Consultant for a study on Mental health and psychosocial support approaches in the GBV sector

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Application process and deadline

Interested candidates may apply online by providing: 

  • Most updated CV
  • Updated P11 (click here)
  • Cover letter mentioning the relevance of past/current experience with the requirements of the consultancy
  • Previous research or similar work completed by the consultant
  • A financial and narrative proposal, narrative proposal should include a clear working plan and timeline
  • Mention in the email subject the post title and number


The above documents must be sent to [email protected]  by no later than 8th September 2023 Candidates who fail to submit the required documents above will not be considered for review. UNFPA Lebanon will only be responsible to respond to those applicants submitting the required documents above and in which there is further interest. ONLY individual consultants, not companies, are eligible to apply.

Candidates assessed by the panel and considered to be eligible for the appointment but who are not selected for this vacant post may be offered an assignment to another position at the same/lower grade provided that they meet the minimum qualifications required.

Contact Person Email: 


Official Job Title:

Consultant for a study on Mental health and psychosocial support approaches in the GBV sector

Duty Station

Lebanon, UNFPA Office

Hiring Office

UNFPA Lebanon

Grade (Classified)


Vacancy Ref #



40 working days 

Start-up Date

September 22nd, 2023




Study on Mental health and psychosocial support approaches in the GBV sector: towards a joint vision of common approaches

Purpose of consultancy:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA works towards achieving three transformative results: end preventable maternal deaths, end unmet need for family planning and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. To read more about UNFPA, please go to: UNFPA about us


Since August 2022, UNFPA has started with various partners to implement and ECHO funded project entitled: “Provision of Lifesaving, Integrated Services on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence in Lebanon”. Through this project UNFPA will provide and strengthen lifesaving and life-sustaining integrated sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services to women, girls, men, and boys in crisis-affected districts with high severity and high number of PIN, with a focus on improving the reach of most vulnerable, marginalized groups such as PwD and LGBTIQ+ persons. In this action, UNFPA's goal is to establish a sustainable and tailored approach that contributes to increased access to the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls and wellbeing of mothers, reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality as well as providing GBV response services by ensuring availability, access to, and utilization of integrated SRH and GBV services and information for beneficiaries from different population groups and regions.


The integrated GBV-SRH model piloted and adopted by UNFPA has proved to be cost-effective, ensuring survivors receive needed services in the same location, with internal referrals through a "one-stop shop center" model or external to nearby GBV service provider. The intervention is supporting 8 primary health centres (PHC) to upscale the integrated model accompanied with a capacity-building component to ensure a sustainable humanitarian-development nexus approach. Complementary GBV response services are ensured through the support to emergency safe shelters, the use of Cash Assistance within Case Management to mitigate GBV risks, respond to GBV consequences and improve access to GBV, SRH and services.


As part of the provided GBV service package survivors receive different level of psychosocial support services in the Women and Girls Safe Spaces in Lebanon. As co-chair of the GBV WG, UNFPA and UNHCR, MOSA  in coordination with the core group have identified the need of mapping the PSS approaches, documenting best practices and lessons learnt and define minimum standards of care and tools to be adopted by sector members.  PSS is the largest response area in the GBV programming, yet several members use different approaches and definitions. An analysis is needed to clarify what partners are doing, showing the impact of interventions and provide recommendations.


The purpose of the consultancy supported by ECHO is to conduct a comprehensive research study on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) practices in the GBV sector in Lebanon, aiming at identifying best practices and set sectorial recommendations on approaches. Lebanon has faced numerous challenges, including prolonged conflicts, political instability, and the recent devastating impact of the economic crisis, which have collectively contributed to significant psychosocial stressors on women and girls. By undertaking this research study, UNFPA on behalf of the GBV WG seeks to gain a deep understanding of PSS approaches in WGSS and GBV programmes any change in PSS impact of current crisis and response. The findings will inform evidence-based recommendations for GBV programming.


Based on the above, a consultant will be engaged:

A. Identify and map MHPSS approaches applied and implemented by GBV partners and document good practices.

B. Identify the changes in PSS needs and gaps in the last 3 years as a result of the crises the country has faced.

C.  Identify amongst the mapped the best practices in MHPSS related intervention for GBV partners, including innovative approaches addressing the identified MHPSS needs in Lebanon based on an age, gender and diversity sensitive approach.

D. Present findings and approaches at various interagency platforms and coordination mechanisms.

E. Provide recommendations for strengthening the MHPSS services and the monitoring and evaluation tools used by organizations to ensure the actual measure for MHPSS projects’ impact.


Scope of work:


(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The consultant will work under UNFPA’s supervision and in close collaboration with the national GBV WG and the national MHPSS task force to carry out the following tasks:

  • Describe data collection methods to be used and develop relevant tools (surveys, KIIs, FGDs) and prepare consultancy action plan. Agree on list of KII and organization sample involved with the GBV WG/Core group.
  • Review relevant literature, reports, national guidelines and strategies, and existing program documents related to MHPSS in GBV programming in Lebanon.
  • Consult key actors involved in MHPSS programs such as UN agency, Local NGOs, International NGOS, MHPSS TF, MOPH (including the work of the National Mental Health Program), and MOSA to identify good practices for the MHPSS interventions and their impact of survivors’ resilience and GBV risk mitigation.
  • Conduct a validation workshop for the draft of the report in English.
  • Finalize the report based on UNFPA/GBV WG input and comments and the validation workshop + a PPT summarizing the methodology and key findings + recommendations. The report must contain actionable recommendations for program design
  • Represent the research in different IA coordination platforms and working groups meetings.


Duration working schedule:

40 working days (Between September 22  and December 11, 2023)


Place where services are to be delivered:


Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Delivery Date: December 11th, 2023.

All deliverables will be submitted electronically in English

The consultant is expected to work for 40 working days within 3 months, during which the payments will be reimbursed as detailed below. All deliverables will be submitted electronically


Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:





  1. Conduct research based on agreed methodology


A.1 Inception report outlining the proposed methodology and work plan.

A.2 Progress report summarizing the key findings from the literature review, stakeholder consultations, and field assessment, along with a draft of tools recommended for MHPSS programs.

A3. Validation workshop on findings

September 28th




October 25th










November 8th


B. Final report incorporating all the feedback received, providing detailed recommendations for program improvement and endorsed by GBV WG.


B.1 Final report incorporating all the feedback received, providing detailed recommendations for program improvement.


December 11th



Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Humanitarian coordinator, the GBV-SRH integration Program Coordinator and in close collaboration with the GBV WG co chairs

Expected travel:


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The Consultant should fulfil the following requirements:

Education: Master’s degree in Psychology, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Public Health, with previous work experience and considerable skills in conducting research studies.


  • 7 years’ experience in GBV and MHPSS or related subject areas.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting assessments and developing strategies related to MHPSS programs.
  • Preferred knowledge of Lebanon and work experience in Middle East and Syria crisis
  • Excellent research, analytical, and report-writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently and to take initiative and ownership of the task.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective working relations with different stakeholders.
  • Working with international organizations/ UN agencies/ donors is an asset.
  • Ability to work efficiently and adhere to deadlines
  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Arabic.
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English and Arabic


Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

  • sharing details regarding UNFPA activities in Lebanon
  • sharing relevant documents/reports
  • facilitating contact with the IPs and other stakeholders
  • reviewing the consultancy tools and draft report

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:


Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office: Pamela Di Camillo

Date: August 25th , 2023




Study on Mental health and psychosocial support approaches in the GBV sector: towards a joint vision of common approaches

Purpose of consultancy:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA works towards achieving three transformative results: end preventable maternal deaths, end unmet need for family planning and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. To read more about UNFPA, please go to: UNFPA about us


Since August 2022, UNFPA has started with various partners to implement and ECHO funded project entitled: “Provision of Lifesaving, Integrated Services on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence in Lebanon”. Through this project UNFPA will provide and strengthen lifesaving and life-sustaining integrated sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services to women, girls, men, and boys in crisis-affected districts with high severity and high number of PIN, with a focus on improving the reach of most vulnerable, marginalized groups such as PwD and LGBTIQ+ persons. In this action, UNFPA's goal is to establish a sustainable and tailored approach that contributes to increased access to the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls and wellbeing of mothers, reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality as well as providing GBV response services by ensuring availability, access to, and utilization of integrated SRH and GBV services and information for beneficiaries from different population groups and regions.


The integrated GBV-SRH model piloted and adopted by UNFPA has proved to be cost-effective, ensuring survivors receive needed services in the same location, with internal referrals through a "one-stop shop center" model or external to nearby GBV service provider. The intervention is supporting 8 primary health centres (PHC) to upscale the integrated model accompanied with a capacity-building component to ensure a sustainable humanitarian-development nexus approach. Complementary GBV response services are ensured through the support to emergency safe shelters, the use of Cash Assistance within Case Management to mitigate GBV risks, respond to GBV consequences and improve access to GBV, SRH and services.


As part of the provided GBV service package survivors receive different level of psychosocial support services in the Women and Girls Safe Spaces in Lebanon. As co-chair of the GBV WG, UNFPA and UNHCR, MOSA  in coordination with the core group have identified the need of mapping the PSS approaches, documenting best practices and lessons learnt and define minimum standards of care and tools to be adopted by sector members.  PSS is the largest response area in the GBV programming, yet several members use different approaches and definitions. An analysis is needed to clarify what partners are doing, showing the impact of interventions and provide recommendations.


The purpose of the consultancy supported by ECHO is to conduct a comprehensive research study on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) practices in the GBV sector in Lebanon, aiming at identifying best practices and set sectorial recommendations on approaches. Lebanon has faced numerous challenges, including prolonged conflicts, political instability, and the recent devastating impact of the economic crisis, which have collectively contributed to significant psychosocial stressors on women and girls. By undertaking this research study, UNFPA on behalf of the GBV WG seeks to gain a deep understanding of PSS approaches in WGSS and GBV programmes any change in PSS impact of current crisis and response. The findings will inform evidence-based recommendations for GBV programming.


Based on the above, a consultant will be engaged:

A. Identify and map MHPSS approaches applied and implemented by GBV partners and document good practices.

B. Identify the changes in PSS needs and gaps in the last 3 years as a result of the crises the country has faced.

C.  Identify amongst the mapped the best practices in MHPSS related intervention for GBV partners, including innovative approaches addressing the identified MHPSS needs in Lebanon based on an age, gender and diversity sensitive approach.

D. Present findings and approaches at various interagency platforms and coordination mechanisms.

E. Provide recommendations for strengthening the MHPSS services and the monitoring and evaluation tools used by organizations to ensure the actual measure for MHPSS projects’ impact.


Scope of work:


(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The consultant will work under UNFPA’s supervision and in close collaboration with the national GBV WG and the national MHPSS task force to carry out the following tasks:

  • Describe data collection methods to be used and develop relevant tools (surveys, KIIs, FGDs) and prepare consultancy action plan. Agree on list of KII and organization sample involved with the GBV WG/Core group.
  • Review relevant literature, reports, national guidelines and strategies, and existing program documents related to MHPSS in GBV programming in Lebanon.
  • Consult key actors involved in MHPSS programs such as UN agency, Local NGOs, International NGOS, MHPSS TF, MOPH (including the work of the National Mental Health Program), and MOSA to identify good practices for the MHPSS interventions and their impact of survivors’ resilience and GBV risk mitigation.
  • Conduct a validation workshop for the draft of the report in English.
  • Finalize the report based on UNFPA/GBV WG input and comments and the validation workshop + a PPT summarizing the methodology and key findings + recommendations. The report must contain actionable recommendations for program design
  • Represent the research in different IA coordination platforms and working groups meetings.


Duration working schedule:

40 working days (Between September 11  and December 11, 2023)


Place where services are to be delivered:


Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Delivery Date: December 11th, 2023.

All deliverables will be submitted electronically in English

The consultant is expected to work for 40 working days within 3 months, during which the payments will be reimbursed as detailed below. All deliverables will be submitted electronically


Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:





  1. Conduct research based on agreed methodology


A.1 Inception report outlining the proposed methodology and work plan.

A.2 Progress report summarizing the key findings from the literature review, stakeholder consultations, and field assessment, along with a draft of tools recommended for MHPSS programs.

A3. Validation workshop on findings

September 18th




October 25th










November 8th


B. Final report incorporating all the feedback received, providing detailed recommendations for program improvement and endorsed by GBV WG.


B.1 Final report incorporating all the feedback received, providing detailed recommendations for program improvement.


December 11th



Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Humanitarian coordinator, the GBV-SRH integration Program Coordinator and in close collaboration with the GBV WG co chairs

Expected travel:


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The Consultant should fulfil the following requirements:

Education: Master’s degree in Psychology, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Public Health, with previous work experience and considerable skills in conducting research studies.


  • 7 years’ experience in GBV and MHPSS or related subject areas.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting assessments and developing strategies related to MHPSS programs.
  • Preferred knowledge of Lebanon and work experience in Middle East and Syria crisis
  • Excellent research, analytical, and report-writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently and to take initiative and ownership of the task.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective working relations with different stakeholders.
  • Working with international organizations/ UN agencies/ donors is an asset.
  • Ability to work efficiently and adhere to deadlines
  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Arabic.
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English and Arabic


Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

  • sharing details regarding UNFPA activities in Lebanon
  • sharing relevant documents/reports
  • facilitating contact with the IPs and other stakeholders
  • reviewing the consultancy tools and draft report

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:


Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office: Pamela Di Camillo

Date: August 25th , 2023



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
01 Sep, 2023
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues
Application Deadline:
Friday, 8 September 2023
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
40 working days
Salary Range:
> 3000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
5 to 10 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon