during the review process and ensure the access and inclusion of informal structures. Separate sets of parameters will be considered for potential partners that fall under the different partnership categories.


The Process of the EOI will be divided into the following steps:



Launching the call for Expression of Interest

03 July 2023

The call for Expression of Interest will be launched on 03 July 2023, on the Daleel-Madani website, Oxfam website, and social media accounts and will be disseminated via email through coordination groups and networks- inviting interested entities to submit their applications no later than 20 July 2023. Application requirements and submission form are listed below.


Delivering an Information Session for interested entities

06 July 2023

Oxfam in Lebanon will organize an info session within four working days from opening the call for EoI (on 06 July 2023 at 11:30 a.m.) to ensure proper guidance on the application compliance, and requirements are delivered and explained to interested applicants. The info session will also include a “Question and Answer” section. Click here to join the meeting


Responding to Additional Information Requests

13 July 2023

An email address is provided where applicants can share their questions during the first two weeks from opening the call, the deadline for receiving questions/ requests for additional information is 13 July 2023.


Deadline for Receiving the Expressions of Interest

20 July 2023

Expressions of Interest received after 20 July 2023 shall not be considered.


Revision of Expressions of Interest submissions

27 July 2023

A Partnership Committee[1] shall be established to review the submissions for completeness, compatibility, and suitability and analyze the results of the EOI against the pre-defined criteria relevant to Oxfam Country Strategy (OCS). Separate sets of
parameters shall be applied for shortlisting potential partners that fall under the different
partnership categories- Please see the selection criteria below for details


Notification of results (Shortlisted applications)

31 July 2023

Potential partner entities identified by the Partnership Committee to complete the assessments will be notified via email (no later than 31 July 2023) on the next steps to follow.


Strategic fit, Partnership, and Integrity assessments

22 September 2023

A multidisciplinary team from all functions and programs units from Oxfam in Lebanon shall jointly complete with their counterparts at potential partner entities (where the structure allows) three assessments - Strategic Fit Assessment, Integrity Assessment, and Partnership Assessment - through individual workshops organized during the period between 01 August 2023 and 22 September 2023.This step will allow both entities to better understand each-others’ mandates, strategic directions, capacities, structures and cultures as well as detect the areas of complementarity and value added from entering a partnership.


Partnership Committee decision on final roster of partners

29 September 2023

Based on the results of the workshops, the assessments findings and the mutual interest from both entities and common willingness to enter a partnership, the Partnership Committee shall suggest a final roster of partners


Notification of final results of the roster of partners

03 October 2023

Entities will be informed via email in a clear, and concise manner, with
an explanation of the reasons for the decision and an indication of possible future
opportunities, as appropriate.


Partnership Meeting with partners

06 October 2023

Selected partners shall be invited to a meeting to further deepen the understanding between the teams of the two entities (Oxfam and partner) on partnership principles, expectations and parameters of possible future collaborations.



If you think you are the organization Oxfam in Lebanon should be working with, the expectation is that you are able to fulfil the following:

  1. Local Experience, presence, and community relations: You work directly in communities in one or more of the Nine Governorates in Lebanon - established team, well-accepted by the community and good relations and networks with key actors and stakeholders


  1. Management Ability: Your organization has a properly constituted governance and structure and management ability that supports the implementation of programs
  1. Mandate/Areas of Focus: Your organization focuses on at least one of the following issues:
  •  Ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable and marginalized persons
  •  Strengthening the food and economic security of the population across nationalities
  •  Increasing access to safe and sufficient water and sanitation
  •  Investing in the promotion and accessibility of renewable energy sources
  •  Strengthening the capacity of local governments to provide safe and accessible services
  •  Contributing to the sustainability and scaling up of MSMEs
  • Advocating for the adoption of a national inclusive social protection strategy
  • Amplifying women’s and young people’s voices, especially around economic and social justice
  •  Supporting civil society to advocate for policy reforms
  • Supporting the safeguarding of the needs and safety requirements of women, refugees, PWSN, and people with diverse SOGIESC
  • Using cost-effective measures and technology to improve the response in Lebanon
  1. Experience Working with INGOs and/or L/NNGOs and/or donors: Your organization has proven experience working with partners (whether a donor agency, INGO, and L/NNGO), and its work is consistent with humanitarian principles and standards (such as Sphere standards and Core Humanitarian Standards CHS), Do No Harm and Conflict-Sensitivity Principles, and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent code of conduct



If you think you are able to fulfil the above-listed expectations, Oxfam invites you to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form- Annex 1. The EOI form can be requested through the following email address no later than 20 July 2023:

All submitted Expressions of Interest should be titled “Oxfam in Lebanon Partnership EOI”.


