Expertise France is seeking the services of Risk Management expert to build the capacities and develop an internal and external risk management plan for two of it’s local partners: the Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI), Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL). LRI focuses on improving forest landscape, management, and restauration, agroforestry, fire prevention, and raising awareness around these issues, is seeking to reinforce its capacity and ability to face potential threats on the field but also, at office level, while LAL is a local NGO focusing on Education and operating in several regions across Lebanon, is seeking to reinforce its capacity and ability to face potential threats on the field but also, at office level.

The consultant, an expert in Risk Management and Contingency Planning, with proven experience in the humanitarian sector (experience with LNGOs is a must), especially within the Lebanese context, will meet with LRI’s and LAL’s team separately.

The consultant is expected to deliver the following for each partner:

  • For LRI
    • Develop a Risk Management Plan for addressing potential internal and external threat.
    • Present the final document to LRI’s team with an action plan which will include clear steps to support LRI in the implementation phase
  • For LAL
    • Develop a Risk Management Plan for addressing potential internal and external threat.
    • Present the final document to LAL’s team with an action plan which will include clear steps to support LAL in the implementation phase





  • Develop a Risk Management plan for LRI which will include all potential threats (internal and external) concerning their team, their activities, and offices. This plan will include situations and ways and solutions to address it.
  • Organize a workshop through which the Risk Management plan will be presented to LRI’s team with clear steps to implement its content.
  • Develop a Risk Management plan for LAL which will include all potential threats (internal and external) concerning their team, their activities, and offices. This plan will include situations and ways and solutions to address it.
  • Organize a workshop through which the Risk Management plan will be presented to LAL’s team with clear steps to implement its content.
  • Prepare a final report for the consultancy detailing all the process, LRI meeting notes/minutes and all deliverables.
  • Prepare a final report for the consultancy detailing all the process, LAL meeting notes/minutes and all deliverables.





  • Closely coordinate with Expertise France regarding the activities to be implemented.
  • Ensure regular communication with both LRI, LAL and Expertise France throughout the process.
  • Meet with LRI’s team and LAL’s team to collect all information needed on their premises and programming, research, draft and develop a Risk Management plan.
  • Organize a workshop to present the results to LRI’s team.
  • Organize a workshop to present the results to LAL’s team.
  • Validate with Expertise France the Risk Management plan prior the final presentation.


Prepare two final reports; One which will lay out all the process, LRI meeting notes/minutes and all deliverables and the other will lay out all the process, LAL meeting notes/minutes and all deliverables

How to apply

Applications (detailed resume and cover letter) are to be sent to the following email address: [email protected]  and [email protected] under the title: Risk Mitigation – LRI x LAL x EF.

Application should include the following documents:

    • For Companies
      • Annex I – complete Legal entity form including MOF and VAT registration certificates.  
      • Annex II – complete financial identification form along with a bank letter confirming the bank account details.
      • A portfolio of similar experiences
      • Annex III – complete Sworn statement
      • Filled and signed copy of the safety questionnaire
      • Copies of the company shareholders passports 
    • For Individuals (freelance consultants)
      • Annex II – complete financial identification form along with a bank letter confirming the bank account details.
      • MOF registration number certificate
      • A portfolio of similar experiences
      • Annex III – complete Sworn statement
      • Filled and signed copy of the safety questionnaire
      • Copy of the individual consultant passport


  • Technical offer (for all experts involved, whether companies or individual applicants)
    • Expert CVs
    • Annex III – Methodology and chronogram - covering all tasks listed in the tender.
  • Financial Offer for all deliverables mentioned in article 4 (key tasks and deliverables) including the number of days required for each deliverable.
  • Workplan (estimate time for delivering the consultancy)

The deadline for application is February 29th,  2024.

Thursday, 29. Feb 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
4 months