RFQ02-10/23: Pest Control for School Storage Rooms - North Lebanon & Akkar

The selected supplier should provide:
• Three rounds of pest control (November 2023, February 2024, and April 2024).
• Use of pesticides for rodents and crawling insects such as worms, ants, cockroaches.
Pesticides should be food-storage area friendly (Certificate required)
• Inspection of:
o The storage room status, checking for any cracks or openings (like holes made as
water outlets or other).
o The status of the windows and doors, checking if they close properly and if there
are any cracks that may allow insects or rodents to enter.
o Humidity, ventilation, and sunlight levels, and the suitability for fresh food storage.
If the humidity levels are high, then, a solution should be identified and, upon
Development Culture and Leadership
approval by DCL, should be implemented (potential cost will be discussed
separately, on a per case basis).
o Any potential risk related to the storage of food items.
• Comprehensive report with comments on all the above points following the visits to the

How to apply

Please fill in the RFQ Form, and submit it along with your financial proposals at
[email protected], indicating separately the quote for the 34 schools of Stage 1, and the
quote for the 21 schools of Stage 2. Also, besides your quotation, include in your proposal: (a)
background of your company (years of operation, ownership status, etc), (b) analysis of the
pest control management process to be used, (c) portfolio of clientele.

Monday, 06. Nov 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Food & Nutrition