We regret that we are not able to feedback to every organization, except those short-listed. You will receive an email on 31 July 2023 if you are one of them.





Annex 1 - Application form


Expression of Interest to Partner with Oxfam


SECTION I:   General Information


Name of organisation/ entity



Name of contact person and position



Email address of Contact Person



Phone Number of Contact Person



Address (Main office)



Type of organisation [Community-based, Grassroot group, registered NGO, other- please specify]


Number of years that your organisation/entity has been operational


Legal Status - Date of Registration and Registration Number[2] (if registered). Please share legal documents


Geographical coverage (Where does the Organisation Work - Governorate, district and village/neighborhood levels)


Please attach a portfolio document that explains your entity’s mandate, Areas of focus, Vision, Mission and Strategic directions. And/or please share the Social Media account/ website of the organization/ entity.





SECTION 2: Operational Details

2.1. Record of three projects that the organization/entity has implemented and closed over the past two years (If applicable)

Project Name and brief description. (Not more 50 words to describe each project) Add more lines as needed

Source of Funding

Project Budget

Project Duration and Geographical Coverage























2.2. Record two or three projects that the organization/entity is currently implementing

Name and description of project (Not more than 50 words to describe a project)

Source of Funding

Project Budget

Project Duration and Geographical Coverage






















2.3 Governance and financial management within the organisation

Names and background of board members and Senior Management staff


Please explain the structure of your organisation/ entity (number of staff, main key positions, workflow) and attach the most updated organogram


List of the last three audited financial reports (if available)


Does your organization/ entity have a documented set of financial policies and procedures? (Please attach copies- if available)


Does your organization/ entity have a documented set of procurement policies and procedures? (Please attach copies- if available)



2.4 Please describe your organization’s/ entity’s approach to engaging the communities it seeks to support in the programs design, implementation, and evaluation




2.5 Please describe your organizations’/ entity’s approach to engaging affected groups, such as women, refugees, migrants, people with diverse SOGIESC, and Persons with Special Needs in its interventions




2.6 Please indicate how your organization/ entity applies and stays consistent with Humanitarian Standards, and Do No Harm and Conflict Sensitive principles




 2.7 Please indicate how your organization integrates a Gender lens in its programming





SECTION 3: Thematic Area




Below are the thematic areas that Oxfam would like to implement during the period from 2023- 2027 in Lebanon. Please tick the corresponding box(es), the thematic intervention you are interested in and list your entity’s approach for working in the selected theme and the geographical areas you intend to implement the themes in. (Interested entities can propose more than one theme and more than one area)


Thematic Areas

Tick box if you intend to work on the theme

List your Entity’s approach for working on the selected theme

List your preferred areas of intervention


Thematic Area 1:  Just Economies



















Thematic Area 2:  Gender Justice



















Thematic Area 3: Accountable Governance



















Thematic Area 4: Enhanced Humanitarian Action





















SECTION 4: References


Please provide names and full contact details of at least three institutional referees (Local/ National NGO, Donor Agency, International NGO, Private sector, or other) that can support your organization’s credentials (please note that one of these should be from an entity that has or is providing financial support);








[1] For further transparency and accountability, OiL will consider having one or two of its current partner organizations sit on the pre-selection process as a member of the Partnership Committee. Conflict of Interest shall be assessed and appropriate measures shall be taken before the partner membership selection.


[2] The information requested in the EOI on the legal status Governance and structure shall not be used for disqualifying applicants, but rather to collect data that will facilitate and inform the pre-selection process.


How to apply

If you think you are able to fulfil the above-listed expectations, Oxfam invites you to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form- Annex 1. The EOI form can be requested through the following email address no later than 20 July 2023:

All submitted Expressions of Interest should be titled “Oxfam in Lebanon Partnership EOI”.


We regret that we are not able to feedback to every organization, except those short-listed. You will receive an email on 31 July 2023 if you are one of them.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 31. يوليو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم طلبات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, سياسات الأعمال والاقتصاد, تنمية, الحكم الرشيد والشفافية, اللاجئين