Building CSO’s capacity for proposal development, projects design training and Coaching/Tech Support on delivery of Social Stability Initiatives consultant

About the Project

International Alert Lebanon is implementing the “Enhancing CSOs’ ability to foster social stability in Hasbaya and Southern Baalbeck” project in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within the framework of “Strengthening Agriculture, Local Communities and Small and Medium Enterprises (ACE)” programme with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ).

The project objective is to improve horizontal social stability in target communities through a greater capacity of CSOs to conduct Gender and Conflict-Sensitive activities that that strengthen the community at the local level. In the context of the project, social stability is understood as the state of relationships between different communities and groups. Stable and cohesive societies are characterised by positive interactions, attitudes, and trust between different groups.  

The project has two main components: (1) Organizational development and sustainability and (2) Social stability. Under component 1, International Alert’s intervention aims to strengthen CSOs policies and systems as to become more sustainable and impactful. This is done through various trainings and coaching sessions on topics identified as per the organizational needs assessment conducted at the early stages of the project. As for component 2, International Alert will support selected CSOs to integrate social stability element into their programming through a training and accompaniment program targeting the 10 CSOs and then providing them with in-kind grants to deliver local social stability initiatives.

Through this project International Alert aims to generate learnings on how to work on social stability and conflict sensitive initiatives in local communities across Lebanon.

As a part of the project, International Alert aim to strengthen the capacity of 10 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Hasbaya and Southern Baalbeck by providing comprehensive training on proposal development, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), communication plans, and integrating gender and conflict sensitivity and social stability and implementing of 5 social stability initiatives.

Through training, coaching and technical support program, Alert aim is to empower CSOs, fostering social stability, and enabling them to sustain impactful. This includes developing practical skills, utilizing hybrid methodologies, and creating a collaborative learning environment, with a focus on continuous improvement and future partnerships, and equip CSOs with the knowledge and resources needed for effective social stability initiatives, ensuring they contribute positively to the communities they serve.

International Alert is looking to hire individual consultant that can develop the Training and Coaching methodology and tools, as well as provide the technical support.


Objectives and scope of work

This assignment aims to deliver a high-quality social stability component for the project, benefiting ten participating CSOs with a close follow-up and coaching process. The work will encompass three key areas/parts:


Part 1: Training CSOs on Proposal Development and Integrating Social Stability into Programming

The objective of the consultancy is to foster social stability by empowering, supporting and assisting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in proposal development and sustaining impactful social stability initiatives. Through a comprehensive training program, Alert aims to equip 10 organizations with practical skills in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and communication plans. Additionally, the consultant will train them in integration of social stability into CSOs' programs.

Also, to enhance the effectiveness of the training, we may employ hybrid methodologies. The consultant is expected to provide a comprehensive 5-day training to enhance the capacity of 10 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): 3 days for proposal development (designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating) and 2 days to incorporate gender and conflict sensitivity and social stability into CSOs' programs.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop a training methodology integrating interactive sessions, case studies, and group activities.
  • Collaborate with the International Alert team to develop the content of the trainings.
  • Develop comprehensive training materials, including handouts, templates, and guidelines that are ready for print out.
  • Provide Pre/Post -training resources for ongoing reference and further learning, based on the project’s logframe indicators.
  • Conduct five -days group training sessions for 10 CSOs.
  • Foster a collaborative learning environment to promote knowledge sharing among CSOs.
  • Provide regular updates on progress, challenges, and proposed solutions to Alert team.
  • Work with Alert team to identify areas for continuous improvement in future trainings.
  • Encourage cross-organization collaboration during the training to foster future partnerships.
  • Prepare a final report that highlights the overall achievements and challenges encountered during the training process.


  1. Develop and submit a detailed training methodology that integrates interactive sessions, case studies, and group activities.
  2. Comprehensive training materials, including handouts, templates, and guidelines, to be used during the 5-day training.
  3. Conduct five days of group training sessions for the 10 CSOs, covering proposal development, gender and conflict sensitivity, and social stability .
  4. Final report that highlights the overall achievements and challenges encountered during the training process. Also recommendations for improvement.

Part 2 : Social Stability Ideation Support

The consultant is expected to provide personalized technical support to CSOs in developing their initial concept notes into full proposals, with a focus on integrating gender and conflict sensitivity and social stability principles. Alert aims to equip 10 organizations with valuable knowledge, skills, and resources to improved quality and feasibility of proposals submitted by CSOs, also enhance their overall impact and make positive contributions to the communities they serve and achieve their goals more efficiently

