Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

The supporting documents :

- Copy of diplomas and academic certifications

- Copy of employment certificates and/or recommendation letters from previous employers

- Copy of your ID + passport-sized photo

- Full home address and home phone number 

- Contact details of at least three people you have worked with and whom we can contact for background check. We need their name, their phone number, their current title and the name of the company they work at.

We would also appreciate if you can specify the nature of the relationship you have/had with them (manager, colleague, subordinate, etc.).

You may send the documents scanned by email.

The top candidates will be invited to an interview to determine the finalists for this position. Since the selection will be based on information provided by the candidates, it is in the candidate's best interest to address the mandatory and desirable qualifications of the job as they apply to their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Contact Person Name: 
karim mawlawy
Contact Person Position: 
Human Resources Director
Contact Person Email: 

About Rahma Medical Center 

RMC is a non-profit organization founded in 1997. It is recognized as one of the best rehabilitation centers in Lebanon. It has earned a good reputation in the field of rehabilitation due to the best services it offers and its patient care system.
Most people choose Rahma Medical Center because of the experienced staff that provides physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, social and psychological services for patients of all ages(from children to adults). Rahma Medical Center offers treatment for a range of conditions , from the most complex conditions including cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, stroke and traumatic brain injury, to the more common, such as chronic pain and sports injuries.

ADJI has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of beneficiaries.

Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is everyone’s responsibility and all staff are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct, that enshrines principles of PSEA, always (both during work hours and outside work hours). Familiarization with, and adherence to, the Code of Conduct is an essential requirement of all staff, in addition to related mandatory training. All staff must ensure that they understand and act in accordance with this clause.

About Project

According to the new community based rehabilitation CBR program and in collaboration with LHF/ UN OCHA, Rahma hospital- Association Des Jeunes Islamiques (ADJI) will provide community based multidisciplinary rehabilitation services to CWDS, PWDS & elderly to meet their emergency needs in order to prevent long-term functional/physical impairment and ensure adequate referral to specialized services.

The project will cover the most vulnerable areas of Mhammara, Ouadi Khaled (Amayer), Bebnine, Halba, Mazareaa Jabal Akroum, Berqayel, Machta Hamoud in Akkar district and in Trablous El-Qobbe, Trablous El-Tell, Trablous El-Haddadine, El-Hadid, El-Mharta, Trablous et Tabbaneh, Trablous Ez-Zeitoun, Mina N3 in Tripoli district.

In Tripoli, ADJI will deliver the services through its rehabilitation center and mobile team, while in Akkar, ADJI will deliver the services in 9 locals rehabilitation center/clinics through contracted therapists distributed over the areas of intervention to transfer its knowledge to local actors, create a sustainable action and improve accessibility to the services by release the transportation burden.

Duties & Responsibilities

The role of speech therapists is to assess the individual needs of beneficiary and design programs to best aid beneficiary with language and speech problems. Treatment plans often involve working with beneficiary and their caregivers. Speech therapists will work with beneficiary who have difficulty swallowing, refining beneficiary, enunciation skills, providing vocal instruction, and helping beneficiary who have suffered the loss of their voices. In addition to devising treatment programs and assisting beneficiary, speech therapists will additionally work with caregivers, instructing them on how to implement treatment elements for beneficiary.

Speech therapists must keep accurate records and reports, and they're responsible for writing evaluations and education plans. Similar to the teachers with whom they work, speech therapists must attend all required meetings such as caregivers conferences. Often, therapists are expected to keep up-to-date in the field by attending conferences and reading literature related to the field. Additional job duties may include:

- Evaluating beneficiary progress and determining if treatment should end

- Selecting appropriate technology and material for the beneficiary

- Monitoring communication skills of a beneficiary in a number of settings

- Referring beneficiary to appropriate agency or special services, if needed

- Scheduling treatment sessions for each beneficiary



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
19 Aug, 2023
Intervention Sector(s):
Disability, Family, Refugees, Rehabilitation
Application Deadline:
Thursday, 31 August 2023
Contract Type:
Part Time
Period of Employment:
11 month
Salary Range:
< 800 (USD)
Education Degree:
Bachelor Degree
Education Degree Details:
bachelor degree in speech therapist, master is plus
Experience Requirements:
2 to 3 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
Very Good
French Language:
Very Good
  • Lebanon
  • North Lebanon
  • Tripoli
  • Tripoli