ISOSEP/CALL/SUP/2023/01 – CIG Z8E3B841E7 - Supply of Hardware and Software for the upgrade of the Ministry of Social Affairs ICT infrastructure
The upgrade of the Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) in Lebanon will consist in the supply, delivery, installation and testing of all elements composing the proposed new configuration of the ICT infrastructure at MoSA premises. It will entail the purchase of new servers, SAN storage, firewalls, specific software and other minor items, as well as performing subsidiary ancillary services such as the installation of the equipment, its testing and the training of MoSA personnel.
How to apply
The complete tender dossier is available at the following link:
Tuesday, 25. Jul 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Humanitarian & Development Financing