 The consultant is expected to provide a comprehensive three to four coaching sessions to enhance the knowledge of 10 CSOs.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with the International Alert team to deliver this component.
  • Draft a clear Plan, methodology and tools for conducting the coaching sessions
  • Review initial concept notes submitted by CSOs.
  • Conduct individual consultations with CSOs to understand project goals, context, and challenges.
  • Provide personalized technical support through virtual consultations or on-site visits.
  • Offer structured and feasible feedback on project relevance, feasibility, and sustainability
  • Integrate gender and conflict sensitivity approaches into project ideation.
  •  Ensure availability of all needed resources (templates, guidelines) for proposal development.
  • Assist CSOs in accessing relevant tools and frameworks to enhance their project proposals.
  • Ensure alignment with the concepts covered during the training in part 1.
  • Support and address specific challenges or questions raised by CSOs related to gender and conflict sensitivity in their proposals
  • Prepare a final report highlighting the overall achievements and challenges encountered during this phase


  1. Detailed plan for the coaching sessions, outlining the structure, topics, and activities, and clear methodology document outlining the approach and tools used during the coaching sessions.
  2. Conduct comprehensive technical support sessions, either virtually or on-site, based on the individual needs of each CSO.
  3. Provide practical guidance to CSOs for finalizing 5 proposals, emphasizing the integration of conflict sensitivity and social stability principles into their projects
  4. Final report summarizing the overall achievements, challenges encountered, and lessons learned during the coaching sessions, that Include recommendations for ongoing support and areas for improvement in future initiatives.



Part 3: Coaching/Technical Support to guide the delivery of Social Stability Initiatives


The objective of this consultancy is to provide ongoing support and guidance to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of their 5 social stability  initiatives. The consultant will work collaboratively with Alert's staff to ensure effective troubleshooting, M&E system design and implementation, and long-term planning for sustained impact and exit strategy .

The consultant is expected to provide a comprehensive four to five coaching sessions to enhance the knowledge of 10 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in implementing 5 social stability initiatives with regular Check-ins and follow up .


Key Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate closely with the International Alert team to deliver this component.
  • Draft a clear Plan, methodology and tools for conducting the coaching sessions
  • Schedule regular check-ins with CSOs to ensure ongoing support and provide an average of 4 to 5 follow up sessions  per initiative , tailored to their specific needs and initiatives requirements.
  • Develop a customized coaching plan for each CSO based on their initiative’s unique needs.
  • Offer assistance in troubleshooting ongoing problems and designing/implementing M&E systems.
  • Support CSOs in identifying longer-term plans for their work on social stability and community development.
  • Collaborate with consultants from component one to tailor coaching and support to the unique context of each CSO's initiative.
  • Leverage consultant expertise to enhance the effectiveness of CSOs' social stability activities.
  • Collaborate with CSOs to design and implement effective M&E plans.
  • Support CSOs in identifying longer-term plans aligned with community needs.
  • Provide guidance on engaging with municipal participative processes and strategic donor funding applications.
  • Use check-ins to assess progress, address challenges, and provide additional resources as needed.
  • Maintain continuity in the relationship between Alert and CSOs.


  1. Developing individualized coaching plans for each CSOs that implement 5 initiatives.
  2. Providing an average of 4 coaching session for each of the  5  initiatives, addressing troubleshooting, M&E, and long-term planning.
  3. Regular check-in reports summarizing progress, challenges, and additional support provided.
  4. Final report highlighting achievements and challenges encountered during the coaching process



The training/coaching sessions will be conducted in person or/and online. The consultant is requested to develop a methodology which includes different ways and activities to ease the information received by the participants.


  • Part 1: Training CSOs on Proposal Development and Integrating Social Stability into Programming : October 2024
  • Part 2: Social Stability Ideation Support : November to December 2024
  • Part 3: Coaching/Technical Support for Social Stability Initiatives Implementation: January to May 2025


Support and resources to be provided by Alert.

  • Alert staff will be available to provide the necessary support (including logistics and the needed coordination) to consultant and its team. 
  • The consultant and its team are responsible for his/her own transportation means, communication and will need to have his/her own computer. 
  • Alert will also provide all key background and supporting documents to support the consultant and its team to perform the assignment.


  • At least 5 years of experience in organisational social stability intervention with local civil society actors and demonstrated experience in working on similar portfolio of projects with NGOs.
  • In-depth knowledge of proposal development, social stability and implementing initiatives, also technical aspects of the project (M&E, communication, budgeting, etc..).
  • Experience with and understanding of the local context in Hasbaya and Southern Baalbeck areas.
  • Professional and educational background in international relations, governance, international development, policy making, social sciences or other relevant fields to the scope of the consultancy.
  • Substantive knowledge and understanding of cultural sensitivity and commitment to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.
  • Proficiency in English and Arabic and ability to conduct trainings, meetings, and focus group discussions in Arabic.
  • Demonstrated ability to handle sensitive information with discretion and professionalism, including following data protection guidelines.

How to apply

Interested consultant should submit the following documents to Jana Zein [email protected]   not later than 30 August  2024:

  • An expression of interest highlighting the consultant profile. with similar assignments, a description of its approach and plans to deliver the service, and a proposed timeline.
  • CVs for the consultant and any additional consultants who may be engaged. CVs should not exceed four pages each.

The financial proposal requested from the consultant for the three different Parts of the assignment

Friday, 30. Aug 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Peace & Security