Football Player's Uniforms & Related Items

1. Gate Lebanon is looking to procure GOOD QUALITY Football Player's Uniforms & Items.

2. 4 Logos (Colored) Should be Printed on each T-Shirt.

3. Kindly note that the requested Items and Quantities are in the related document section.

4. Offers must be in EURO Currency.

5. Payments will be done in Euro Currency.

6. Please provide the Origin of the offered items.

7. Include delivery cost to our Office in Ashrafieh.

8. GATE Lebanon is entitled to exercise its discretion in selecting multiple items from various suppliers who have submitted tenders, taking into consideration factors such as material quality and price comparison. The organization is not obligated to exclusively engage a single supplier for the procurement of all items.




How to apply

Offers  & Samples should be submitted by hand to GATE Lebanon Office at the following address

Ashrafieh, Gaetawei - Shoqri Shouqair St - Assaad Eid Building - 3rd Floor

Telephone 01565466

Note: Submitted Offers without Samples will be rejected.

Thursday, 30. Nov 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth