Call for tender- Insurance services- SOS Children's Villages Lebanon

The purpose of this tender is to select a reputable and capable insurance provider to ensure that our National Association is adequately covered in the areas of health, fire, and vehicles.

Therefore, SOS Children’s Villages in Lebanon is inviting proposals from qualified insurance providers to offer comprehensive insurance coverage. The organization is committed to providing the best possible health insurance coverage for its employees, in addition to fire, and vehicle insurance.

Scope of Work

The selected insurance provider will be responsible for offering insurance services in the following categories:

Scope of Work for Health Insurance:

  • Plan Design and Customization: The insurance provider should work with our National Association to design and customize health insurance plans tailored to the needs of our staff. This includes selecting coverage types, network options, and cost-sharing arrangements.
  • Claims Processing: The provider is responsible for efficient claims processing, including claims submission, verification, and reimbursement to staff members. Prompt processing and resolution of claims are essential.
  • Network Management: Maintain a network of healthcare providers, hospitals, and clinics to ensure access to quality healthcare services for our staff. The provider should negotiate and manage contracts with healthcare facilities.
  • Communication and Education: Develop and deliver communication and educational materials to staff members about their health insurance plans. This includes explaining coverage, enrollment, and wellness programs.





Scope of Work for Fire Insurance:

  • Property Assessment: The insurance provider should conduct a thorough assessment of our properties to determine their value and insurability. This may involve on-site inspections and evaluations.
  • Policy Customization: Tailor fire insurance policies to cover our specific properties, including buildings, equipment, and inventory. Customize the coverage types and limits based on our needs.
  • Claims Management: Efficiently handle and process fire-related insurance claims, including property damage assessments and claims settlements. A rapid response in the event of a fire incident is crucial.
  • Risk Assessment: Conduct ongoing risk assessments to identify potential fire hazards and recommend preventive measures that can mitigate the risk of fire damage.
  • Loss Prevention: Offer loss prevention and risk reduction services to minimize the likelihood of fire-related incidents. This may include fire safety training and recommendations.


Scope of Work for Vehicle Insurance:

  • Policy Development: Create and tailor vehicle insurance policies to cover our fleet of vehicles, including NA-owned cars, Buses, Vans, and any personal vehicles used for work purposes by our staff.
  • Claims Handling: Efficiently process and manage insurance claims related to vehicle accidents. This includes providing support in the event of accidents, handling claims submissions, and ensuring timely settlements.
  • Coverage Updates: Work with our NA to regularly review and update vehicle insurance coverage to reflect changes in the fleet, staff usage, and any legal requirements.


Qualifications and Requirements

Insurance providers are required to meet the following qualifications and requirements:

  • Licensed and authorized to provide insurance services in the region.
  • Proven experience in providing health, fire, and vehicle insurance services.
  • Financial stability and a strong track record of claims processing.
  • Excellent customer service and support capabilities.


Tender Process

2.1.1 Issuing the Tender

This tender is being issued on 10/01/2024. All interested insurance providers are invited to submit their proposals.

2.1.2 Pre-submission Meeting

A pre-submission meeting will be held on 17/01/2024 at the National office to address any questions and concerns regarding the tender.

2.1.3 Submission Guidelines

  • Proposals must be submitted by 23/01/2024
  • Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Insurance Tender Proposal" and addressed to SOS Children’s Villages – Lebanon
  • Electronic submissions will be rejected.


2.1.4 Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Coverage options including continuity and Renewal Guarantee
  • Claims processing
  • Customer service
  • Company reputation


2.1.5 Awarding of Contract

The contract will be awarded to the insurance provider that best meets the organization's requirements and criteria. The decision will be communicated to the selected provider within 15 days of the selections.


3.1 Insurance Coverage Required

3.1.1 Health Insurance Coverage:

  • Healthcare Provider Network: The insurance plan should provide access to a network of reputable healthcare providers and hospitals within the region.
  • Coverage Types: Comprehensive coverage should include hospitalization, outpatient services, and medical tests.
  • Coverage Limits: Specify the annual and lifetime coverage limits for various medical services.


  • Deductibles and Co-Payments: Describe the deductibles and co-payments that staff members will be responsible for.
  • Emergency Services: Ensure that the plan covers emergency medical services.
  • Exclusions: Outline any specific medical conditions or treatments that may be excluded from coverage.

