Public Call for Tender-Gender equality and mainstream expert-PN 21.1823.0-001.00 ACE

I.            General information

1.   Brief information on the project

The GIZ project Strengthening Agriculture, Local Communities and Small and Medium Enterprises (ACE) is anchored in the transitional development assistance and aims to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable groups within 3 areas of action. These are (1) strengthening of agriculture, (2) promotion of MSMEs and start-up support, (3) promote social stability and support local communities. The project aims to increase the competitiveness of agricultural MSMEs, stabilize their income and thus maintain jobs or create new ones through optimized cooperation, adaptation of product range and reduction of import dependency. In addition, the working methods of food processing and other downstream MSMEs are adapted to the current crisis through the implementation of business continuity strategies (BCS) with explicit consideration of local agriculture and export promotion. Furthermore, targeted support with financial and capacity-building measures creates income prospects for Lebanese interested in setting up a business. Through joint planning and implementation of low-threshold community initiatives both within civil society and together with local governments (municipality level) to strengthen positive intergroup experiences as well as increase confidence in local capacity to act. Cooperation-oriented approaches are intended to increase confidence in local capacity to act.


2.   Context

Lebanon faces many challenges including insecurity, sectarian divides, a large number of Syrian as well as Palestinian refugees, high unemployment rates and scarce resources. Despite their seemingly favorable position compared to other countries in the region and notwithstanding some recent gains, Lebanese women and girls face discrimination at many levels rooted in persistent regressive laws and
regulations, deeply patriarchal cultural values, inadequate public policies, lack of political will for social change, and a sectarian system that keeps women’s issues within the realm of the religious establishments. Since 2010, Lebanon’s ranking according to the Gender Gap Index has sunk from 116 to 138 out of 145 countries.

GIZ regards gender equality as a key prerequisite for a human rights-based, socially equitable, and sustainable development of societies. GIZ is therefore committed to designing and implementing projects that contribute to gender equality and inclusion.

Based on the project's gender analysis and preliminary recommendations, GIZ is seeking the expertise of a national gender equality and mainstreaming expert. This assignment aims to guide the project's gender focal point and other pertinent staff—such as procurement, finance, and M&E specialists—on integrating gender considerations and ensuring their follow-up within projects involving partner organizations. Additionally, the gender consultant will support the project's gender focal point in their responsibilities and assist them throughout the project implementation process on specific tasks.

3.   GIZ shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term, from 01.06.2024 to 31.12.2024

4.   The contractor shall provide the following work/service :

Desk review, to check project documents, gender mainstreaming strategy and action plan, and other relevant documents.

Review the gender mainstreaming action plan and the gender mainstreaming strategy that is specifically tailored to the project needs and objectives. Both the action plan and strategy should outline concrete steps and goals for integrating gender considerations into all areas of work.

Development of an information sheet summarizing the BMZ feminist strategy, the GIZ strategy, and national gender strategies and checking how they align with the project objectives. Based on the developed information sheet, the consultant is expected to deliver an information session on gender mainstreaming within the project’s activities.

Conduct one-on-one meetings with the ACE advisors of each area of action to further support them in the integration of gender mainstreaming within their work with partner organizations.

Support and advise the M&E specialist in updating the mechanisms for collecting gender-disaggregated data and monitoring progress toward gender equality goals. This includes supporting the setting up of systems to track gender-specific indicators and evaluation of the impact of gender mainstreaming efforts.

All tasks will be performed in close cooperation with the project gender focal point and the head of the project.

Period of assignment: from 01.06.2024 to 31.12.2024.

Please refer to the milestones table mentioned in Annex 2-TOR.


Qualifications of proposed staff


The tenderer is required to propose personnel for the positions specified here and described with respect to the areas of responsibility and qualifications on the basis of relevant CVs.

The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points in the technical assessment.


1.1        Expert 1:


1.1.1  Gerneral qualifications

Education:                         First degree in middle eastern studies, social sciences, conflict resolution, social cohesion, or other related fields relevant to the assignment

Professional experience:  5 years of experience in research on topics such as gender equality and mainstreaming, international development, environmental sustainability, education, and/or governance. Strong experience working with national and international stakeholders including INGOs, and other related institutions. Proven experience in preparing, implementing, and processing results of research through interviews, desk reviews, and context analysis, with a preference for gender analysis. The ideal consultant will have strong experience in developing comprehensive reports.


1.1.2  Experience in the region/knowledgeof the country

5 years of working experience in Lebanon or region, highly experienced with local Lebanese context (working with Lebanese local authorities and CSOs) and ease in dealing with culturally and politically sensitive topics.


1.1.3 Language skills:

business fluency in C1 in English, working proficiency in Arabic is desirable.


2.   Quantitative requirements

Per-diem and overnight accommodation allowances are reimbursed as a lump sum up to the maximum amounts permissible under tax law for each country as set out in the country table in the circular from the German Federal Ministry of Finance on travel expense remuneration (download at

All travel activities must be agreed in advance with the staff member responsible for the project.


Sustainability aspects for travel

GIZ would like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emissions) caused by travel. When preparing your tender, please incorporate options for reducing emissions, such as selecting the lowest-emission booking class (economy) and using means of transport, airlines and flight routes with a higher CO2 efficiency. For short distances, travel by train (second class) or e-mobility should be the preferred option.

If they cannot be avoided, CO2 emissions caused by air travel should be offset. GIZ specifies a budget for this, through which the carbon offsets can be settled against evidence.

The market for carbon credits is made up of a large number of providers, each with different claims as to their climate impact. The Development and Climate Alliance has published a list of standards. GIZ recommends using the standards specified there.


Please refer to the Fee days table mentioned in Annex 2-TOR.


Calculate your financial bid exactly in line with the quantitative requirements of the specification of inputs above. There is no contractual right to use up the full days/travel or workshops or budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum amounts. The regulations on pricing are contained in the price schedule.


3.    Conceptual

The tender should indicate how the services
outlined in Section I.4 (Tasks) are to be provided. Reference should be made to
the following criteria:

3.1 Clear methodology

3.2 Workplan detailing the activities

3.3 Timeline



II.           Requirements on the format of the tender

The CV submitted for each expert can have a maximum of four pages. The concept should not exceed five pages. If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e.g. links to websites) will also not be considered).

How to apply

If you are willing to provide the service, you are kindly requested to abide by the following instructions: 


The Tender Documents consist of: 

  • Annex 1 Financial Offer Template 
  • Annex 2 Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • Annex 3 Technical assessment grid
  • Annex 4 Assessment Grid for eligibility check
  • Annex 5 Self-declaration on EU Russia sanctions
  • Annex 6 General terms and conditions


Further information, regarding the intended project, may be obtained in writing by sending an email to during normal office hours by 13.05.2024.  

Noting that in your e-mail the subject should be:  

"Clarification - Gender equality and mainstream expert-PN 21.1823.0-001.00 ACE"


The offers/Proposals shall be sent in TWO separate emails to the following email: 

Latest by Tuesday May 21st, 2024, till 23:59 o’clock (Beirut Local Time).  


Note: Sending your offers to any other email address or non-compliance with any of the mentioned conditions will result in rejecting your participation in this tender. 


Two Emails shall be sent, one for the Technical Offer and another email for the Financial Offer. 

 Your email subject lines shall be named as follows: 

  1. Consultant Name/Technical offer/Gender equality and mainstream expert
  2. Consultant Name/ Financial offer/Gender equality and mainstream expert


- The offers shall be submitted in English language only. 

- The offers shall be signed & stamped. 

- The financial offer must be in USD only including VAT, should be valid at least for Two Months after the submission date (Please mention it in your offer). 

- You shall not be reimbursed for your submitted offers. 


Technical and Financial offers/Proposals (in two Separate Emails), 

i-Technical Offer/Proposal which consists of: 

  • A comprehensive Concept note not exceeding 5 pages. Any information exceeding the page limit will not be considered for evalaution-in PDF format.
  • A Comprehensive CV not exceeding 4 pages. Any information exceeding the page limit will not be conmsidered for evaluation- in PDF format.
  • General Terms and Conditions (signed and stamped) 
  • Self-declaration on EU-Russia Sanctions (signed and stamped) 
  • Kindly note that any price indication of any item in the technical offer may lead to disqualification.


ii- Financial Offer/Proposal, which should consist of: 

  • Bank account details of the consulting firm inside Lebanon (fresh account if any)  
  • Financial Offer (please use Annex 1 and quote your fee in USD incl. VAT) 
  • Copy of Ministry of Finance (MoF) registration - If Available. Please note that experts not registered with the MoF are eligible but will be taxed at a higher rate in accordance with applicable tax laws and regulations – in PDF format.


Detailed instructions of the contents of your offer/proposal and the mode of presentation/submission are attached both in the ToR, assessment grid for eligibility check and Technical Assessment Grid. 


The technical offer has a weighting of T:70% and the price offer F:30% 


Additional Conditions: 

  • The currency of the contract is USD. The employer shall not be responsible for any currency fluctuation. 
  • The payment will be made via bank transfer to the company’s local bank account “fresh money”. 
  • Please note that in case you did not receive any notification in writing within 4 weeks after the deadline for submitting the offers/quotations, it shall indicate that your offer has not been accepted. You shall not receive separate notice to this effect. 
  • Non -compliance may result in your bid not to be considered.
  • In the event the contractor was not registered in the ministry of finance and does not hold an income tax number, GIZ has the right to deduct 8.5 % of the amount presented in the invoices by the contractor.

N.B. The maximum mailbox receive size is capped at 25 MB. Documents exceeding the mentioned MB should be transferred via : Start ( (Provide the password)

Tuesday, 21. May 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
From 1/06/2024 to 31/12/2024