LEB/BEIRUT/Trucks and Labour/052023
Tender Reference: LEB/BEIRUT/Trucks and Labour/052023
Expression of Interest ‘Local National Tender ‘ for a Framework Agreement for Trucks and Labour Service in Lebanon (North Lebanon, Beirut and whole Lebanon)
Concern Worldwide Lebanon invites bids for Framework Agreement for Trucks and Labour service in North Lebanon (Akkar and T5), Beirut and all Lebanon from service providers registered and physically present to operate in Lebanon.
Project work is funded by UNHCR, Irish Aid, WFP, ECHO and other Concern donors.
The tender dossiers are available by requesting the tender pack via an email to lebanon.tenders@concern.net from Wednesday 23rd August 11:00 AM.
Sealed Tender bids should be received in hard copy at Concern Lebanon Beirut and or Halba office on or before September 5, 2023 at 03:00 PM. Or by sending the Documents by email on lebanon.tenders@concern.net with the email subject LEB/BEIRUT/Trucks and Labour/052023
Concern retains the right to accept or reject any offer/proposal prior to the final Shortlisting of the Suppliers and to cancel the bidding process and reject all offers at any time.
How to apply
Sealed Tender bids should be received in hard copy at Concern Lebanon Beirut and or Halba office on or before September 5, 2023 at 03:00 PM. Or by sending the Documents by email on lebanon.tenders@concern.net with the email subject LEB/BEIRUT/Trucks and Labour/052023