End-of-Project Evaluation/Short Term Expert

Project background

The Netherlands Assistance to Lebanese Border Agencies Lebanon (IBM) – phase V project will support the positioning of the Lebanese border agencies under the lead of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) as effective national and regional providers of border management training and capacity development. This will further professionalize border management capacities within Lebanon and will directly contribute to the development of national and regional states’ border capacities, in addition to facilitating closer functional regional cooperation. It represents a valuable continuation and logical evolution of previous assistance provided by The Netherlands since 2015.

The project will pursue this under three (3) interlinked components respectively at intra-agency, interagency and international levels:

  1. Continued development of the LAF, Land Border Regiments’ Training School
  2. National provision of training with a specific inclusion of maritime port security
  3. Regional training and knowledge exchanges

These will combine to achieve six (6) specific objectives:

  • Further professionalise border management education and capacities in Lebanon
  • Enhance national and regional border management capacities.
  • Enhance security at maritime ports with a specific contribution to Beirut Port.
  • Promote the role of women in migration vocational education.
  • Increase regional access to contextualised border learning opportunities.
  • Foster sustainable inter-agency and regional communication and cooperation.


ICMPD is seeking a short-term expert to conduct a final evaluation of the Netherlands’ Assistance to Lebanese Border Agencies (Integrated Border Management) – Phase V project. The purpose of the evaluation is 1) to review project results and achievements and 2) to identify facilitators of and barriers to project results.


The tasks to be completed by the Expert within this assignment are the following:

Task 1: Evaluation Methodology/Design

In consultation with the relevant ICMPD staff, develop an evaluation methodology to address the key evaluation questions (Annex 1) in line with the objective and scope of the evaluation. During the design of the evaluation methodology, the selected evaluator is expected to:

  • Review and use existing information and data, including the project’s logical framework, output and outcome monitoring data, quarterly and annual reports, implementation plan and other materials;
  • Design and develop a set of evaluation objectives and associated questions, focused on project results;
  • Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in the evaluation design, supplementing desk research with surveys, interviews, focus group discussions as needed to address the evaluation questions.

Task 2: Draft Inception Report and data collection tools

The contracted evaluator is expected to develop any needed data collection tools to support the collection of data needed in line with the selected analytic approach. The evaluator should develop an inception report which outlines the evaluation’s design, including 1) the evaluation objectives and key evaluation questions, 2) the evaluation approach and methodology (including data sources, sampling methods, indicators, etc.), 3) a review of the project’s results framework, 4) a detailed task plan with all planned tasks and sub-tasks for the evaluation, including a schedule and milestones.

Task 3: Collection, review and presentation of data

Based on the evaluation methodology, the contracted evaluator is expected to review project monitoring data and collect and analyse any additional data collected via interviews, focus group discussions, and or/surveys with relevant stakeholders. Once data is collected, the evaluator is expected to present the preliminary findings to ICMPD in the form of a memo or brief presentation.

Task 4: Draft and finalise evaluation report

The evaluator will prepare a draft evaluation report, containing evaluation findings and key recommendations informed by these findings. The report should include a set of findings based on the key evaluation questions, which include reporting on:

  1. Progress towards project results/achievements against indicators;
  2. Findings on key barriers to implementation and facilitators;
  3. Recommendations derived from findings on possible areas for improvement, replication, scale-up or adaptation of existing project elements.

ICMPD will provide verbal and written feedback on the draft evaluation report, and ample time should be included in the timeline for this review before the final report is submitted.


The Expert is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  • Inception report that includes a detailed methodology, evaluation matrix, planned timeframe, list of stakeholders to be consulted, proposed sampling approach if applicable, plan for data collection and analysis
  • Draft data collection tools
  • Presentation of preliminary findings to validate findings with relevant stakeholders and discuss conclusions
  • Draft evaluation report
  • Final evaluation report
  • A clean database / transcripts of all quantitative and qualitative data.

The final deliverables must be submitted no later than 31 January 2025.

How to apply

Please click on this link for further details before applying:

https://www.icmpd.org/work-with-us/calls-for-experts and look for End-of-Project Evaluation/Short Term Expert

Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to [email protected] and address it to Ms. Amanda Naoufal.


ICMPD may check references for first time recruitments.


Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Thursday, 15. Aug 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Safety and Security
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
5 months