3.1.2 Fire Insurance Coverage:

  • Coverage Types: Specify the types of properties covered, which may include buildings, equipment, and inventory.
  • Coverage Limits: Set coverage limits for each property type, including replacement cost and coverage for contents.
  • Perils Covered: List the specific perils covered, such as fire, lightning, explosion, and vandalism.
  • Deductibles: Define the deductible amounts for different property types.
  • Valuation Method: Describe how property values will be determined, e.g., actual cash value, replacement cost, or agreed value.
  • Business Interruption: If relevant, outline coverage for business interruption in case of fire-related disruptions.
  • Additional Coverages: Specify any additional coverages, such as protection against natural disasters like earthquakes or floods.

3.1.3 Vehicle Insurance Coverage:

  • Vehicle Types: Define the types of vehicles covered, including NA-owned cars, buses, Vans, and any specific vehicles used by staff.
  • Coverage Types: Include coverage for liability, collision, comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and medical payments.
  • Coverage Limits: Specify the coverage limits for different types of vehicles and coverage categories.
  • Deductibles: Define the deductibles for each type of coverage.
  • Drivers Covered: Specify who is covered by the policy, whether it is staff members operating NA vehicles or personal vehicles for work purposes.
  • Additional Coverages: Consider any additional coverage options, such as roadside assistance or coverage for rental vehicles.
  • Usage Restrictions: If there are restrictions on vehicle usage, clearly state them, e.g., restrictions on personal use of NA vehicles.


4.1 Terms and Conditions

4.1.1 Terms of Agreement

- Duration of the Agreement:

  • The initial term of this insurance agreement shall be for a period of two (2) years commencing from 15/02/2024. The agreement may be extended for additional one-year terms upon mutual agreement by both parties, provided that a notice of intent to renew or non-renew is given at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the current term.

- Termination Clauses:

  • Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach by the other party, provided the breaching party fails to cure the breach within 30 days of receiving notice.
  • The agreement may also be terminated by either party for convenience with 90 days' written notice to the other party. In such cases, the terminating party shall not be liable for any termination fee.
  • In the event of termination for any reason, both parties agree to cooperate in the orderly transition of services to ensure minimal disruption to insured individuals.

- Payment Terms:

  • The insurance provider shall invoice the organization on a monthly basis. Payments shall be due within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

4.1.2 Compliance and Regulations

- Licensing and Certification:

  • The insurance provider shall maintain all necessary licenses and certifications to operate as an insurance provider in Lebanon. The provider shall provide proof of these licenses upon request.

- Regulatory Compliance:

  • The insurance provider shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the provision of insurance services.

- Data Protection:

  • The provider shall implement appropriate data security measures to safeguard sensitive and personal data in accordance with Data Protection Laws. Any breaches of data security shall be promptly reported to the organization, and the provider shall cooperate fully in addressing such breaches.





- Reporting and Auditing:

  • Both parties shall regularly submit financial reconciliation reports as required by applicable regulations.

4.1.3 Confidentiality

- Confidential Information Definition:

  • "Confidential Information" refers to any information, whether in written, verbal, electronic, or other form, that is not publicly available and is of a confidential or proprietary nature. This includes, but is not limited to, employee records, financial data, business plans, and any information designated as confidential by the organization.

- Non-Disclosure Agreement:

  • The insurance provider shall sign a separate Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data.

- Data Security Measures:

  • The insurance provider shall employ encryption, access controls, and data segregation to protect confidential information.

- Data Breach Response:

  • The provider shall have documented procedures for reporting and addressing data breaches, including a requirement to promptly notify the organization and any affected individuals in the event of a data breach.

4.1.4 Termination Clause

- Termination for Cause:

  • Either party may terminate this agreement for cause upon written notice if the other party materially breaches any term or condition of this agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days of receiving written notice.

- Notice Period:

  • A termination notice must be provided at least 90 days in advance to terminate this agreement, except in cases of termination for cause.

- Consequences of Termination:

  • Upon termination, the insurance provider shall promptly transfer all relevant documents, records, and funds, including those relating to in-progress claims, to the organization. Any outstanding premiums or claims shall be settled in accordance with the terms of the agreement.


- Termination Fees:

  • No termination fees shall apply if this agreement is terminated in accordance with the terms outlined in the agreement.

- Post-Termination Obligations:

  • Both parties shall continue to abide by the confidentiality and data protection provisions even after termination. The insurance provider shall assist in the orderly transition of insurance services.



How to apply

All bids must be submitted in sealed envelope showing the project name, bidder’s name, phone number and email to the following address:

Beirut, Sin El Fil, Monseigneur Shebli Street, SOS building, 3rd floor. Note that all pages should be stamped and signed.

Friday, 26. Jan 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth