• Number of Videos: 11 (9 videos between 1 to 3 minutes, 2 videos between 3 to 5
  • Platforms: Facebook and Instagram
  • Locations: 12 different regions
  • Videography Requirements: Combination of drone videography and on-ground videography, 4K or
    Full HD quality
  • Production Period: April to December 2024
  • Level of Effort: 8 days

Under the
supervision of LEM executive Director, and in close coordination with the media
coordinator, the production company will:

  1. Pre-Production:
    • Concept Development: Develop creative concepts and storyboards for
      each video, aligned with the project objectives and target audience.
    • Location Scouting: Lebanon Eco Movement will identify suitable
      filming locations in each of the 12 regions.
    • Logistics Planning: Arrange transportation and permits for the
      production team.
  2. Production:
    • Filming: Capture high-quality video footage in 4K or Full HD
      quality using drone videography and on-ground videography at each
    • Interviews Coordination: Coordinate with Lebanon Eco Movement for
      any on-screen interviewees as needed.
    • Take high quality photos for the locations, including portraits
      for the interviewees and the LEM staff working on field.
  3. Post-Production:
    • Editing: Edit and assemble footage to create engaging and visually
      appealing videos.
    • Sound Design: Enhance audio quality and add appropriate sound
      effects or music.
    • Color Correction: Ensure consistency and quality in color grading
      across all videos.
    • Motion Graphics: Incorporate any necessary motion graphics or text
      overlays using the Lebanon Eco Movement visual branding guidelines.
  4. Delivery:
    • Format: Deliver the completed videos in the specified formats and
      resolutions suitable for Facebook and Instagram.
    • Deliver the complete RAW materials to Lebanon Eco Movement in
      their high-resolution format for archiving purposes.
    • Deadline: Ensure timely delivery of all videos according to the
      agreed-upon schedule.

How to apply

Submission Requirements:

  1. Company Information:
    • Provide details about your company, including experience in video
      production and relevant projects.
  2. Proposal:
    • Outline your approach to the project, including creative concepts,
      production methods, and timeline.
  3. Portfolio:
    • Submit examples of previous work, demonstrating your capabilities
      in drone videography, on-ground videography, and short-form video
  4. Financial Offer:
    • Provide a detailed breakdown of costs for producing 11 short
      videos over 8 days of effort in USD.

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2024

Submission Method: Interested companies should submit their applications via email to Mrs. Sara Chehade [email protected], Ccing’ Haitham
[email protected] by 31 March 2024,
11:59 pm local time. with the subject line: "Video Production
Services Proposal – LEM”.

Selection Criteria:

  • Experience and expertise in video production, particularly in drone
    videography and short-form content creation for social media platforms.
  • Creativity and innovation in developing engaging and visually
    appealing video content.
  • Ability to meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality results
    within budget constraints.
  • Competitive pricing and value for money in the financial offer.

Additional Information:

  • The selected video production company will be required to sign a
    contract with LEM outlining the terms and conditions of the project.
  • Travel expenses permits for filming in different locations will be
    covered by the company itself.
  • Lebanon Eco Movement reserves the right to reject any or all
    proposals received and to negotiate further with one or more video
    production companies.

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding this call for
applications, please contact
[email protected]. We look forward to
receiving your proposals and working together to create captivating videos that
showcase the beauty of Lebanon's diverse regions.

LEM is committed to diversity and does not discriminate in employment
based upon gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability,
socio-economic status, or any other status protected by the laws in Lebanon.

Sunday, 31. Mar 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Duration of Contract:
April_December 2024